How can i Quite Smoking cigarettes

Actually its 'Easy Way to STOP smoking'. Quit means there is something to you are giving up. There is nothing to give up in smoking. The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the Millions Who Have Become Non-Smokers Using Allen Carr's Easyway Method (9781402718618): Allen Carr: Books

I read the book few years back. Really easy to stop smoking with that book. You just read the book from beginning to end, continue to smoke while reading it or even increase your smoking habit if you want to, but by the last page, you'll have your last cigarette, not much will power required. Highly recommended rather than those other methods which just reinforces smoking or some other bad habit.

^This worked for me. Read after someone on WF suggested it and 5 days later, I never wanted to smoke again.
once you get into the habit of being healthy, you will get "addicted" to being healthy, you will look forward to running the next day and going to gym, you will feel bad about eating unhealthy food, this makes it much easier to quit

Very good advice!

I quit smoking 6 years ago by gradually cutting back until I only was having 1 cigarette per day then I just stopped. It is important to let your body slowly wind down. Your body may be in shock if you try to give up too quickly.
I was in the quitting niche a few years ago and the stats say that hypnosis has over 35% success rate. Though is not cheap.

Also this might give you an idea. the interesting part comes from 4:50

[ame=]The Real Hustle S8E01 Pt. 2/3 - YouTube[/ame]
Google "Swish pattern". I quit smoking and stopped biting my nails after 30 years. Part of you will say "This is some stupid new age shit" but fuck you I quit with it and I`m no hippy.