"Hey, can you build me a quick website?"

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I just throw up a wordpress theme on my reseller account and they are happy

Family I do, I've done some business websites for my fiancee, but other than that I usually won't.

I have done a couple for causes I've been a volunteer for.
Depends are we talking a Aff Site as we would set one up or just a "I went to the Grand Canyon" Site?

For Family - either no questions asked.

For friends worpdress and a nice template.
I won't do it for friends unless they actually have a clear brief of what they want. I'll do that, and nothing more, and then tell them they're on their own unless they want to start paying me, because I already gave them free time.

Family I'll do, but only when I have time, and thankfully they understand that.
More thankfully, only two of them have actually asked for anything, and neither were real sites. One was a blog and the other was *shudder* a MySpace layout (stupid slut cousin)... MySpace makes me feel dirty :'(
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