Gratuity Included

Wow... your a fucking cheap ass. I thought your kind stuck on digital point?

I almost always tip, usually around 20%~. It's good karma...

Seriously, I ended up deleting previous posts because the bottom line is this.
I've been to a couple of places that have added 10% (one place 8%) gratuity to the bill, and I didn't mind + doubled it as service was good both times.

But on a recent visit to the melting pot they added 25% gratuity and the waitress was not very good at all. I had a supervisor come over with the waitress and explained to them how tipping works. Customers tip good if service was good, and the other way around, and had the gratuity removed. I still tipped 15% considering the place, and would have been comfortable paying 25% had they not been trying to force it when they didn't deserve it.

There are a lot of people who, despite being treated great by their server, do not leave tips, and at some places (like those that force their employees to report and share tips) include this forced gratuity to make sure their staff earn a reasonable amount.
Last I was in the US an 8% tip was considered reasonable, 10% for good service. 25% seems ridiculous to me... on a 120 dollar meal you are going to fork out 30 extra bucks! What the hell!

But damn, 25%!

8%-10% That would be highly insulting and I would be happy to have you keep your money. When was that? 35 years ago? (PS I'm 38 and don't remember EVER hearing it that low)

When I was in college I made part of my living on tips and as such I remember it today when I go out to eat. My dad taught me very early on, if you don't have money to tip (appropriately), you don't have money to go out.

As far as the OP goes, seems a bit strange to have the tip included. Sounds like they were hedging their bet. I would have let mgt know and like similar has said, I would demanded they remove it. I generally tip too good for even the most moderate of service, because I have been there too. Normally it's around 25%--drives my wife nuts b/c she is from Brazil and they don't tip like us here.

I do agree that the tipping culture seems to be getting out of hand. I won't tip a starbucks girl or any of the other service oriented type stuff. Valet's yup, Masseuse's not normally, hotel staff- not normally, room service, typically 18% is included so they need to get me the food REAL quick. Bartenders (back in the day) oh hell yeah, I made sure they were taken care of.
You guys are some broke ass bitches.

There are only two people in this world you have to be nice to: your waiter and your bartender.

20% should be a starting point...
Just tip your waiter/waitress.

Why, because society says you should? I fucking hate the tipping custom. I would much rather just pay for my food and service and get what I pay for. If you need to charge extra to pay your servers, then do it. And if you don't like your job waiting tables, don't do it. Everyone acts like its this social responsibility to the poor people waiting tables to give them extra money because aww they have to wait tables, whether they do a good job or not.
8%-10% That would be highly insulting and I would be happy to have you keep your money. When was that? 35 years ago? (PS I'm 38 and don't remember EVER hearing it that low)

Considered reasonable by him I'm guessing. I live near Orlando and friends in the service industry used to tell me horror stories about our friends from across the pond. They would avoid waiting on them like the plague.
doesnt happen to me ever, but i usually over tip for fear of spit in the food on my next visit.
Why, because society says you should? I fucking hate the tipping custom. I would much rather just pay for my food and service and get what I pay for. If you need to charge extra to pay your servers, then do it. And if you don't like your job waiting tables, don't do it. Everyone acts like its this social responsibility to the poor people waiting tables to give them extra money because aww they have to wait tables, whether they do a good job or not.

Blame the government for the exemption -
A tip should always be voluntary.

Here's my thinking - If a waitress/waiter is doing their job right, then the good tips will make up for the bad. If a waitress/waiter is not doing their job right, then let the poor paying tips weed them out to find other jobs. And if your restaurant is in a neighborhood where people don't tip, either pay your help more, or move your damn restaurant. But don't force people to do acts that should be voluntary.
For those that say you need to tip or else you'll get feces in your food/drink.. All that does is make people tip out of fear.

If I take my car to the dealership for an oil change, I gotta tip the mechanic now just cause its a service? WTF. Shouldn't I be scared he might remember me next time and pull a few wires or some shit or maybe not change the oil at all?

You wanna put shit in my food or drink or give me bad service next time around, I say do it. All that does is make me not want to come to your restaurant anymore and you lose out on some business, which in the end hurts them. Also, let me find some shit in my food, I'll gladly contact my lawyer and have a lawsuit brought on. If a business owner lets that shit go on, they gladly need a lawsuit brought on to them and deserve to lose a lot of business and go bankrupt.

I come to your restaurant because of 2 things:
1. Quality of product
2. Service

This is also why I pick a realtor, car dealership, web designer, content writer, telephone service, etc. However, I don't tip my realtor, car salesman, outsourced workers or my cell phone provider. In your scenario I should be tipping them because they are providing me a service, and if I don't.. I might get shitty service next time. You offer me a price for your product and I buy it, if your service sucks I drop you like its hot and that's it. I shouldn't have to pay you more for better service and for sure you better not be putting it on my bill upfront expecting it. I'll give you a tip if I feel like you did above and beyond what I expected, but even then I'm having to pay for better service in a sense.

I find it funny some of you guys preaching that you should tip because of XYZ reasons are the same guys I walked around with in San Diego for a4d meetup or at ASW and would ignore/not tip the street performers as they played music and did tricks on the sidewalk. They provided you a service by entertaining you while you walked by and by not tipping aren't you afraid the next time you walk by they might bash you in the head with their tuba?

All this "forced" tipping is just creating an environment where more people expect a handout. Tip jar here, tip jar there..

When does it come to me having to tip the checkout lady at my grocery store, the bagger that bagged my food, the greeter at the front door for saying hello, or the stock boys for making sure all the food was placed on the shelves just so I could buy it? All of that is a service right so I should be tipping all of them 15% right?

At $200 a trip ( with 15% tip ) to the grocery, I would be tipping everyone $30 each, so my bill would be $320.

Do you tip your usher at the movies as well?

How about the lady that made sure your popcorn was buttery and drinks filled to the top when you went to the movies? Do you tip your banker when you walk into your bank and check on your account or need to do something with your bank account?

Yeah, didnt think so. Why should eating a sit down meal be any different.

If a barber charges $10 for a haircut, then he should expect $10 for a haircut, not $13. And if he doesn't get that $3 extra and makes you look like Justin Dupre, then what it boils down to is he is upset he didnt make that extra $3 for whatever reason and is taking out on his customer, which he deserves to lose. If the barber is running a solid business, making profit, and doing things right.. he doesn't need that tip to stay in business. If he is taking his anger out on customers and not making ends meet, he needs to raise his prices, but expecting a tip and then punishing people after wards if they don't get it is just plain stupid.

Maybe I should tip my sheriff or local police when I see them in hopes that they will treat me better when I get pulled over or need them. Oh wait, that's called a bribe and generally is illegal. The definition of a bribe fits in well with tipping based on what some of you guys are saying. Sorry, I don't need to bribe people to give me poor service or just average service and I don't need to bribe them in hopes they might treat me better next time around.

I guess when I pay my taxes I should give the local gov. 15% more too, I mean they provide me with streets, schools, and lot of other shit and they always complain that their broke.

Right, I get what you're saying. but to me another $2-$8 is worth the peace of mind.

There are some cheap fucks in this thread considering how many "ballers" there are on WF. (And this is coming from a guy who makes less than $100k/yr)
I think some people need to understand that you don't tip for everything in the fucking world and discretion is necessary. You shouldnt be tipping because you fear retribution, you should be tipping because you either want to show gratitude for the quality of service offered by the staff or you want to ensure that you continue to receive quality service when you return.
Even if I'm at a dive bar getting a $3 beer i throw the bartender a dollar or two. If I know that I am going to be at a place for a while or its a spot that i frequent I will usually just tip the bartender $20 on my first drink and i never have to worry about waiting for a drink for the rest of the night. I have found that once you actually get to know the people at a place they will either refuse your preemptive tip or will just comp most or all of your drinks for the rest of the evening because they know you will take care of them.
A little generosity goes a long way fellas. I have found that giving a little upfront more often than not results in getting back far more.