Hospitals ripping you off

My ex had to get a battery of rabies shots. Guess how much that cost? Around $10k. Luckily she was only out of pocket around $900 after insurance. God forbid you're poor and don't have insurance and think you might have come into contact with a rabid animal.

Wow this is insane, I can't imagine going to a hospital and getting charged for those things.
The insurance company probably only agreed to pay $2000-$3000 instead of the full amount. If you didn't have insurance, the hospital would have made you pay the full amount and taken you to collection if you didn't pay it.

My ex had to get a battery of rabies shots. Guess how much that cost? Around $10k. Luckily she was only out of pocket around $900 after insurance. God forbid you're poor and don't have insurance and think you might have come into contact with a rabid animal.
Holy shit - and you guys still voted for no free gov healthcare? o_O

That's a serious ripoff. It's not even like it takes any skill to do - you just put two pieces of velcro together and press a button. I can do it.
Holy shit - and you guys still voted for no free gov healthcare? o_O

I'll admit taxes are high but when I go in the hospital I don't have to worry about paying for it.
The insurance company probably only agreed to pay $2000-$3000 instead of the full amount. If you didn't have insurance, the hospital would have made you pay the full amount and taken you to collection if you didn't pay it.

It would be sweet if I could do this for my ad spend :D

Speaking of balling doctor's, I know, as you mentioned, that most medical professionals aren't as flush as we may think. However, I was playing a round of golf at Pebble Beach last Feb., and our caddie mentioned that one of the most expensive homes was owned by a well-known neurosurgeon. He also owned a smaller house directly one one of the fairways that he rented out during the US Open for around $150k/week.

Is income inequality really pronounced among doctors? I think I remember from other posts that your SO is a doctor? If someone like Gregory House really existed, how much would you guesstimate his net income to be? How about Cuddy or Wilson?
Holy shit - and you guys still voted for no free gov healthcare? o_O

That's a serious ripoff. It's not even like it takes any skill to do - you just put two pieces of velcro together and press a button. I can do it.

jesus christ
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Let's play a game.

Suppose you're in charge of health care reform. You get to completely remake the system. The only limitations:

1. you cannot use others' money.

2. you cannot force providers into service.

How would you do it?
Come to the U.K, you'll love it :p

so true, I know the nationalised healthcare argument has been done to the death and everyone seems to love slagging of the NHS here in the UK, I wouldn't have it any other way. I was hospitalised a few months back with a pretty bad liver infection had various scans, x-rays and 10 days in hospital without facing a huge bills (and the nurses were awesome).
It just feels good to know that if I get hit by a car or get some random ilness I won't have to decide between living and getting a lifetime of debt.
so true, I know the nationalised healthcare argument has been done to the death and everyone seems to love slagging of the NHS here in the UK, I wouldn't have it any other way. I was hospitalised a few months back with a pretty bad liver infection had various scans, x-rays and 10 days in hospital without facing a huge bills (and the nurses were awesome).
It just feels good to know that if I get hit by a car or get some random ilness I won't have to decide between living and getting a lifetime of debt.

Think Norstad. Reason.

The scans weren't free. The x-rays weren't free. Your stay in the hospital wasn't free. Services provided by the doctors and nurses weren't free.

Someone paid. It wasn't you.

You got a free ride.

Do you understand that the state is merely a coercive broker that takes a cut of the pie?

Your post would have more credibility if you had said:

It just feels good to know that if I get hit by a car or get some random ilness [sic], the state will force other people to pay for me.

That, at least, would suggest reason.
Neurosurgeons are highly specialized and command significantly higher salaries. These guys arent' just intelligent, they are the HIGHLY intelligent and go through much more education, training, and stress than most of us could ever imagine.
Yeah, my wife is a physician. She's more specialized than a family practitioner though. It can be pretty frustrating sometimes with what she gets paid by the insurance companies, even more so by they way they dictate what she can and can't do. A lot of times she'll have to do tests or procedures for free, because the insurance companies refuse to pay and the patients just don't have the money either. And then if she doesn't do what's needed, the patient will more than likely go hire an attorney (cause they are out there just waiting to take on a physician) and sue because she didn't take proper care. Fucked if you do, and fucked if you don't.

The insurance industry needs to be seriously adjusted in this country. They cry about not having any money, but don't let them fool you. I used to run a catering department for a large hotel in the past. The two BIGGEST SPENDERS were the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies. They'd through down millions on parties.

It would be sweet if I could do this for my ad spend :D

Speaking of balling doctor's, I know, as you mentioned, that most medical professionals aren't as flush as we may think. However, I was playing a round of golf at Pebble Beach last Feb., and our caddie mentioned that one of the most expensive homes was owned by a well-known neurosurgeon. He also owned a smaller house directly one one of the fairways that he rented out during the US Open for around $150k/week.

Is income inequality really pronounced among doctors? I think I remember from other posts that your SO is a doctor? If someone like Gregory House really existed, how much would you guesstimate his net income to be? How about Cuddy or Wilson?
Think Norstad. Reason.

The scans weren't free. The x-rays weren't free. Your stay in the hospital wasn't free. Services provided by the doctors and nurses weren't free.

Someone paid. It wasn't you.

You got a free ride.

Do you understand that the state is merely a coercive broker that takes a cut of the pie?

Your post would have more credibility if you had said:

It just feels good to know that if I get hit by a car or get some random ilness [sic], the state will force other people to pay for me.

That, at least, would suggest reason.

You could apply that same logic to any socialized program. "I'm glad the government forced others to pay for the roads I drive on." "I'm glad the goverenment forces others to pay for flood walls that protect my house". "I'm glad the government forces others to subsidze education." Sometimes it just makes sense for the greater good, to fund programs collectively.
Think Norstad. Reason.

The scans weren't free. The x-rays weren't free. Your stay in the hospital wasn't free. Services provided by the doctors and nurses weren't free.

Someone paid. It wasn't you.

You got a free ride.

Do you understand that the state is merely a coercive broker that takes a cut of the pie?

Your post would have more credibility if you had said:

That, at least, would suggest reason.
He and his parent paid for it, tax are for this.

Its all a matter of statistics.

The big thing is in europe, in most of the country, health care is run by non profit org/gov, so even if everyone is paying the price, its still wayy cheaper than US medical service since the margins are low, only enough to sustain growth of the system, not to fund some investissor pocket.
i chuckle because i own a couple medical practises and hire doctors to do all the work. they arent' getting paid much from the high fees you see, esp after their lawsuit insurance, most of these what outrageous bills you see is going into my bank account.
The big thing is in europe, in most of the country, health care is run by non profit org/gov, so even if everyone is paying the price, its still wayy cheaper than US medical service since the margins are low, only enough to sustain growth of the system, not to fund some investissor pocket.

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I don't understand the facepalm, care to explain?

growth of the system = the margin done in a hospital are high enough to handle the expantion, growing and hiring of new personal + R&D, but low enough to make the price accessible for all.

If you can't understand that, well you are just average joe 101 and its not surprising.

ps: fucking european commies.