How many of you got scammed by Desshea aka onthewayup

Prove they don't.

Next time you log into your Namecheap account, check the page source for these:

<li id="footer-plusone-container"> 
<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render --> 
<g.plusone count="false" href="[URL=""][/URL]">
Google Checkout:
... and, Gasp! Analytics:

Are you really saying Namecheap whois provides zero protection from Google?

I think I got the skinny on onthewayup.

I contacted him about 8 months ago looking for urgent help with some local clients in GA. A friend of mine on Wickedfire reffered me to him. This was when things seemed good for him. We've been working together ever since. Did I know he was banned recently? Not really, but what i do know is he knows his shit, and he's helped me more then I coulda asked for with my clients.

I do remember some months ago shit got real rough. He was hard to get in touch with, barely answered my emails, yadda yadda. I had a ton of shit invested in him and asked him did he want to take a trip down here to get away from everything, and he spilled his guts to me.

I'm not gonna air his business, but whatever happened with the attack on his network, broke him down mentally and financially.Said something about spending like 10k just to stop the attack. Shitty as it was, you guys gotta remember, the kid is young. he's like 25 /26, been in a relationship for 5 years with a girl that has two kids who have no father in the picture. Fuck, that couldn't be me, but he took the challenge to take care of everyone. I remember when he worked like 3 straight days with no sleep just getting orders done.

All in all, he's a good kid with a big heart. As for the scamming stuff, I can't say anything because i dunno. What I can say is that I still work with him, and will continue to work with him, and we haven't had problems for months. Shit is crazy (just read the threads) seemed like the downfall was the attack.

Shit, that's just me talking, not sure about everybody else. Hope that helped.
I remember when he worked like 3 straight days with no sleep just getting orders done.

There is absolutely no denying that he worked his ass off. I had alot of conversations with him on Skype and he seemed like a genuinely nice guy who was just trying to hustle to get his business going. The work he did for me was solid, and he never wanted me to be unhappy with the quality of the order.

Its too bad his blog network got de-indexed, and yea, the attack on his other network is what really led to his downfall. Google was really changing the algorithm during that period, and interlinking of properties became a no-no, which was something his Super Mininet was based off of. So I can't blame him for getting me sandboxed, I knew exactly what type of links he was going to build, so I accepted the risk.

Can't blame him for spending money to try and salvage the network. Imagine how annoying it would be to continue being DDOS'ed with no end in sight.

I don't think he ever came here with a malicious intent to steal people's money. But at the end of the day, if it comes down to giving some guy you've never met before a paypal refund or putting food on the table for your starving kids, family always comes first. That's the risk we take with buying links online, you never have complete control.
I think I got the skinny on onthewayup.

I contacted him about 8 months ago looking for urgent help with some local clients in GA. A friend of mine on Wickedfire reffered me to him. This was when things seemed good for him. We've been working together ever since. Did I know he was banned recently? Not really, but what i do know is he knows his shit, and he's helped me more then I coulda asked for with my clients.

I do remember some months ago shit got real rough. He was hard to get in touch with, barely answered my emails, yadda yadda. I had a ton of shit invested in him and asked him did he want to take a trip down here to get away from everything, and he spilled his guts to me.

I'm not gonna air his business, but whatever happened with the attack on his network, broke him down mentally and financially.Said something about spending like 10k just to stop the attack. Shitty as it was, you guys gotta remember, the kid is young. he's like 25 /26, been in a relationship for 5 years with a girl that has two kids who have no father in the picture. Fuck, that couldn't be me, but he took the challenge to take care of everyone. I remember when he worked like 3 straight days with no sleep just getting orders done.

All in all, he's a good kid with a big heart. As for the scamming stuff, I can't say anything because i dunno. What I can say is that I still work with him, and will continue to work with him, and we haven't had problems for months. Shit is crazy (just read the threads) seemed like the downfall was the attack.

Shit, that's just me talking, not sure about everybody else. Hope that helped.

Deshea? Nice to see you sticking up for youself, lol.
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I dunno about being "scammed", but his super mininet sandboxed my site for 8 months. The blog network wasn't his, and the owner of it got busted for paid links and the entire network was deindexed/devalued.

I warned people about this months into deshea's thread. He did the same thing on another forum and then when he got founds out he left and came here. He is probably long gone on another forum somewhere else scamming a new group of people
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cant help but think that the ddos guy mustve reported his link network to google as well

Par for the course with that guy. I'm sure he'll be back in a few weeks with some new story about how he was in a plane crash or was whisked away on a sailboat race around the world or whatever crazy once in a lifetime excuse he comes up with this time.

Basic flowchart for Addison on WF:

Start new EDU service -> first couple of orders go well -> next round of orders take a little longer -> Addison disappears and people go apeshit in the thread -> A few weeks pass -> Addison (or someone representing Addison) shows up with some excuse about some crazy event in his life and apologizes -> Start new EDU service -> (repeat)

Flakiest motherfucker I've seen on WF.
Par for the course with that guy. I'm sure he'll be back in a few weeks with some new story about how he was in a plane crash or was whisked away on a sailboat race around the world or whatever crazy once in a lifetime excuse he comes up with this time.

Basic flowchart for Addison on WF:

Start new EDU service -> first couple of orders go well -> next round of orders take a little longer -> Addison disappears and people go apeshit in the thread -> A few weeks pass -> Addison (or someone representing Addison) shows up with some excuse about some crazy event in his life and apologizes -> Start new EDU service -> (repeat)

Flakiest motherfucker I've seen on WF.

I was one of the victims. first time round I sent him my stuff and it all went according to plan.. Next order I send the payment and the files and assume he's going to get the work done. But no, wait up to 6 weeks and then he drags it out, "wait dude I'll send you the reports when I get home", no reports, "wait dude it's all in the pipeline, will get it in the next few weeks"..

I flip out and demand a refund ASAP

Gives me a sob story about how his dad died in the phillipine tusnami and he's lost everything, but he's lucky to be alive..

I send my condolences and still give him some time to post the articles and send me the report.

I don't hear from him and threaten to pull a paypal chargeback, and he obliges with a full refund.

Before I read this post from you, I actually felt like an ass for being so "inconsiderate".. but man.. It seems it's the same old same old.

Typical fly by night trader, will make empty promises, all the links that I paid for are probably dead, now.. Sites sandboxed, domains expired.
Let that be a lesson to only buy backlink services from people who have giant banners in their sigs. I'd recommend the guy who thinks Google has some magic x-ray specs that can penetrate private whois, or the guy who thinks Chrome supplies Google with complete intelligence on bounce rate, clickthroughs and what people fap to on tumblr.

LMAO! I know who you are talking about. And I have a feeling he is prepping a 17 page retort that will be a great read and surely not make all of our eyes bleed like a ....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I think I got the skinny on onthewayup.

I contacted him about 8 months ago looking for urgent help with some local clients in GA. A friend of mine on Wickedfire reffered me to him. This was when things seemed good for him. We've been working together ever since. Did I know he was banned recently? Not really, but what i do know is he knows his shit, and he's helped me more then I coulda asked for with my clients.

I do remember some months ago shit got real rough. He was hard to get in touch with, barely answered my emails, yadda yadda. I had a ton of shit invested in him and asked him did he want to take a trip down here to get away from everything, and he spilled his guts to me.

I'm not gonna air his business, but whatever happened with the attack on his network, broke him down mentally and financially.Said something about spending like 10k just to stop the attack. Shitty as it was, you guys gotta remember, the kid is young. he's like 25 /26, been in a relationship for 5 years with a girl that has two kids who have no father in the picture. Fuck, that couldn't be me, but he took the challenge to take care of everyone. I remember when he worked like 3 straight days with no sleep just getting orders done.

All in all, he's a good kid with a big heart. As for the scamming stuff, I can't say anything because i dunno. What I can say is that I still work with him, and will continue to work with him, and we haven't had problems for months. Shit is crazy (just read the threads) seemed like the downfall was the attack.

Shit, that's just me talking, not sure about everybody else. Hope that helped.

That is really fucked up! Sad shit.:eek:
I bought from him and he didn't scam me. But he did not act well;

He has problems; deep problems. And I really don't care. I'm not into the charity business; I expect professionalism from the people I deal with; and he showed me anything but. My story:

I buy a few hundred worth of links on his network of sites. I see they stick so I spend less than a grand. Total worth a little over a grand. I didn't notice anything good or bad from the links; but I figure that might catch on (links don't have the same force when they are indexed as they do years down the road); and he provided the service as was advertised; so I was happy.

Then I learn that he sold the site network on Flippa and put in a provision that said:

(for whoever buys it)"You can take down the links that are there if you like" (I para-phrased, but that is basically what it said; you can look up his flippa sales page and see)

To add insult to injury, he sold it for a mere $3k (several members would have bought it at that price)

So I emailed him with a simple:


To which he replied, that he had problems, blah, blah, whine, whine. He mentioned that in the end he added a clause that the new owner can't remove the links. His attitude was, 'how dare you question me'

I replied he should have let me known, and shouldn't have done things the way he did.

Again, he goes into 'poor me'.

I say I don't care about his problems.

He says part of his problem were customers like me complaining on the forums when he runs into trouble and not understanding his problems.

Ironically, I was one of the ones defending him on the forums (I was stupid), so I point that out.

He replies with a "I can't confirm that, so I don't know if you did or didn't. I have a family and had to do what was best for them."

I reply something along the lines of 'I don't care about family, you should been professional, stop making excuses.'

To which I get a Fuck you.

10 min latter; he replies with an apology 'cuz he did see that I defended him.

You draw your own conclusions. But the points I hold against him:

1- If he was going to sell the site; he should have given his customers a chance to buy it. He didn't because he was greedy.

2- He lied on his flippa sales page. He did not mention the expenses of dealing with the ddos.

3- He was selling links on his network right up until the time he was selling it.

4- He refuses to issue refunds.

5- He doesn't apologize for having schemed in an unethical manner against his marketing brethren

6- He clearly had the intention to sell the sites to an owner that could take them down. He only changed that when there was an outcry from the community.

Honestly, I think the guy has a narcissistic personality disorder. His ego is out of wack. I've dealt with people like that before. I wish him the best; I hope he gets therapy and learns to accept his mistakes instead of twisting things around to make himself the victim; because if he keeps at it; I don't think he will do well and he might be a good person underneath his nasty ego.

He makes me think of the episode of south park where Cartman takes credit for jimmies joke (the fishdicks episode). People like that seem mean, but mostly they are just really traumatized from some nasty childhood experience (not saying there shouldn't be consequences to actions)