Hospitals ripping you off

Holy shit - and you guys still voted for no free gov healthcare? o_O

That's a serious ripoff. It's not even like it takes any skill to do - you just put two pieces of velcro together and press a button. I can do it.
The big thing is in europe, in most of the country, health care is run by non profit org/gov, so even if everyone is paying the price, its still wayy cheaper than US medical service since the margins are low, only enough to sustain growth of the system, not to fund some investissor pocket.

If it's any solace, by combining both of your IQ's together you might reach room temperature.

@cardine, thats maybe why 99% of european will never leave europe to live in USA, but many american dream of europe.

If you can't even grasp the concept of low margin public services... enjoy USA then !

@negro2k: good for you, fuck them over til they bleed, maybe one day they'll understand.
@cardine, thats maybe why 99% of european will never leave europe to live in USA, but many american dream of europe.

If you can't even grasp the concept of low margin public services... enjoy USA then !

the vast majority of americans are descendants of what continent again?
The vast majority of the europeans who migrated/created america where the retarded/minority/excluded ones.

Your point is ?
Seriously. I have a friend who just had a baby and the state paid for all medical expenses for her and she had the nerve to bitch that she had to spend $40 a day for a private room.

I am prego and don't have maternity coverage with my health insurance, so I am paying everything out of pocket. $1,850 for 24 hours in the hospital...$1,250 for an epidural which last time took the DR literally 10 mins to administer...and the list goes on and on to a total of over $10k. I joked with my husband that we better bring our own tylenol because if I want one they will charge us $50 for one. It's ridiculous!

Ask them to itemize their bill. Break down everything, and challenge everything. If they can't justify the expense, they will give you your money back.
He and his parent paid for it, tax are for this.

Its all a matter of statistics.

The big thing is in europe, in most of the country, health care is run by non profit org/gov, so even if everyone is paying the price, its still wayy cheaper than US medical service since the margins are low, only enough to sustain growth of the system, not to fund some investissor pocket.

holy shit this is stupid.

most hospitals in the US are not for profit - european hospitals still use equipment and medicine made by for-profit companies. so yet, it is still funding some "investissor"s pocket.
Not in my country.
All the reimbursed stuff is generic mollecule without markup, made by government backed labs, researched by government funded labs etc...

Basically you pay a very small fee for every care, but in the long run you pay the full price all your life with the tax on regulars good, oil, and tax cut on salary.

Except the full price you pay is a normal price, not a ridiculous XX price for aspirin or shit like with a crazy markup.
The vast majority of the europeans who migrated/created america where the retarded/minority/excluded ones.

Your point is ?
Europe is estimated to be about 20 years behind the USA in development. Half of your countries are almost bankrupt to boot because you don't seem to understand what hard work is.
Care to share where you got that from? And development of what? And LMAO at hard work in the US of A, most of the shit you use comes from Asia so STFU and stop spewing shit about hard work.
I got a letter in the mail today saying I owed 450 dollars for some doctors appointment I had a year ago. I was like WTF I am not paying this shit.

Fuck this country and it's health care
Care to share where you got that from? And development of what? And LMAO at hard work in the US of A, most of the shit you use comes from Asia so STFU and stop spewing shit about hard work.

sucks you cant cant go back in time to not look like an ignorant dumbass. despite any bullshit generalizations or sterotypes you may have at your aresnal, Americans are very hard working people
nigga plz, I'm talking about the recent wars...
Technically speaking, we haven't started any wars recently. War was not declared on Afghanistan or Iraq. We just call it "The war in Iraq" and " The war on terror." Just like here in the U.S. , we say " The war on drugs."