Guy Opinion: Grooming Lounge for Men, DC - Good Taste or Gay?

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I let my girlfriend take me shopping over the weekend. I ended up in a department store changing room trying on hugo boss jeans. I looked down at the ripped and torn pair that had served me well for so long along with the metallica t-shirt from a gig a few years back and got a sense of panic. I quickly changed back into my regular clothes, dumped the £100 jeans and £90 shirt in the arms of the attendent and ordered my girlfriend out of there

I am who I am.

Who pays £100 on a pair of fucking jeans anyway?! For something that's going to be a pair of torn-offs at a festival in a few years.

I went with my wife to a spa a couple different times. Once we had a couples massage - two masseuses, same room. It was hot watching my wife get a massage from a woman (not that anyone but me was thinking porno thoughts).

Of course my wife got the hot petite masseuse and I got the one that had shoulders about 6' wide who looked like she played rugby for fun.

Also, I was hanging out in my spa robe in the waiting room before hand drinking tea with the wife when she informed me I was literally "hanging out" - I had my legs opened a little too wide for that robe it turns out. I did get a little smile and wink from some woman old enough to be my mom.
That gift is awesome, we need to bring back the real barber shops.

Back in the day when cowboys rolled into town the first thing they did was go to the barber shop where they would get cleaned up, told where the work was, where you can get yourself some lady company, and anything else you need to know.

Pretty sure cowboys were not ga........ (brokeback)

Never mind.
GPS, Binoculars, Telescope, Nice Tent, 2 Way Radio etc.. Anything that's cool and fun for 10 year old boy will be great for an older outdoors type man. should get you started (no, I'm not affiliated but ordered many things when they were formerly owned by S.I.R.)

hmmm spa... or a FRICKEN BOW N ARROW!! tough call....

If your bf was more metrosexual I'd recommend you stick with that idea, but since he's clearly not it would just be really uncomfortable for him. There are ways for him to get the spa treatment without going to a spa-spa. You just have to find one with an activity built in. There are lodges and weekend retreat places with natural springs and all that spa stuff but theres kick ass shit to do like hunting, fishing, rock climbing hiking etc. So when he's had his fill doing all the fun outdoorsy stuff during the day theres really nothing for him to do but the couples spa crap afterwards. Which he may or may not enjoy, doesn't matter cus he'll just assume he has to do it because when you're there as a couple its implied that you have to balance the girly stuff you wanna do with the fun stuff he wants to do and all the other guys there are doing it to.

Take him to a country like Mexico or Thailand where they give you massages on the beach. My dad, who would never be caught dead within a 3 mile radius of a spa, used to really enjoy those.

EDIT: btw, for the record, i can't stand spas. They're soooo boring and ridiculously self indulgent. (<--shit that's not really the word I'm looking for, lazy and time wasting is the type of word I'm going for) I wouldn't even go for pedi's except I like to have pretty feet. But the time it takes to go, wait, and get it done, is almost a deal killer and as it is my toes are long overdue by the time I actually get them done.

Just thought I would mess up the sterotype a bit there.

EDIT again: Just read kimbo's post and he made it sound really nice. Now I'm reconsidering. @ ridd have you thought about doing it with him?
There are some things you simply don't ask a guy to do. "beauty" treatments, manicures, pedicures etc..

protip: manicures are definitely not a 'beauty' treatment for most guys, even those who are hung up on machismo ideas of what we're supposed to do.
bubbly mudbaths and cucumbers are one thing, having well groomed fingernails is another. all women appreciate it, least of all for looks.

and yes, the place looks good. go for it. he'll probably dig it.
if he's got issues point him at the faq:

Q: Will a real Man's Man feel comfortable at Grooming Lounge?
A: Yes.

how can you argue with that?
I went with my wife to a spa a couple different times. Once we had a couples massage - two masseuses, same room. It was hot watching my wife get a massage from a woman (not that anyone but me was thinking porno thoughts).

Of course my wife got the hot petite masseuse and I got the one that had shoulders about 6' wide who looked like she played rugby for fun.

Also, I was hanging out in my spa robe in the waiting room before hand drinking tea with the wife when she informed me I was literally "hanging out" - I had my legs opened a little too wide for that robe it turns out. I did get a little smile and wink from some woman old enough to be my mom.

I think the key is going with you wife, GF.

How about doing a couples type thing? Sending him to a full on spa by himself for the 1rst time can be much for most guys.

I've been multiple times with my wife and it's always been awesome and I'm still not sure sure I'd go alone...
I don't see anything on that list of services that I wouldn't appreciate (other than massage and hair removal). I don't see any reason a guy would ever want a pedicure, considering shoes are rather popular at the moment, but whatever.
protip: manicures are definitely not a 'beauty' treatment for most guys, even those who are hung up on machismo ideas of what we're supposed to do.
bubbly mudbaths and cucumbers are one thing, having well groomed fingernails is another. all women appreciate it, least of all for looks.

and yes, the place looks good. go for it. he'll probably dig it.
if he's got issues point him at the faq:

how can you argue with that?

Yes because men hang around where people get these done,


I'll admit my views must be somewhat skewed from small town mentality and a brother that liked to beat me up when I kicked his ass at mortal kombat but from my perspective, one which hasn't been totally feminized by which ever big city you find yourself in, my point still stands that any man who takes the feminine route on something that shouldn't take more than 5 minutes is that much less of a man for it.

Uzzz summed it up, a bow and arrow or sitting around getting your nails picked at for an hour.
male and female manicures are different man. takes 15-20min max, no paint involved.
and it's really not about looks. it's about touch.

specifically, it's about touching her -- without having a sharp or jagged nail catch something it shouldn't.
just clipping, while efficient, ain't enough to guarantee that silky smooth caress and pain-free manual stimulation.

course you'd have to be interested in actually pleasing her for that to mean anything.
which may or may not require a totally feminized big city perspective.
I clicked that link, and every guy on the front page looked like cockacidal maniacs.

My thoughts on 'grooming' are that i do what i want, when i want. The whole clean cut pay $50+ for clothes prep look - Gay.....Use 'product' in your hair - Gay.....shaving chest/legs/below the belt - cum drunk gay....Unless you're helen keller, you don't need a fucking manicure.

Thankfully my gf is one that agrees with what i have to say.....she wants a man to look and act like a man. Amen to that.
My wife hits the spa pretty regularly.

She'd been trying to get me to go for years, so she went ahead and hooked up a couples spa day for us at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans..

I was very hesitant at first. I'd never done anything like that but she though it would
be really cool so I went.. plus we were going together.

We started out with massages together. Next we had lunch in a gorgeous private room in our spa robes. We then had a couples milk bath.

She got a facial and I got a hot shave. (<== damn, that sounds porno-ish)

Next we moved to the nail salon and got pedicures and manicures. They kept the wine coming and i kept on drinking it. I was shocked to see so many men there with their wives. Half of the New Orleans Hornets team was there.

It was actually a very nice experience and I plan on doing it again with my wife.

Not sure I'd go on my own though...

Wow great seems people are pretty split. I thought one of the things women was supposed to do was coax guys to try stuff they probably wouldn't without that er "feminine touch"?

I mean I would draw the line at clear nail polish because thay shit is just plain gay and I hate it....

But you know, I'm the kind of person that will try something out of character if prodded - as long as it is ethical.

I mean I'd go to a UFC match even though it's probably the last thing on my mind in terms of entertainment, lol....


....I don't know if I quite by the idea that if someone has to be kinda "pushed" or negotiated into a gift, experience or whatever then it's not the best thing for them.

For me it's about wanting to encourage people you care about to try different things. Sometimes different things aren't immediately enjoyable but after you get used to it you find it better than what you had before...

Anyway, I want to do something big, because the dude deserves it....half the fun is the planning to!
Something i'd love would be a spontaneous act of adrenaline filled action by my if she were to blindfold me and take me skydiving/bungee jumping....omfg awesome
I clicked that link, and every guy on the front page looked like cockacidal maniacs.

My thoughts on 'grooming' are that i do what i want, when i want. The whole clean cut pay $50+ for clothes prep look - Gay.....Use 'product' in your hair - Gay.....shaving chest/legs/below the belt - cum drunk gay....Unless you're helen keller, you don't need a fucking manicure.

Thankfully my gf is one that agrees with what i have to say.....she wants a man to look and act like a man. Amen to that.

Whatever! Hate to break it to you but it's the 21st bud. Women not stuck in the outback, esp. those who work, travel, juggle many responsibilities...the hell if we want a man who can put some fucking hair gell in before leaving the house. Besides, you might be surprised what kind of woman you can attract with a little grooming ;P

baggy jeans+hairy backs+no hair gell = no sugar
ps....was also thinking of the tried and tested MontBlanc but seems a bit boring on the imagination and creativity front...

montblanc.jpg the way not affiliated with them at all
See, this gets my political blood boiling! Look at this vid...
Someone explain to me how these guys look "gay"?! It's the 21st century! These kinda stereotypes prevent men from enjoying things they might otherwise not, IMHO
[ame=""]YouTube - The Best Shave - Grooming Lounge Greatest Shave Ever Kit[/ame]
I would just try telling him that they only give you massage and then let them take care of the rest.
there is nothing gay about this. however, most guys would probably pass on the manicure and pedicure and be more into a good haircut, hot shave and a brief massage by a women. also he probably means business and doesn't want to stick around the place for too long in one sitting.

get him a gift card so he can choose what he wants done.
Grooming Lounge Gift Cards

a bottle of his favorite drink would make it even better for some instant gratification.

show him that you understand him and are willing to give him what he wants without trying to influence his preferences.
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