Help me earn more than $.37 a day

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Hey everyone,

Recently, I set up my first site and was able to earn 37 cents. but then yesterday, went back to 0.00=P Nonetheless, I am not getting a ton of traffic yet, and I need help on SEO, making my website look more professional, and ad placement.

If you got any suggestion please do leave them here.

Oh sorry, if I did not clarify, site is in my signature

I got that sum from Adsense
uhh...thats kind of some of what i need help on...i'm not getting much traffic at all. meaning less than 50 visitors a day.

most, if not all, my traffic is coming from places like and ipod site),

I need help on getting more visitors(maybe through links or search engine(if search engine, need help on seo)), ad placement, and feel of the website
Swap that small adsense block in the navigation for an adlink block.
Then stick a 250x250 block at the top on the homepage, then throw one on the individual pages aswell. That should get you more clicks, then its a case of getting some more links to your site - dircetories, link trades etc.
ok for starters, I would define a goal for the site, do you want visitors to leave on adsense clicks or affiliate clicks? Which are worth more to you?

You should consider buying PPC traffic.
I probably think adsense will have a better pull in amount for me. so adsense is worth more. I think even at my height, affiliate clicks will not pull in much

as for PPC traffic. what I'm afraid of is losing more than i'm getting. how risky is it?

Thanks for the comments by the way, it is much appreciated
well, I wouldn't recommend paying for PPC traffic if you want to earn from Adsense, this is called arbitrage and isn't easy.

No matter what you do with your Adsense ads, with 50 uniques a day you won't make much.

In order to get more organic traffic, why don't you put a blog on the site. You can announce when a new gadget comes out and get linkage if you are quick off the mark.
jamiejelly said:
well, I wouldn't recommend paying for PPC traffic if you want to earn from Adsense, this is called arbitrage and isn't easy.

No matter what you do with your Adsense ads, with 50 uniques a day you won't make much.

In order to get more organic traffic, why don't you put a blog on the site. You can announce when a new gadget comes out and get linkage if you are quick off the mark.

50 uniques a day for an arcade is nothing. 50 targeted uniques a day for a properly optimized california lemon law site is definitely something :)
thanks for the suggestions. i have a question about anouncing when a new gadget comes out though. how do i beat other competition to finding these new things first?
juniodude, make friends with someone at one of the companies you are an affiliate of, ask them for a heads up when they hear something.

Read every ipod resource going.
woooh! $.63 so far today! haha, havent done much today yet either.

I will try different ad placement as some of you have suggested, write more reviews, and try to get on the most recent news.

but how about the layout of the site?

even 63 cents means a lot. it gives me that boost if you know what i mean. even though it's only my 2nd week i feel like giving up sometimes, it's boosts like this that keep me going=P how long does it usually take you guys to start making income from a site?

edit: also, do affiliate links make you a lot of money? Which affiliates do you guys like most? Also i have a direct affiliate thing set up with amazon right now, should i be doing this through or azoogle or something? kind of confused

2nd edit: as a newb should i be going up a different ally? To even sort of catch up with my competition, i will have to write 100's of reviews with pictures each which takes a relatively long time. Should i be trying to start with a new niche or should i fair okay in this competition(i don't care if we're looking at long term, but will i be able to catch up with sites like and especially considering my limited coding skills and such?)
Hey guys,

I was also wondering, should I change my theme? There seems to be a couple faults in the coding or something that randomnly makes some of my posts' text look bold in the main page. Also, should I allow people to comment? Should I show the full text or should I have the "continue reading" thing?

As for reviews should I order them based on my rankings for them or by the order they were reviewed or by the order they were released?
juniodude said:
Hey guys,
Also, should I allow people to comment? Should I show the full text or should I have the "continue reading" thing?

I think comments should be allowed till it takes up too much time getting rid of spam and non related comments.

Time is valuable and in short supply. Use "continue reading" so people can run through the comments quickly and choose. People who comment will eventually make sure they start off with a bang if they want to be read.

When the grand day arrives and you are overrun with comments...stop. Let people know what fourm you post in regularly and let the comments fly! It will be a lot easier as far as time management.
Jan, not sure why the post here but I notice you are using the crap from google called blogger. stop! invest less than $30 get a hostgator reseller account and buy a couple of domains for $3 each from ipower. hostgator has this great thing called fantastico witch will let you install wordpress. there is a thing called spamcarma that stops spam for you. hell if you are blogging for dollars who cares about comments. the return traffic is not were you make your money. the search engine traffic is were the money is at.
Juniodude, there is no such thing as a saturated niche if you do not want it to be saturated. I am in the cell phone and laptop game among many others and getting very good traffic. The thing is if you are doing this white hat you are in a 18 month to 2 year project. Take your time and write about what is out there TODAY! find sites that post as soon as something is out and watch them several times a day. The thing I love about the blog and content business like you are doing is that most people drop out in the first months. I have been at it for 8 months now and my traffic has gone up over 400% month over month on every blog I have. $ has keept pace as well. don't use amazon cause the cookie lasts 1 day.
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