"Hey, can you build me a quick website?"

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Death im yur Bitch Lover!
Jun 25, 2006
Canada, T.O
So... how does everyone respond to family/friends when they ask for a quick, basic site ...and have no idea how to do it?

Send em off to a site? wordpress etc
or build a quicky ...host it , reg domain name etc...

I get this question alot...and i like to help out..but sometimes i'm just like...ahh no time... go away....

I've had school teachers and friends at school ask me to build them websites. I just give them a simple "No". They're like "I'll pay you"...so I say "No"....then they start offering me $200-$500 and I say "No".

Good times.

When it comes to family I say to them "Write 50 pages of content and I'll set it up for you". The idea of effort turns anyone off the idea of building a website.
I just built a website for my uncles local music store. Took 5 minutes to reg the domain and set him up on my servers, 5 minutes to find a free music template, and 5 minutes to customize it. 15-20 minutes and he's perfectly happy, so why not.
Send em off to a site? wordpress etc
or build a quicky...

I had one person ask me about a blog. I pointed them to wordpress/blogger and they were pretty happy. Registered a domain for another relative. There's too many free resources for people to come seeking help for a throw-away site.
I've had school teachers and friends at school ask me to build them websites. I just give them a simple "No". They're like "I'll pay you"...so I say "No"....then they start offering me $200-$500 and I say "No".

I do the same exact thing now. I said yes once or twice a while ago and it is just a nightmare.

They expect you to do it for free or dirt cheap. Then they have no clue what they want. Then they ask you to make 9,000 updates and revisions. Then they don't like it and want you to start all over. Then they keep coming to you every time something happens or something needs fixed. Then your entire life is working on their stupid website that nobody uses.

So now I shut anyone down that asks me to build them a website. I've even had a few small businesses that wanted me to make them a website....and I know based on how they are asking just me that they don't want to spend a dime on it and they want a million things.

It drives me crazy that these people are so clueless and don't know that a good website can take months of work and thousands of dollars to build. On a different note, I HATE people that are this clueless. I had a roommate once that told me that Tom (on MySpace) should hire a webmaster because myspace is always slow and not working. NO JOKE! NOOOOOOO JOKE. I wanted to burst out laughing so bad and right in his face, but I didn't want to piss him off because I didn't really know him that well and had to live with him.
I just point them too blogger and wordpress and say good luck. I did sign my dad up on cj last time he was out though.
If it's family, I'll do it no questions asked. If it's a friend, I'll point them to Wordpress and give them free hosting, but anything more than that I usually decline.
I just built a website for my uncles local music store. Took 5 minutes to reg the domain and set him up on my servers, 5 minutes to find a free music template, and 5 minutes to customize it. 15-20 minutes and he's perfectly happy, so why not.

Same here. I've built websites for friends and family - I charge, but cheap like around $150 - and for their basic needs its as simple as customizing a free WP template, hosting it, and tell them to use forums for help with any more customizing of it cause I don't have time to help with common problems.

Takes 30-45 min total. But again this is for friends and family. I tell friends of friends to fuck off if they offer less than $1k.
Yes, I have same problem too. Everyone asks me for a website. Basically, most of them get a "Oh, I have projects on a deadline" crap, implying politely that I dont have time for their stupid shit, so they stop.

I set up a basic wordpress mu on a generic domain, and send the persistent ones there. 3 of them made an actual blog :)
I used to get this a little bit when I was in high school. But not really much anymore. Guess they think I'm busy being that I'm running my own companies, and being married with two kids.

My mom said something recently about wanting to have a place to put pictures and stuff. We chatted about different things she could do, with me strongly suggesting she do it herself and treat it like a hobby. Shortly there after, she's got herself a wordpress.com blog she set up all by herself (I pointed her to the site, that's it) and this morning my wife and I both had a friend request from her on myspace. This from a woman who used to have an impossible time making use of gmail without issue. I'm proud.

I think if I get any other family asking about this sort of thing, I'll forward them to my mom. Apparently, she's got this shit down.
I get Vinny Lingo's Mom to build my sites... ;)

I do some for friens and just do a 1 page info page with xsitepro and host it on my reseller account. I am starting to talk $ to the ones that are coming back and sayin "I'd like to do some more with my site".

"Really...hmmm..its quite expensive and time consuming....just get a quote from here...[insert local rip off merchants sales page] ... and get back to me. We'll talk then."
My uncle wanted to get into AM directly with a water softner dealer. He sent me a word file made up of tables and highlighted columns and rows and shit for the content and asked if I could turn that into a website for him.

That was a good laugh for me. I pointed him to wordpress for that.
I tell friends/family that I'll have my designer make them a site for cost. All I really do is pass along the order to the designer.
If it's family, I'll do it no questions asked. If it's a friend, I'll point them to Wordpress and give them free hosting, but anything more than that I usually decline.

Ditto on that. Family no problem, friends I'll host for free (doesn't cost me anything to add another low traffic site), but they are on their own once I give them their ftp login.
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