Haha - Obama not banning 'torture' after all

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popyeandobamaforever.JPG warmed over '08 drama....

.....to be fair, Ron Paul was excellent in the documentary "Fiat Money" which you can find online if you look hard enough....
That's the flaw in a system where you only have two choices. Shit, and shittier.

McCain would be terrible, probably worse than Obama. But he would come without the obsessive and mentally retarded cult of personality. I swear if McCain shit, you couldn't pay someone to hold it. If Obama shit, people would lie down, open their mouths and beg for him to crap on their faces.
Tell me why is it ok for Ron Paul to have a personality cult, but not Obama? Why is fanatical support such a bad thing? More than anything, America needs someone who can get things done. Winning by a large majority facilitates this.

Honestly, it's fucking disgusting. He's accomplished NOTHING as a Senator, and people keep saying he's the best President ever, when as Nicky pointed out, the guy hasn't even been fucking sworn in yet.

Democracy: Legitimizing crooks and the stupidity of the masses for over 300 years.

As Winston Churchill said, "democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried"

But you bring up another good point that illustrates the problem with many of Ron Paul's ideas: The majority is too stupid to take care of themselves, we need some level of "nanny state" to take care of people. Do I like it? NO, but thats reality of how things are.

Yeah, having an honest President who wants peace and a sound economy, social justice and small transparent government would totally fuck up the special interests raping everyone. Can't have that. At least Obama will soothe you with a great speech as he sells out the future to his campaign contributors.

Yes he supports all sorts of rights and social justice, unless your a woman, then your supposed right free choice is superseded by a little embryo. Dont get all high and mighty thinking that Ron Paul is some saint, he has agenda just like everyone else in politics.

I like most of Ron Paul's ideas(abolishing federal reserve, etc) but some elements of his agenda are simply too far right for my taste. We have had enough of right wing extremist in the white house for a while. It failed miserably so I say lets give a liberal a shot and see what happens.

p.s. I never claimed to be a Obama support, so calm down skippy.
Tell me why is it ok for Ron Paul to have a personality cult, but not Obama? Why is fanatical support such a bad thing?
Have you spoken to a Paulie? They generally get economics and history. I just got a PM on another forum from a female friend of mine. She's telling me how "Barack would deal with her problems".

The guy is a junior Senator from Illinois, who has done nothing legislatively, in fact, every time he has voted, he votes the opposite of what he stands for!

People refer to this guy like he is Dr. King, when he is Dr. Doolittle!

More than anything, America needs someone who can get things done. Winning by a large majority facilitates this.
It wouldn't matter if he won by 1 electoral college votes or 100. The margin of victory does nothing for him. The Congress and Executive are *supposed* to be two separate branches, and two separate elections.

That said, Hitler was also seen as someone who could "get things done". No, I am not calling Obama Hitler. But I'm making the point that when people look to leaders to make politics and the gears of government expedient instead of just, tyranny is inevitable.

Here is Hayek's Road to Serfdom in cartoon form. Watch this shit unfold over the next few years, it's already started.

The Illustrated Road to Serfdom

As Winston Churchill said, "democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried"
Winston Churchill was a power mad anti-semite. It's one of history's great jokes that people quote guys like him.

But you bring up another good point that illustrates the problem with many of Ron Paul's ideas: The majority is too stupid to take care of themselves, we need some level of "nanny state" to take care of people. Do I like it? NO, but thats reality of how things are.
Yeah, and black people aren't as smart as white people, we can't let them mix. And women shouldn't be allowed to vote or own property, that's just how it is.

What you're talking about, is how regimes like the Soviets get going and then turn on their own people. The only way to "nanny" people, is to enslave them. Instead of breeding independence and intelligence, you breed dependence and jealousy.

Yes he supports all sorts of rights and social justice, unless your a woman, then your supposed right free choice is superseded by a little embryo. Dont get all high and mighty thinking that Ron Paul is some saint, he has agenda just like everyone else in politics.
Of course he has an agenda. And I probably understand it better than most. He was never trying to win the Presidency. He was (and is being successful at) reviving a generation of people who care about liberty and freedom.

I like most of Ron Paul's ideas(abolishing federal reserve, etc) but some elements of his agenda are simply too far right for my taste. We have had enough of right wing extremist in the white house for a while. It failed miserably so I say lets give a liberal a shot and see what happens.
Is there no limit to the goofiness? The neocons fought tooth and nail to prevent Paul from getting in debates, from getting re-elected to Congress, and would barely even allow him, a celebrity Presidential candiate, to walk the floor at their national convention.

Paul is more liberal than Obama. Paul supports ending the war NOW. He supports health care and education freedom NOW. He supports ending the drug war NOW. Ending torture NOW. Closing Gitmo NOW. Stopping wiretapping, and investigating the Bush regime/Wall Street/the FED NOW.

What liberal agenda does Obama support? Seriously. What did Obama run on? What is he planning to do?
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Images courtesy of David Icke Website - Obama Article
Haha, + reps.
When Obama is done with American, it'll become totalitarian

That's probably one of the only things I agree with you on. However, I think most of you are wrong on Obama's position in regard to Israel. Just Google one his advisers, Samantha Power. She actually advocated American military intervention in Israel in order to 'protect the Palestinian refugees'. As in, American forces battling Israeli forces.

The fact that he hired Rahm Emmanuel means shit. Yeah, he has Jewish heritage, but he's as liberal as they come.

So I think most of you shouldn't worry - you'll discover in time that Obama is as liberal, if not more, than you've all hoped for. Your savior has truly come.
Now, what the fuck does "liberal" mean to you? It's just some bullshit word. There are many meanings for it so stop using it. Same with conservative. Conservative does not usually mean fiscally conservative these days, it means socially conservative. Two completely differnt things that people talk about as if they were the same all the time. Stop watching the news and turn on CSPAN. Stop caring about what the pundits say and form your own opinions. Last but not least, raelize that you're surrounded by a nation of idiots that vote but do not do a lick of research, so you should probably stop blindly following their trends.

Even more lastly, penis.

And those are typos not spelling errors.
Now, what the fuck does "liberal" mean to you? It's just some bullshit word. There are many meanings for it so stop using it. Same with conservative. Conservative does not usually mean fiscally conservative these days, it means socially conservative. Two completely differnt things that people talk about as if they were the same all the time.

I'm not sure if you're merely uninformed, or simply ignorant, but yeah 'liberal' and 'conservative' are fairly simple names that have rather rudimentary definitions. They describe a person's position on any number of issues. While somebody might not ascribe to all liberal positions on issues, and vice versa, it's still a useful description to describe someone.

If this is still hard for you to comprehend, here's an example.

LIBERAL - pro-abortion, anti-waterboarding, anti-war in Iraq, pro-unions, pro-welfare, pro-illegal alien naturalization, anti-Israel, etc...

CONSERVATIVE - anti-abortion, pro-waterboarding, pro-war in Iraq, anti-union, anti-welfare, anti-illegal alien naturalization, pro-Israel, etc...

So for example a lot of affiliate marketers here have liberal positions on issues. They don't care much for Israel, support abortion, hate the war in Iraq, etc... I'm not sure why so many are liberal, but those are simply the facts. If you're pro-abortion, you have a liberal position towards abortion. If you're pro-Iraq war, you have a conservative position on the war. Getting it yet?

Those are just a couple issues and positions. It's really not that difficult to comprehend. And while certain people may have positions from both sides, generally you'll find if somebody has a liberal position on an issue, they'll have them down the board on every issue.

So you can save your retarded lecture about how the descriptions don't mean anything. I couldn't care less if you're too stupid to know the issues, the positions, and the descriptions for those with similar positions.
As democracy is perfected the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- Henry Mencken​

Americans, rejoice, that day hath arrived! For more political news that actually matters to you, check out Pundit Kitchen.

I didn't exercise my right because there were no quality candidates in the race.
Sorry, but as someone that HAS to vote, the sheer laziness of the American voter pisses me off.
You guys had some wonderful candidates that no one ever heard about because they had enough conviction to not join the D or R parties.
People like Cynthia McKinney, who would also have bee the first black AND female president if anyone had heard of her, which they were guaranteed not to because she headed up an Environmental party.

SEOReborn: Your picture comparison fails because it can be done with ANY large rally. There are pictures from Woodstock that look pretty insidious when you make them B&W.
the sheer laziness of the American voter pisses me off.

I'm not sure if you didn't read what I wrote or simply wanted to continue believing your stereotype of Americans as lazy. Not only were the candidates in the race terrible, my vote wouldn't have made a difference as the state I live in ALWAYS goes to the Democrats. But I guess I'm just another one of those 'lazy' Americans.

People like Cynthia McKinney, who would also have bee the first black AND female president

Wow, not only is she black, she's female too! Sounds like qualifications to be president to me. Seriously dude, worry about your own country. McKinney's a joke.
Hellblazer: The bit about her being a black woman was dry wit. But yeah, I'll admit to ignoring your point so that I can maintain my stereotypical view of most of you guys being lazy :p
And that said, whilst your system may be so screwed that a single vote doesn't count, there's plenty of other things that can be done to sway the tide one way or another. Hell, those two neo-nazis that got taken down by the ATF, at least they were getting politically involved... even if it was amazingly retrogressive, racist, ill-educated and... well, moronic.
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