Hospitals ripping you off

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
I recently went in to get my blood pressure checked and got charged 95 dollars.

Hospitals are scams, bros.

I did some research and found out they been scamming the fuck out of people. Charging 10 bucks for those pill cups, 12 bucks for tissues, and people don't know because the bill wasn't itemized.

People be fighting back though.

Well its $5 to draw your blood, and $90 to know what to do with it. You could go to mexico if you want cheaper healthcare
When my dad was in the hospital after his hear attack the nurse asked him if he wanted another pair of socks and joked with him about how the socks cost $90 each pair he took. Fucking socks!
yep bros its real sad but its true.. Doctors were being treated like a god (as they save lives) but now they are robbers.
Always too expensive until your broken ass is sitting on the table, unable to sustain life, and some Dr comes in and puts you under.

Sometimes the best bill is the 68K one that saved your life!
Outrageous prices for those that pay .... to cover the cost for those that don't.

Just like taxes... you're just paying for all the deadbeats because you actually have money.
Just like taxes... you're just paying for all the deadbeats because you actually have money.

...because only the rich should recover from cancer and heart attacks!

Nevermind the 9 year old with leukemia, he can sell lemonade on the street to pay for his shit, unproductive little shit anyway.
...because only the rich should recover from cancer and heart attacks!

Nevermind the 9 year old with leukemia, he can sell lemonade on the street to pay for his shit, unproductive little shit anyway.

I was only giving an explanation. Hospitals upcharge those who can pay to cover the cost of those that don't... it's a business.

There are plenty of hospitals that offer their care for free via donations etc.

I am a little bit more bitter than normal today because I know of a piece of shit, lazy, single mother (on paper only .. she knows the father but left him off the birth certificate in order to get single mother benefits like medicare, food stamps, etc.), who does nothing all day but bitch and mooch who is lying on her taxes and will get $8k as a tax refund....

Not only that but she's planned to take a 'shoping spree!' to celebrate rather than improve her life and the life of her child with that money.

I on the other hand... will be paying taxes.
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Is it possible in US just to buy that tool that measure blood pressure at least and do it at home for free ? I mean in medic shop or pharmacy or how it calls ? I heard you can only buy vitamins, tylenol, adderal and acai berry lol

P.S. Yes total ripoff. And life could be saved for much less than $68k unless it's something very unique. I highly doubt that was the case, but pretty much nothing you can do with it cause that will be other country.
I was only giving an explanation. Hospitals upcharge those who can pay to cover the cost of those that don't... it's a business.

There are plenty of hospitals that offer their care for free via donations etc.

I am a little bit more bitter than normal today because I know of a piece of shit, lazy, single mother (on paper only .. she knows the father but left him off the birth certificate in order to get single mother benefits like medicare, food stamps, etc.), who does nothing all day but bitch and mooch who is lying on her taxes and will get $8k as a tax refund....

Not only that but she's planned to take a 'shoping spree!' to celebrate rather than improve her life and the life of her child with that money.

I on the other hand... will be paying taxes.

I get what you're saying, I have a deadbeat sister in the same single mom boat!
Lots of people go to the Hospital and leave with a new illness they didn't come in with. Such a ripoff
I am a little bit more bitter than normal today because I know of a piece of shit, lazy, single mother (on paper only .. she knows the father but left him off the birth certificate in order to get single mother benefits like medicare, food stamps, etc.), who does nothing all day but bitch and mooch who is lying on her taxes and will get $8k as a tax refund....

Seriously. I have a friend who just had a baby and the state paid for all medical expenses for her and she had the nerve to bitch that she had to spend $40 a day for a private room.

I am prego and don't have maternity coverage with my health insurance, so I am paying everything out of pocket. $1,850 for 24 hours in the hospital...$1,250 for an epidural which last time took the DR literally 10 mins to administer...and the list goes on and on to a total of over $10k. I joked with my husband that we better bring our own tylenol because if I want one they will charge us $50 for one. It's ridiculous!
Health care reform is definitely a good thing. I have health insurance through my employer but I realize if I lose my job I and my family are at risk. Health insurance is very expensive and one catastrophic illness with no insurance will cost most people everything they have worked for their entire life. Not wanting to start another debate on current reform plans, but things have been out of control for years.

(Reuters) - Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on healthcare, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system, according to a report released on Wednesday.

U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study | Reuters
it's not the doctors that are taking all of your money, it's the hospitals and insurance companies. Doctors get paid shit from the insurance companies for the work they provide. A family practitioner or pediatrician only makes about 120k - 160k per year before taxes. Next time you go to the doctors office, take a look at how many people they have in the waiting room. They see a LOT of patients each day and the insurance company pays them very little. The physicians don't set their own prices or your treatment, it's the insurance companies that control all of that.
There's going to be a major shortage of physicians in the future if this trend continues. They sacrifice ALL of their time going through 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, and 3-4 years of residency, and 3-4 more if they do a fellowship. Who's going to do that for $150k a year?
As a resident, they work about 100-120 hours a week, every week for four years. The gov. stepped in and said that they aren't' allowed to work more than 80 hours a week, but that's all on paper. The real truth is that they are still working 100-110 hours a week. 24-36 hour shifts are pretty common.

yep bros its real sad but its true.. Doctors were being treated like a god (as they save lives) but now they are robbers.
all I gotta say is if you dont have health insurance, you = fucked.

I broke my femur last year and my hospital bill was $150k, I only had to pay $8,000 since I had insurance. wo0t.

hospitals and Dr's = are ballin