Haven't gotten paid by CX


On My Path To Mastery
Dec 7, 2008
los angeles
They owe me 37k since december, and they're claiming that my traffic is fraudulent all of a sudden, but I've ran with them an other networks from the same traffic source and I've never had any problems with anyone else.

I was running ACAI with Cx and another network for colon step 2, and my step 2 is not claiming anything about fraudulent leads, which just ads to the shadiness of it.

I've never have dealt with anything like this, not getting paid. I've always gotten paid, it just fucked up that CX isn't paying me for some BS reason.

Any suggestions how to go about this?

Why did not you get yourself setup at weekly payments with them????

What were you doing untill $37k were being earned???

If your traffic is genuine , go talk to CX and explain them , i am sure they will not loose you for $37k.
They actually told you that your not getting paid? Or did they tell you that your leads are fraudelent? Because weirdly enough, I've heard there telling people their leads were fraudelent and is part of their "stalling bullshit". What I've heard is that they don't even know for sure who's fraudulent or not yet, and they'll find out later They seem to be stalling on the higher payment people except for a select few who got paid.

They told me this too hunter, but then I heard from a higher up, that they don't know anything yet for sure and the person who told us that Is dumb, which was the CFO.

When did you hear this? recently in vegas, and by who. Hit me up on PM.
yeah cxdigitalmedia is one of those shitty networks that will ban you on instant of blackhat traffic. They banned me last december without payment (thank the spamgod for me it was only 7400ish) due to spam, in which they called "fraudulent traffic". Best networks for me are maxbounty, naplen, cpa empire, and clickbooth.
(I just wrote this and was going to post in a new thread until I saw this one)

Let me start by saying I really tried to hold off on posting this. I kept being told by CX that they were waiting on a report of my leads from XM before they would get paid and in turn pay me. I expected everything to come back fine and eventually be paid.

Finally last week I got the email that my report came back from XM and to my surprise they are claiming there was a "high amount of fraud" and they aren't paying me. Claiming my traffic was fraud pisses me off more than anything. All of my traffic was from media buys I paid good money for and I've never had any complaints before. Any time I am doing volume I make sure I check on rebill quality and make sure advertisers are happy. All of the traffic from the same sources I sent to CX has produced good quality for other advertisers so it just doesn't add up.

It's not the money that I'm so concerned with but the stance that CX is taking in the matter. Their willingness to ruin our relationship to simply save a few thousand dollars on payouts amazes me. Their attitude of "if the advertiser pays you get paid" doesn't sit well with me either. This discussion has been done to death so I won't go there.

Honestly I would feel better if they just told me the advertiser's merchant accounts got shut down and they don't care enough about working with me in the future to pay me. After all of the business I've done with CX they really believe I was sending fraudulent sales? It makes no sense.
(I just wrote this and was going to post in a new thread until I saw this one)

Let me start by saying I really tried to hold off on posting this. I kept being told by CX that they were waiting on a report of my leads from XM before they would get paid and in turn pay me. I expected everything to come back fine and eventually be paid.

Finally last week I got the email that my report came back from XM and to my surprise they are claiming there was a "high amount of fraud" and they aren't paying me. Claiming my traffic was fraud pisses me off more than anything. All of my traffic was from media buys I paid good money for and I've never had any complaints before. Any time I am doing volume I make sure I check on rebill quality and make sure advertisers are happy. All of the traffic from the same sources I sent to CX has produced good quality for other advertisers so it just doesn't add up.

It's not the money that I'm so concerned with but the stance that CX is taking in the matter. Their willingness to ruin our relationship to simply save a few thousand dollars on payouts amazes me. Their attitude of "if the advertiser pays you get paid" doesn't sit well with me either. This discussion has been done to death so I won't go there.

Honestly I would feel better if they just told me the advertiser's merchant accounts got shut down and they don't care enough about working with me in the future to pay me. After all of the business I've done with CX they really believe I was sending fraudulent sales? It makes no sense.

sorry to hear that man.

hope everyone here gets what they rightfully deserve. makes me weary of continuing my traffic with them.
same thing here...they said my traffic was all fraud...even though I ran it for almost a year. they owe me $54k (sorry - not trying trying to brag, just want to express the seriousness here). they said that visa reports said my traffic was mostly all fraud even though it was only media buys too...i was on weekly payments. everyone i talked to who went to asw (i didn't get to go this time) said that the cx guys were telling them the same shit at the show...how they were the biggest fraud lead sources.

class-action anyone? doesn't look like they have the cash, but they keep telling everyone how they're bringing xm back next week on prepay. that's weird because xm couldn't board $10m worth of rebills, so they just cut a deal with an international solution for 50%, now they'll be processing their rebills for a 50% fee...how are they going to process the new transactions that cx is supposedly getting paid on prepay for? hahahaha! not funny!
Same thing here guys, account got suspended last week because of "CC Fraud". Amazing how I'm still running the same traffic on other networks and they haven't said a word.
So dubious....someone owes me money....to the interwebs forum Robin! How about figure it out with them...Jesus I never understood this tactic unless they are crooks, which I'm sure they aren't.
Wow if they are doing this to circa, this is serious shit, I advertise in some of the same places and this is complete bullshit. Time to hit the blogs gentlemen and make a ton of high ranking posts on wf. If circa is getting burned shits serious.
i think it's a cash issue, they must not be running much of anything else...xm was 75% of their revenue (per current cx am). do they think people are going to forget all of this once 'xm comes back'? maybe they'll pay a few guys but the only way to prevent this in the future, with cx anyways, is to ask for either prepay or daily wires. we should report them to dun and bradstreet for paying beyond terms
Sorry just to clarify this was the wrong post to be a smartass in. I personally have experience of CX putting their relationship with the affiliate above anything else so im surprised they havent fought for you guys more.
They need to see this and read it, and hopefully give you guys better justice.