How can i Quite Smoking cigarettes


New member
Sep 10, 2011
guys i need to quite smoking man , its hurting my health and my pockets too ,.

i tried all the bullshit there is

none of those crap stuff work

i even tried a COLD turkey . nothing
its not just health but the smell and MONEYY,

any help or share a story of how did you quite would be Agreat ,
maybe i will try to do the same and see if it works for me

i just dont understand how my life will go , with out Coffee and cigarette in the morning ,
just exert yourself physically whenever you get an urge to have a cig.

i've been doing just that, i will either start shadow boxing, doing pushups, riding my bicycle, going for a run, lifting on my bench or by doing burpees if its really shitty outside.

working fine for me.
just exert yourself physically whenever you get an urge to have a cig.

i've been doing just that, i will either start shadow boxing, doing pushups, riding my bicycle, going for a run, lifting on my bench or by doing burpees if its really shitty outside.

working fine for me.

am gonna try doing that as well thanks dude
you need to replace one phallic object with another.

you need to replace one phallic object with another.



I tried the patches, pills, chew you name it. Then I tried the nicorette gum and that did the trick. It took a few days to adjust to but whenever your dying just have a piece of gum and that kills the craving in an instant.

Chew that stuff for a couple of months and get yourself used to not smoking and life without your best friend then weening yourself from the 4mg to the 2mg to nothing is much easier. This is in my case I'm not saying that's the solution for everyone but I can relate to trying everything and just not being able to pull it off.

The gum did the trick and it's cheaper than smoking so right off the bat your lungs are healing, you don't stink and your saving a few bucks.

Your way ahead if the game in that you really want to give it up that's the important part. Just remember there's an awkward 3 days making the adjustment. You have to learn how to chew the gum you can't just pop a piece in your mouth and chew it like a regular piece of gum. Follow the directions and you'll be smoke free in no time.

Hit me up if you have any questions or need some motivation...

Hoe this helps and good luck.
read "easy way to quit smoking" by alan carr or better yet listen to the audiobook. i quit straight after listening to it. i gave up about 2 years ago, as have about 5 of mates now to date who have also read/listened to it. it kills the cravings dead by taking a common sense approach and removing the psychological triggers that keep you addicted and scared to give up
first you need to learn how to fucking spell quit.... the go from there.

That could be an issue when you look for 'quite smoking' in google.
First rule -- no smoking in the house or car period (no garage or basement). Winter's coming; that will make it easier.

Nicorette worked for me also. Quit smoking about 10 years ago. Still chewing the gum. At least that can still be done indoors.
Don't smoke and chew; you can od on nicotine.

Recommend lots of ice water (use a straw you can chew on) and exercise.

Resist the urge to eat because you want a smoke. Otherwise, you'll blow up like a pufferfish in 6 months.
A full quarter of your posts have been you starting a topic. About 3 of them have been AM related.

Assuming 3-4 posts per topic, that is where all your posts are at. Amongst numerous really basic grammatical errors and the inability to spell you've done little to aid this community whatsoever.

"How can i Quite Smoking cigarette" Are you fucking kidding me? There is 6 fucking mistakes in your topic title alone, and even the quickest of searches would have pulled up numerous threads discussing the same thing.

Your my vote for getting banned this month.

P.S "i even tried a COLD turkey . nothing" ROFL.
read "easy way to quit smoking" by alan carr or better yet listen to the audiobook. i quit straight after listening to it. i gave up about 2 years ago, as have about 5 of mates now to date who have also read/listened to it. it kills the cravings dead by taking a common sense approach and removing the psychological triggers that keep you addicted and scared to give up

Cool thanks, I just ordered it online for my friend.
read "easy way to quit smoking" by alan carr or better yet listen to the audiobook. i quit straight after listening to it. i gave up about 2 years ago, as have about 5 of mates now to date who have also read/listened to it. it kills the cravings dead by taking a common sense approach and removing the psychological triggers that keep you addicted and scared to give up

Actually its 'Easy Way to STOP smoking'. Quit means there is something to you are giving up. There is nothing to give up in smoking.

[ame=""] The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the Millions Who Have Become Non-Smokers Using Allen Carr's Easyway Method (9781402718618): Allen Carr: Books[/ame]

I read the book few years back. Really easy to stop smoking with that book. You just read the book from beginning to end, continue to smoke while reading it or even increase your smoking habit if you want to, but by the last page, you'll have your last cigarette, not much will power required. Highly recommended rather than those other methods which just reinforces smoking or some other bad habit.
im not sure if this guy is just a really persistant troll or genuinely dumb as fuck