Has anyone tried the craiglist thing?

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yeah tangem is right,,, CL has really slammed down on spammers,, to the point they contact the spammers affilite network with a cease and decist, resulting in no paycheck,,lol...

the dating is the only way to go in CL, considering that noone knows,,lol. No links in CL and they request info which makes it non-spam kind of:)

Simply post an ad in dating, and setup an autoresponder telling the people to go find more pics and info here,,, with a link to your favorite dating offer...

Boom , Done

But I have known people not get checks for spamming CL with free offers and shit where a link is visible.. so be warned. CL loves sending Hydra, Azoogle, Cpa empire , max bounty and others letters telling them that ID# XXXX has been spamming and littering their site.

Good Luck..
Do you know of a decent autotresponder?

I tried this and made reasonable money for the effort for a while but its not worth it anymore(automated will be caught, CL really cracked down, and people arent as stupid, conversions dropped and dropeed till i stopped trying
I tried this and made reasonable money for the effort for a while but its not worth it anymore(automated will be caught, CL really cracked down, and people arent as stupid, conversions dropped and dropeed till i stopped trying

were you doing dating?
p.s. There is one more thing i want to try before giving up and thats jdate which is for jews but has a pretty high payout. Might not get as many responses but conversions might be way better.
i've had 2 affiliate accounts banned (and money seized) from fuckers reporting me spamming. they even reported my domain(s) to godaddy, and i've received threatning calls from domainsbyproxy and my ISP.

if you're playing with fire, prepare to get burned.

there's fucking dipshits out there with nothing better to do than report you.
i've had 2 affiliate accounts banned (and money seized) from fuckers reporting me spamming. they even reported my domain(s) to godaddy, and i've received threatning calls from domainsbyproxy and my ISP.

if you're playing with fire, prepare to get burned.

there's fucking dipshits out there with nothing better to do than report you.
were you promoting dating also?
yeah someone told me about this method but its wrong in my opinion.. i wouldnt want to be lead on by a 'fake' girl and nobody else does either.
yeah someone told me about this method but its wrong in my opinion.. i wouldnt want to be lead on by a 'fake' girl and nobody else does either.

this is affiliate marketing - leave your ethical dilemmas out of it.
well basically whats being done is illegal.. so do whatever teh fuck you want.. i dont care.

technically it is, and they have a warning on there saying they will charge you a minimu of $1k blah blah. MFA is agains TOS, spamming on myspace is illegal/against TOS. You have to draw your own line on what you are willing to do. In reality it would probably be doing those dudes a favor for them to quit wasting time on CL and waste time on a dating site.
If you see everything as black and white you will never make a dime...its the various shades of gray that allow you to make money IMO.
Illegal? No.

Civil suit? Possibly.

All depends on how much you game their system and how good they are at tracking it back to you.
I meant to type against TOS I have no idea what the legalities are. I tried it, but got nailed for spam (how the fuck do would they know it was spam if I never sent an affiliate link!) so I gave up.

It is no different from setting up a fake myspace profile or using fake whois information.
(how the fuck do would they know it was spam if I never sent an affiliate link!) so I gave up.
sometimes it won't even let you post due to the extension of your email addy. example: i've never been able to post using a .info email extension.
Yeah, I had that problem yesterday. But I got the personal ad up and it was approved and stayed up long enough to get 10 e-mails and then it was flagged and taken down.
bah,...yeah..i sent a couple personalized emails...to see if it would work(like 4-5)...but i feel too guilty and think im going to quit it now. I already received like 40 messages...

a marketer with morals :eek7:

what is the world coming to :1bluewinky:
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