>> My friend Matt needs your help

Thank you very much for everything you guys are doing. I can't believe how much effort some of you are putting in. Its absolutely great.

Matt and his family are very appreciative and I know they are very ecstatic to see the outpouring of help and support going on.

I have told them about these threads on WF and everything else, although I don't think they've had a chance to see them yet.

As far as getting the write up done and promoting it, I love all the ideas. Whatever we think will get the most exposure is fine with me. I'll give all the help I can on it.

Once again, I can't believe how generous everyone's being!!

.... agree with other poster. I watched this number go well over 9000 last night and now its back down to 7000 and some change... what the eff?
I don't say allot or often but this is important.

Dugg and Donated and FB'd...

It was only $20.00 that I had in my Paypal but I wanted to do something.

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From Facebook Fan page:

Hey Chris, this is Matt (the other one that did the site) the plugin that we are using wasn't automatically tracking the progress at first so I was putting it in manually. In the middle of the night it started to log all of the donations that were made that day on it's own. I had to go through this morning and delete my manual entries from the database.

Sorry for the confusion! The progress bar is working perfectly now and the real donated amount is $7550 (as of now).

Thanks for your help!
instead of donating $100, i'll spend $100 on facebook campaign. hopefully all them end up donating more than $100.
Donated....because I was in the same situation he was in. I was just out of college, not able to be on my parents plan because I was too old, and I was without health insurance and a job. I eventually got a catastrophic interim health plan, but that certainly wouldn't have covered brain surgery. The interim plan was not a viable solution- at best it would have covered a short stay in the hospital. I couldn't afford anything else at the time. I can remember living in fear for months until I finally got a job that provided me with health insurance.
I also knew someone who died of a brain tumor. I hope he beats it, and gets well. Prayers, thoughts, positive vibes and positive energy have worked miracles!! Dr. said he was able to get 95% of that trouble maker, much more than was expected! He says he's pretty sure its benign. Matt is already waking up. Dr. was able to get it totally off the brain stem. No facial paralysis and he's moving his hands and fingers. Doc said it turned out to be the best possible outcomes! Good thing Heaven is huge, cuz it had to hold A LOT of prayers!!

Thank you all,
Matt's mom
I'll def get in on this...

250 K seems conservative for total treatment. My wife needed open heart surgery (valve replacement) about 2 years ago -- with complications involved -- its was in the 270K ranged and that for like 4 weeks from diagnosis to finish.