How can i Quite Smoking cigarettes

Taser yourself every time you need a smoke, you can't fail. Good luck bro!

[ame=]Bored Kid Tasers Himself - YouTube[/ame]

Here's how you do the fuck up and quit that shit! I'm on day 6 of quitting a 1/2 can a dip habit. It's so fucking difficult, but it has to be done. My mouth hurts, I've got flu symptoms, I feel shitty and depressed, the cravings are a bitch and I'm dreaming about dip when I sleep.

But guess what, in about a week, most of that shit will be over and my body will have gotten rid of the poison I've been ingesting for way too long. You'll always be an nicotine addict, but just get through each day for yourself and your family.

The best thing you can do is let all of your friends and family know you've quit for good. That makes you accountable and if you decide to light up, you're not only letting yourself down, but all of them as well. Find an online support forum (Not Wicked Fire) where you can get help from other quitters as well. Now go throw away all of your packs of cigs, lighters, ashtrays anything related to your habit and start fresh.
replace it with something else, go for a jog every morning, go to gym in the afternoon.
once you get into the habit of being healthy, you will get "addicted" to being healthy, you will look forward to running the next day and going to gym, you will feel bad about eating unhealthy food, this makes it much easier to quit
I read that Allen Carr book all the way through and I don't even smoke, it's very very good. Basically, it de-programs you: from your second post in this thread it is clear you believe you are getting some benefit/pleasure from smoking, and this is why you struggle with it. Read the book and you will understand.
If you really want to quit, you will. Simple, you've got to want it. You have to understand that you will never smoke again. Good luck bro. Voting for you in the next ban thread too. Plus learn how to fucking spell idiot.
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Next time you smoke, take the burning end of the cigarette and plunge it into the middle of your forehead.

You will never smoke again.

if your interested i got a link for you