have you seriously considered getting a 9 to 5 job in the past few months?


New member
May 4, 2012
be honest guys, who here has visited monster.com, indeed.com or any of the job sites since the Penguin/Panda/EMD updates messed up your empire? I have and I'm not afraid to say it. I've lost roughly 80% of my IM monies this year with all these goddamn updates. First time in 4 years that I've remotely considered getting a 9 to 5...

Although I haven't applied to any job yet, I've noticed that there are a lot of really well paying positions out there paying $80,000+ per annum. I launched 3 new sites since this summer which I'm putting a lot of effort/money into... I'm giving myself 6 months (roughly till march 2013) to make them work. If they don't, I'm gonna hit the job market.. this is the last round guys. Round 13 between Ali and Frazier.. it's now on never for me.

what about you guys? Have you considered the safety of a 6 figure job and not have to worry about Matt Cutts' cock reaching your adsense/affiliate monies in the future?
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Yeah I noticed that SEO jobs were 80k a year as well. Pretty sick but, I know if I was making that much with a j-o-b, I'll have very little reasons to return to the hustle.

Like, if you have a comfortable life, why risk it all working for yourself? No pain == no motivation.

I'd rather stay on food stamps and ramen.
Take control of your destiny man

Launch a store........ learn to market...............

You dont have to depend on Google to get paid NOR sale
mituozo if it doesn't interest you why bother clicking and leaving a reply? Are you that bored? This is a legitimate topic that I know many WF'ers would be interested to talk about.

EDIT: seriously mituozo you're polluting my thread with dumb shit man, are you fucking 12 years old?
Evilpenguin, don't worry buddy. We can make it through this. Every dog has it's day. Hold on man. Message me if you need help making it through. I got mad connects.
Yeah I noticed that SEO jobs were 80k a year as well. Pretty sick but, I know if I was making that much with a j-o-b, I'll have very little reasons to return to the hustle.

Like, if you have a comfortable life, why risk it all working for yourself? No pain == no motivation.

I'd rather stay on food stamps and ramen.

yeah but you see I look at it differently: if you're making 80k a year doing something "relatively easy", you can also fund your own projects on the side, and whenever your projects start making more money, you can quit that job and be back in the game...
Yeah, I considered a 9 to 5 and concluded it was the scariest fucking thing I could do. So I'm launching two new biz's, one that my wife is going to do (natural/organic/home made health/skin related products) and another web based, then solidifying what I currently have going.