Haven't gotten paid by CX

with their financial issues, i don't have confidence in anyone getting paid...they're stringing everyone along. we could have run straight sale offers and still been ahead hah!
I got paid, but it was a small amount. I keep hearing from people with bigger amounts that they won't get paid.

Only lesson you get with this occurence: Fucking avoid CX like the plague. Debrani is my AM over there and a great one too, but from what I heard at ASW... they're going down soon.
i only have ~$15k in pending payouts and its for some gaming offers... wondering if i should be worrying at all on even getting paid out on that.
here's what should happen - everyone who's owed $ still should file a complaint in their local courts. since cx is doing business in the US, and since they're a public company in CA, they have an obligation (if they want to stay on their current exchange) to respond to each of the complaints. this will be very expensive for them, because their in-house counsel cannot respond to complaints in all of these states...they will have to outsource or hire outside counsel. if we're not getting paid, we should bring them down. there are lots of issues with the way their terms are displayed within their portal, and how they're accepted when most of us started with them...usually, our am's set up our accounts and gave us the logins, with the terms already accepted by them...which means they cannot hold us to their terms (pay us when/if they get paid)
here's what should happen - everyone who's owed $ still should file a complaint in their local courts. since cx is doing business in the US, and since they're a public company in CA, they have an obligation (if they want to stay on their current exchange) to respond to each of the complaints. this will be very expensive for them, because their in-house counsel cannot respond to complaints in all of these states...they will have to outsource or hire outside counsel. if we're not getting paid, we should bring them down. there are lots of issues with the way their terms are displayed within their portal, and how they're accepted when most of us started with them...usually, our am's set up our accounts and gave us the logins, with the terms already accepted by them...which means they cannot hold us to their terms (pay us when/if they get paid)

yeah thats true. when i received my account, i had someone elses information and social security in my account info. very fucking weird to be honest. but in my eyes, i dont believe they are trying to stick around for much longer. i plead ignorance to this situation, but i believe they may just try to cut all their losses the best they can before going under IMO.
instead of networks paying on a schedule, the industry should evolve into a payment threshold system where we agree to a dollar amount, and once it's hit, they send the wire automatically...this would shield us from over-exposure
here's what should happen - everyone who's owed $ still should file a complaint in their local courts. since cx is doing business in the US, and since they're a public company in CA, they have an obligation (if they want to stay on their current exchange) to respond to each of the complaints. this will be very expensive for them, because their in-house counsel cannot respond to complaints in all of these states...they will have to outsource or hire outside counsel. if we're not getting paid, we should bring them down. there are lots of issues with the way their terms are displayed within their portal, and how they're accepted when most of us started with them...usually, our am's set up our accounts and gave us the logins, with the terms already accepted by them...which means they cannot hold us to their terms (pay us when/if they get paid)

dude do you live in fucking fairy land? that's not how business works.
Actually based on these figures CX still has more money than 99% of the networks out there. And make no mistake, when a stock crashes, and the daily volume is 10,000 times larger than normal, people are getting paid :)

I was paid about a month ago, and after talking to a bunch of affiliates at ASW it seems like almost all of us have been paid now. Definitely took longer than it should have, but I have to believe that some of the affiliates posting here sent BS traffic. Why else would Visa, XM, CX, Epic AND eAds ALL withhold payment and have similar stories? They all planning on splitting the 500k owed, (or whatever it is now) and moving to Costa Rica? Doubtful.

Best bet is to talk to your AM's, rather than bashing....although if nobody gets back to you I guess bash away lol.
Actually based on these figures CX still has more money than 99% of the networks out there. And make no mistake, when a stock crashes, and the daily volume is 10,000 times larger than normal, people are getting paid :)

I was paid about a month ago, and after talking to a bunch of affiliates at ASW it seems like almost all of us have been paid now. Definitely took longer than it should have, but I have to believe that some of the affiliates posting here sent BS traffic. Why else would Visa, XM, CX, Epic AND eAds ALL withhold payment and have similar stories? They all planning on splitting the 500k owed, (or whatever it is now) and moving to Costa Rica? Doubtful.

Best bet is to talk to your AM's, rather than bashing....although if nobody gets back to you I guess bash away lol.

do you work for CX?
I was paid about a month ago, and after talking to a bunch of affiliates at ASW it seems like almost all of us have been paid now. Definitely took longer than it should have, but I have to believe that some of the affiliates posting here sent BS traffic. Why else would Visa, XM, CX, Epic AND eAds ALL withhold payment and have similar stories? They all planning on splitting the 500k owed, (or whatever it is now) and moving to Costa Rica? Doubtful.

Best bet is to talk to your AM's, rather than bashing....although if nobody gets back to you I guess bash away lol.

It has already been established from multiple networks that people such as myself, circa, veneficus have great fucking traffic. I have been talking to my AM's and talked to them at ASW also. XM is the one not paying CX who is in turn not paying us OR C2M and we all get fucked in the meantime except C2M has already paid out their affiliates.

The ones who have made the most have not been paid, they are paying those with smaller amounts to try and appease the masses.

You're full of so much shit that you couldnt fill a sewer with it.
this guy must work for cx too...they're sending in troops. wtf...cx even admitted that they paid their smaller debts. maybe this guy got paid, but why would he hate....HATER is in Canada too...fishy:) (kassam)
The ones who have made the most have not been paid, they are paying those with smaller amounts to try and appease the masses.

I finally received my wire this week and it was over 35k so i dont think theyre just paying off the small guys.

I do think XM passed the "fraud" to CX and by passing that then on to their bigger partners instead of fighting for them, they're making a mistake.

But then again they still didn't get the actual reports from VISA - so this isn't over yet.

As for AZ/Epic, total disaster zone, I wouldn't even begin to open up that bag of worms there Ruck.

I really hope vene, ferris and circa get paid and that CX give them them the respect they deserve as serious non fraudulent affiliates...