Has anyone tried the craiglist thing?

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Once something becomes too lucrative it stops working usually after too many people flood the market and the moderating staff begin to crackdown. Like myspace for example. Myspace was easy to spam in 2005 before every dumbas and his grandma had an adder program. Now myspace is cracking down and deleting accounts, changing thier code, ect to try to render these bots innefective.

I just found out about it a couple days before shoemoney talked about it on his show. But now that everyone knows and is talking about it on forums, i think ill try to find something else. Myspace used to be nice too
What kind of conversions have you guys gotten? One of my friends is doing it and has 500 emails from horny men in his inbox after 3 ad postings.
nobody does this anymore since the guy posted all the perves online a month or so ago. since then it has sucked!
Is there something wrong with that?
No, I thought free email addresses had a limit to the # of mailings that can be sent in one day to combat spam. I was just trying to confirm if it's true or not
I did 300 in a weekend and about 200 tricked in over the week with no new ads.. post late at night and they dont get deleted as fast. And myspace is still great.
wow really

I didnt know people would publicy talk about advertising in this manner, I know all the major networks are now not letting you promote on Myspace, And yeah I think its really weak and really unethical. Funny though I never figured it would work that well for the amount of time you have to spend.
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