Here's todays lol....


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
So here's todays post to give y'all something to laugh about. I paid 4 payments on one of my more expensive cars, that yes I did finance. Only $623 went towards principal >:-/ Fucking assholes. Anyhow, here's a short SS of a letter I wrote.

In before "your poor, pay it off", "rich people don't finance shit", "someone who helps someone in debt is in debt", "fuck you nazi"


Sounds like a front-loaded loan, which are horrible for cars. You are paying most of the interest up front, which will kill you if you want to trade it in in the near future. Pay it off ASAP.
If troll thread: lol
If not: How do you not know the interest rate/monthly payment*duration on the cars you financed?

The fuck do I care? It's not some payday loan or indian loan, so I figure it can't be all that bad.. meeeeehhhhhhh, I just sent them a huge check so I should get it paid off soon.

If so, I have this simple form you can fill out and get $5,000 wired to your account overnight...


Next time you go off the handle and send ignorant letters to your lender, perhaps take a little time to learn about the financial commitments your involved with.

Had you understood the concept of a loan, you would have realized that sending in 4 payments will basically just slightly speed up your amortization schedule. Your just pre paying your payments. And the amount going towards principal will only be slightly more than a typical monthly payment. Had you sent in your current bill and asked for the additional 3 be applied to your principal you would have noticed a significant reduction in your principal. The good news is you wont have to make a payment for 3 months.
Next time you go off the handle and send ignorant letters to your lender, perhaps take a little time to learn about the financial commitments your involved with.

Had you understood the concept of a loan, you would have realized that sending in 4 payments will basically just slightly speed up your amortization schedule. Your just pre paying your payments. And the amount going towards principal will only be slightly more than a typical monthly payment. Had you sent in your current bill and asked for the additional 3 be applied to your principal you would have noticed a significant reduction in your principal. The good news is you wont have to make a payment for 3 months.

^^^^^ LuLz at this guy for taking it serious, trying to school me on finances. Come on guy, I'm sure I have the loan agreement in my safe - and fully understand interest in addition to the different variations of it. I merely sent the letter to be a dick and hopefully make them waste 30 minutes of time writing a response. I didnt read the rest, but lol.

I read WF for the Dresden threads.

Thank ya sir. I post on WF to piss people off, rarely does it work though.
I cant imagine getting a loan and not knowing the interest rate, for someone who hates blacks you sure are acting like one