How did YOU made your first big buck?

1. Sold Pot/Cocaine in High School (Sometimes it was oregano/baby vitamins if I felt like being an asshole)
2. Ebay was a fun run, still make some money with them
3. First four figure day a couple of weeks back thanks to the knowledge/community on Wickedfire
3.5 that I have been working on daily for a year just did 350$ yesterday, biggest day yet - very excited about this one!
4. Well don't have a four yet, when Im steady having 4 figure days I will revisit this thread, but until then I am far from balling

1. When I was 15 I sold all my in game assets in a niche mmorpg for ~2-3k.
2. I joined a late stage startup as employee #5 after meeting the lead developer in an IRC chat room and befriending him. I've yet to meet anybody at the company I work for as the entire company works from home in various states.
Stupid eBay infoproducts on disk. About 50k until competition put me out of business and eBay clamped down on their rules.
Ah man, the good old days of trying to make a buck to pay the bills.

After I read the 4 hour workweek I dropped out of university to pursue a lifestyle of planes, trains and automobiles (without the fat guy stuck to my ass). At the time everyone thought it was one of the stupidest ideas of my life (and I've had many)

Now thy think it was the best.

First "big bucks"? big bucks are kind of relative. A few years ago a $200 day gave me an orgasm, but now it would make me wonder where my left went wrong.

I actually not only dropped out of college, I also quit my job and piled on something like 8k in debt from hiring sleazy web designers who scammed me, coming up with god awful business idea's to begin with (a video game blog of all things) and paying rent with credit while pretending like I had a job. Maybe the web designer just wanted to save me the trouble of landing flat on my face with yet another horrible idea!

The first big payday came out of the blue. There was a new celebrity sex tape in town and I figured that if I couldn't even earn some money peddling a free sex tape to a bunch of horny guys online I might as well find myself a shopping cart and surrender myself to a life of a bum on the streets.

I slapped CPALEAD on the porn site (cpalead was the BEST -until I knew better...) and started spamming the link on the IMDB celebrity profile, blogs, youtube videos and everywhere else. I ended up making almost $900 that first day and pretty much had my months rent covered. I freaked my shit and kept spamming that thing for weeks. I did something like 7,000 that month from it and and it was AWESOME. That site still makes me 3k a month like clockwork several years later and I haven't even touched or looked at it in at least a year. I switched off cpalead though and put a download cpa offer on it instead.

At the same time I started doing ebay -buying a ton of video game supplies cheap through classified sites and flipping them on ebay. I had to rent a larger apartment with a room dedicated to all the crap I picked up and sold. Did about 30k doing that, it paid the bills well for quite a few months. Did some other stuff too until I realized I was kinda wasting my time with idea's that weren't scaleable or sellable.

I started an eCommerce site with a friend and it took off shortly afterwards Did about 150k with it the first year and I really switched my mentality from then on. I think Eben summed it up best -instead of focusing on trying to "take" a buck from a million different people, focus on giving away a hundred dollars of value to a million people and asking for $10 in return. Got in to PPC and PPV, watched a hell of a lot of Eben Pagan and really focused in on building businesses that would last and be around for the long haul. Best investment of time I could have made.
Yahoo! Answers.

Damnit! Yahoo answers was insane!!! It was (and is although I'm not in that space anymore) a damn gold mine!

I still have 4 custom bots sitting on my hard drive that I had my coder develop for yahoo answers. I hit them so hard that they started changing their entire anti spam security protocols to keep up with me. It was freaking awesome. Made a couple hundred k with them at least until it became too difficult for me (and too much of a day to day time sink) to keep up with their security changes.

I used to hit them with those cpalead surveys -and the most ingenious thing about it was -they filled them out for the SAKE of completing the surveys. I would be posting "are you fat?" "what kind of vampire are you?" "who will you marry" questions 24/7 with the bots and then replying with a link to the "fun trivia quiz." People love filling out quizzes. I stripped out the direct affiliate link from the cpalead gateway (so I linked direct to the survey) and people just kept on filling it out for fun. Ah man, those were fun times. Once I learned how to do iframing I was rolling out these quizzes on a conveyor belt.

Man this thread is bringing back memories. Best thread I've read in a while.
My first buck online came from selling free multiplayer hacks (MOHAA etc) for $10.99, we ranked #3 for multiplayer hacks and the site giving them away for free was #1.. But my partner and I made about $500/month for a few years and never updated the hacks.. Eventually private hacks became all the rage and we made a few attempts at partnering with hack providers to resell their hacks but it never worked out.

My second buck came from being annoyed at a local classified ad site admin, the owner ticked me off and so I made a small network of sites to compete with her. This went well until Kijiji and craigslist came across the border.. But the beauty here was many advertisers would sign up for a $14.99 banner ad and never cancel.. I ran the sites actively for about 2 years then the daily grind of approving ads got to me and I stopped doing it.. But many advertisers continued paying for several years afterwards and others would sign up even though the site was broken and no longer showed any ads. All told I made about 10k from this.

The 3rd buck I made online came from watching the opening to Smallville, in particular the season Erica Durance joined the show and the show added a bikini scene to the opening credits. Anyways long story.. But it gave me the idea to create a fan site, it was an ugly little thing that I slapped togather with Xsite.. At this time a service called Link Metro came on the scene and so I signed up and got a boat load of links.

In 3 weeks the ugly Erica Durance site was making $2-3/day, within a few months I brought in my usual partner and we had a content writer and 2 freelancers requesting links on link metro 6-8 hours a day. All told we churned out about 10 fan sites a week with its own basic design, 4-5 news posts and bio page.. By 3 months the sites were turning out $300-$500/day.

Mostly we achieved this by having images next to the adsense ads.. Which alas was no longer allowed and Google then devalued Link Metro causing the network to slide into a long and painful death that lasted several years. Still all told we made about $70,000, most of it when the US dollar was far higher then our Canadian dollar.

Those were the days..
First big buck was about 3 years ago when I ranked for "forex-product review" and hit $6k on the day of the launch. That kind of opened my eyes to what kind of revenue it's possible to make in a single day. After that I stopped working on SEO because I felt like a peasant doing it, started dabbling in paid advertising and I never looked back.
Looting people's houses in Ultima Online (pre uo:r) and selling their shit back to them for USD.

Epic, I did that at one point too. Good old times with dialup connection.

Made my own Pokemon cards (MSpaint + printer) when I was in elementary school and sold it everywhere for 50c each (I should've charged more). Don't remember how much I made but was something like 50 bucks before I got bored of inventing new monsters.

A few years later in 5th grade we had to work with sand stones in chemistry. You guys remember these?

I sold the white dust of cracked sand stones to 9 year olds as cocaine. Not sure how much I made but it was fun seeing them snort the shit through their noses. Nowadays I ask myself if that was really healthy. :smokin:

Then with 15 or 16 I began with Photoshop, learned how to code, sold a few websites, made my own blog with adsense, got into SEO, got assfucked by Google at one point, switched over to paid traffic and never looked back.
1. Sold Pot/Cocaine in High School (Sometimes it was oregano/baby vitamins if I felt like being an asshole)
2. Ebay was a fun run, still make some money with them
3. First four figure day a couple of weeks back thanks to the knowledge/community on Wickedfire
3.5 that I have been working on daily for a year just did 350$ yesterday, biggest day yet - very excited about this one!
4. Well don't have a four yet, when Im steady having 4 figure days I will revisit this thread, but until then I am far from balling

#3.5 doing about 4.5k a month now
Well, I usually don't talk about it much, but I'll make an exception here for you.

I started off with SAFE DOMESTIC pets at first. Nothing I would call big really. Mostly Beagles and Collies.

Once I was comfortable with them I moved up to farm animals. Mainly goats & sheep.

One fateful day though, some old farmer caught me with one of his sheep and told me that though the sheep feels the most like a woman out of all the farm animals, that the White Tail Buck's ASSHOLE was the best that "he" had ever had. He said that he had only been able to do it with dead ones though. That live ones were to fast & dangerous. Their hooves and antlers could even take your manhood right off.

His story intrigued me. So, I set out for the wilds with a plan.

I had to find a place to put my trap that was far far away from the GOOGLEy eyed Peeps!! After some diligent scouting and research I found what "I" thought was relatively SAFE test site for my endeavor.

It took me about 2 months of baiting and checking one of those large wire cage traps, but one night I had me a LIVE Big Buck in it!!! I was so excited that I almost entered the cage on sight and might have put the Big Buck into a panic!! But, I restrained my beastly urges.

Instead I let it feed for awhile on it's favorite food that I had put in the trap.

Then I took out the Tranq Gun and carefully shot a dart in his neck. I started to fantasize about how good that ass was gonna be while waiting for him to go to sleep. Once he was asleep I tied his hooves together and then secured his antlers to the side of the cage just in case he were to wake up too early. (This was my first REAL BIG BUCK and I didn't want anything to go wrong.)

I then stacked a couple of milk crates up under his right hip to get his ass up to an easily accessible height.

Let me tell you, right here and now......that was the BEST ASS EVER!! The Old Man was right, but mine was even better since it was still ALIVE!!!

With it being alive, that big buck could come back to my trap again and again. Who knows how many times I could have sex with that Big Buck? If I had killed it like the Old Man, I would only be able to have that big buck once and then I would have to find a new one. It took me two months to lure that one in so I wanted to get the most out of it and not have to look for another one.

Afterwards I cleaned him up like a gentleman should. I untied him, drug him outta the trap and closed it up. Then I left.

I came back the next day to reset the trap, but someone had STOLEN IT!!! BASTARDS!!!!! I seems that some GOOGLEy eyed person had witnessed my deed/deeds after all!!

Anyhow, that was HOW I made my first REAL Big Buck.

How big was that first big buck you asked? He was a 10 pointer and his sphincter was a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10!!

To this day I still Hunt the Big Bucks. I've trapped my share over the years now and I've honed my skills into a repeatable system that works world wide for trapping all the different species of the Big Bucks.

I think I've had sex with just about every type of big buck out there.

Hopefully this post has inspired you to go after the Big Bucks all around the world too!!!

There's plenty of Big Bucks out there for everyone, despite what the less adventurous people will tell you to the contrary.

P.S. As time passed and I became more accomplished, I was no longer limited to just using traps or having to tie them up.

I had my system down to a science. I learned to read The Big Buck signs and found the trails, watering spots, & meadows that they frequented.

After YEARS of doing it I no longer had to LURE them into a TRAP and restrain them.

I could even measure out the right dose of Tranq just by eyeballing the size and weight of the Big Bucks.

This enabled me to be able to TRACK DOWN the Big Bucks wherever they were.

This in turned opened up wider ranges and more territories in more places for me to pursue the pleasures of having SEX with The Big Bucks!!!

Hell, after awhile I even started bringing along my dog Sparky. I'd let him get the Big Bucks that I would on occasion somehow overdose and they would die.

Don't believe me?

Here's a pic from a few years ago:


I know that was only a 7 pointer, but it's still considered a Big Buck.

still one of my favorite WF posts ever.
Exploited a loop hole in a big brands order process.

Customer bought product on ebay, I activated it, Company shipped them a legit copy.

$2,500 a day at 16. Man those were the days.
Back in the late 90's there was this thing called Prepaid Legal Services which was basically like insurance for legal issues. You paid a monthly premium and if you ever needed a lawyer for anything from a traffic ticket up to a murder case, they would handle your case for "free" since you already paid into the service with your premiums.

They had an affiliate program, so anybody that signed up with your referral link ended up in your stream and you got a signup bonus plus a percentage of some of the future premiums. I then sold this shit for 1¢ on eBay in short-term dutch auctions (only 37 spots left). When the auctions ended everyone gets an email with the referral links and I tell them to keep the penny. After hitting it hard for a couple of months eBay changed their rules and terminated my power seller account. I don't remember how much I made, but making eBay change their rules was more rewarding than the money.

Ha, reminds me of high school when we were fucking around on ebay one day and found a bunch of auctions for computers, PS2s, Gamecubes, etc for insanely cheap (<$10). Reading the fine print, we realized that they were just selling you information, so of course we bought it. We took the info file we got, wrote a bunch of bots, and spammed the ever-loving shit out of Ebay. Our biggest day was ~$1,000 or so, but eventually Ebay banned us. I honestly have no idea how much we made total, but probably close to $40,000.

To our credit, we refunded anyone who asked and we voided bids where anyone bid on our info product twice.
I remember when i made my 1st back when i was a teenager selling FB 10$ or around seemed to me a bigger amount those days ;)