Haha - Obama not banning 'torture' after all

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As much as you keep trying to defend Obama's actions, it's impossible, so you might as well quit. This is coming from HIS PEOPLE; you think he's gonna suddenly change his mind once inaugurated? You'd have to be a fool to think that.

If you were retarded enough to vote for him, I'll do what I'm doing now; laugh as his base takes it up the ass.

I think you actually were dumb enough to vote for him, and that's why you keep trying to change the focus from Obama's backstabbing to little ol' me.

You keep saying "Get over it" and "Quit bitching" - here's a clue, fucktard. I never backed a horse in the race. I thought they were all bad. Yeah, Ron Paul had some good ideas, but he also had some truly insane ones too. I could give a fuck who won. In fact, I knew Obama was gonna win before the election because McCain ran a truly sucky campaign.

So I will continue ruthlessly mocking Obama as he continues to lie his ass off, and suckers like you continue to whine about me bringing attention to it.

Glad to see the asylum gave you some more computer time to rail about the 'Zionists'.

Uhh...so you didn't pick anyone, and now you're bitching about who everyone else picked? Non voters don't get to have an opinion, sorry.

As for his "actions", he hasn't taken any yet...he isn't even the president yet, so it's a little hard for me to defend anything. I'm just letting you know how much of a retard you are.

And yes, you're still crying like a little bitch.

Non voters don't get to have an opinion, sorry.

As much as it might disturb your carefully constructed paradigm, we live in a free country. That means anyone can say whatever they want, and anyone can have an opinion.

The fact that you might not like what somebody says about your angel Obama doesn't mean you can shut down their right to free speech. The right to vote is just that - a right to be exercised at the discretion of the citizen. Somebody can choose to vote or not vote. It has no bearing on their right to free speech.

I didn't exercise my right because there were no quality candidates in the race. However, I am still a citizen of this country and as such have the right to commentate on the actions of those entrusted with the governance of this nation. In case you forgot, they work for us, the people.

This thread is a commentary on the actions of Obama. It's a slight mockery of the fact that Obama chose to leak his future actions to the press, and that those actions in some cases directly contradict his promises. In case you have not kept up with the news, he has been doing that with increasing regularity. As an American, it is my right to commentate on actions that I perceive to be duplicitous.

If you have a problem with that, by all means disagree with the opinion. But it strikes me as rather lazy, if not downright desperate, to attack the commentator instead of the commentary. This news release did not spring out of thin air. It talks explicitly about 'plans' Obama is drawing up. It cites officials close to the plans.

That's an action already undertaken by Obama. Parsing words doesn't change the facts. He has already drawn up plans, and officials involved have leaked details of the plans, most likely on Obama's bidding. Those are all actions taken by Obama.

This seems to have shaken your unwavering faith in The One, resulting in a near neurotic denial of what are obvious facts. If you have a problem with the AP's reporting, take it up with them. But don't waste everybody's time by trying to distract them from the real issue.
I'm not defending anyone. There's nothing to defend. Dude has done 0 THINGS AS PRESIDENT SO FAR. There's nothing to pass judgement on.

You absolutely have a right to say whatever you want. But I'm just letting you know that anything you say is worth as much as the paper I wipe my ass with because limpdicks who dont vote and then bitch about the outcome don't matter.

I voted, and I will pass judgement or not on my choice when he's actually done something. Meanwhile you'll still be crying like a bitch when you already wasted your chance to do something about it.

Take your current opinions, wait 4 years, do something about it, then complain.

For now, this may help:
i'm not a fan of torture, but someone choking on water is the least of my worries. at least they aren't being impaled.
you already wasted your chance to do something about it.

I already said it made no difference who I voted for, or whether I voted. I live in Massachusetts; the Electoral College system guaranteed Obama would win it. My vote would have made no difference.

It doesn't affect the legitimacy of my assertions at all. You keep trying to say my assertion is wrong simply because I didn't vote, not because my facts are wrong. In what world does that make sense? I knew MA would go for Obama; it was pointless for me to vote. So suddenly I can't share any opinion on the man?

Your logic makes no sense, and I'm tired of talking to a clown like you. The point of this thread was to illustrate how he backtracked on his promise to end 'torture', and I stand by that. If you want to prove that he didn't backtrack, go right ahead. But for God's sake, stop bitching about whether or not I cast a meaningless vote in a predominantly liberal state.
This is a little off topic but Bob Barr had an interview, I think for MSNBC late in the campaign, and said that either Obama or McCain should be concerned with being implicated in war crimes charges if they take over and continue some of Bush's policies.

I don't know if people know that war crimes charges have been brought against Rumsfeld in France (and maybe Germany too).

Odds are these guys will never see the inside of a courthouse, but still, once Obama takes office, Gitmo/torture/Iraq becomes his responsibility not Bush's.
I'm not defending anyone. There's nothing to defend. Dude has done 0 THINGS AS PRESIDENT SO FAR. There's nothing to pass judgement on.

Probably cuz he's not even president yet.

However he was a senator before someone else took his spot, and as a result there was still plenty he could have done or said as a senator.

As far as banning torture and such... you honestly think that just the president alone could simply say 'we ain't gona do this anymore'. Well I guess he could say it when he's president, but it wouldn't mean much if congress and other branches don't fall into agreement. And even if they did, its unlikely that some departments such as CIA are ever going to stop the practice.

I have a question. Does anyone really think the world would be a better place in 4-8 years with McCain/Palin running things?

And please no more ranting about Ron Paul, that silly gremlin never had a real chance.
Yeah hellblazer, you ain't gunna win any popularity contests talking down the only honest congressman.

The thing is, most people don't even know the whole story about Ron Paul beyond what happened in the campaign. He's an amazing guy if you go back and watch his speeches in the 80s and how he keeps winning his statist, fanatically republican district even when the entire GOP leadership has tried to fuck him over by working with the Dems to unseat him!

What's great about Paul, is that no other politician likes him. What sucks about Obama, is that every politician thinks he's great.

I think you make a good point, Ron Paul is a great congressman(we need more like him), he would make awful president though.
I have a question. Does anyone really think the world would be a better place in 4-8 years with McCain/Palin running things
That's the flaw in a system where you only have two choices. Shit, and shittier.

McCain would be terrible, probably worse than Obama. But he would come without the obsessive and mentally retarded cult of personality. I swear if McCain shit, you couldn't pay someone to hold it. If Obama shit, people would lie down, open their mouths and beg for him to crap on their faces.

Honestly, it's fucking disgusting. He's accomplished NOTHING as a Senator, and people keep saying he's the best President ever, when as Nicky pointed out, the guy hasn't even been fucking sworn in yet.

Democracy: Legitimizing crooks and the stupidity of the masses for over 300 years.

I think you make a good point, Ron Paul is a great congressman(we need more like him), he would make awful president though.
Yeah, having an honest President who wants peace and a sound economy, social justice and small transparent government would totally fuck up the special interests raping everyone. Can't have that. At least Obama will soothe you with a great speech as he sells out the future to his campaign contributors.
That's the flaw in a system where you only have two choices. Shit, and shittier.

McCain would be terrible, probably worse than Obama. But he would come without the obsessive and mentally retarded cult of personality. I swear if McCain shit, you couldn't pay someone to hold it. If Obama shit, people would lie down, open their mouths and beg for him to crap on their faces.

Honestly, it's fucking disgusting. He's accomplished NOTHING as a Senator, and people keep saying he's the best President ever, when as Nicky pointed out, the guy hasn't even been fucking sworn in yet.

Democracy: Legitimizing crooks and the stupidity of the masses for over 300 years.
Watch a little documentary called "hacking democracy" and tell me how much your vote is worth.
I have a question. Does anyone really think the world would be a better place in 4-8 years with McCain/Palin running things?

And please no more ranting about Ron Paul, that silly gremlin never had a real chance.

If every congressman was like Ron Paul, we would have a much more humane and prosperous nation. If you actually listen to what he says and how he acts, you will see that.

Or you can slide into the pitfall of soaking up all the propaganda you pickup from the news.

My advice to anyone wanting a real lesson on politics, watch some cspan. most of the elected officials are not the super heroes or wiz kids that the media portrays them to be. Just a bunch of empty pockets waiting to be stuffed.

Can someone explain to me why American's even care that they torture terrorists? Seriously, we pussy out bad in the western world, where we allow idiotic bureaucrats to make the decisions for us, as we try to 'play by the rules' and at the same time watch other nations and/or terrorist backed organisations to do the complete opposite.
Being a Jew is not a problem. Being a Zionist is a pretty big problem in this world. Many Zionists are Christians or atheists. Real Jews, like many Hasidic Jews condemn what Israel does.

Hellblazer supports Israel's actions. Anyone who doesn't support Israel, he considers them a retard.
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