Google's Possible New SERP - NOT HAPPY

It's a huge win for exact match domains, see the keyword "body building"

Wow. That fucking search result fills up the whole first page. I wonder if you could beat them with a massive link campaign and make them rank #2. Guess not.

If I were Google Id have an algo that whitelisted certain trusted domains (whois address listed in BBB, etc.).

Brands are going to be impossible to outrank here shortly. Only a matter of time before they start whitelisting a lot of other top terms. Think JennyCraig for weightloss, GNC for nutrition related keywords, etc.

I sold 3/4 of my SEO related properties at the beginning of the year, right after Panda 1.0. If there is one thing I know about Google is that they never go backwards. Its only going to get worse for affiliates.
seeing same shit here too. thought it was some sort of error at first coz me browsers been goin ape shit lately
seeing same shit here too. thought it was some sort of error at first coz me browsers been goin ape shit lately
Same here. My browser keeps showing only basic html now and again. Refresh and its normal :/

Sticking to the matter at hand, yer iv seen it aswel (uk)
I had a conf call with a client today, who mentioned this was appearing. Huge wtf, damn thing takes up like half the page
wow. and i thought id never look at panda's the same again, now this... google is hurting my bank right now
I have a site, recently hit by panda, with 15000+ indexed pages. It's a mixed content site in the tech/internet niche. When I type the name of my site in Google, it returns 12 sitelinks, even though my site is not the most authoritative web page you can find.

I've been noticing this in similar sites.
Google's showing some pages I bet website owners don't want seen, just checked one site in a niche I'm in (sitelinks only came up when I searched for, domainname on it's own didn't trigger it).

One of the links that came up was this:

With that link is a backdoor to all their website files...

I know people can filter this in Webmaster but could do some damage in the meantime.

And for one of my own sites the links that come up aren't really relevant or important, will have to check out WMT. Maybe enough people will complain at these types of issues and get them to retract it to some level.

EDIT: god, this might be a pain, looks like you can only request demoting on a url level. My site has a user profile area and forum, so don't think I can do a bulk filter for all those user pages.

They even say they don't guarantee a request will even be honored.
I have recently seen something, all my EMD's have jumped high in SERP's even though I have stopped doing SEO on them for a couple of months. It's little strange regarding this new update. Seems like the HUNT for EMD will grow like never before. A little SEO will let you on the 1st page.
Didn't know about this until I saw this thread. In fact, brand names have start to take up the first 3-4 positions in the SERPs. Search stuff like "samsung TV" and the top 3 listings are all from the manufacturers website. I think it looks more organized this way since all the related pages are categorized under 1 listing. Not sure how much it will affect the 2nd position but I definitely is in favor of this change than the current one.
Just noticed it this morning. Pretty stupid, I hate the design. Don't think that this is something that will stick for big G, but then again what the eff do I know?
I have recently seen something, all my EMD's have jumped high in SERP's even though I have stopped doing SEO on them for a couple of months. It's little strange regarding this new update. Seems like the HUNT for EMD will grow like never before. A little SEO will let you on the 1st page.
Nice to see it's not just me - my site which was on the second page, but then got sandboxed about 2 months ago, and has been in the 300s, suddenly bounced back to position 20 on the 11th of August, and has been around there ever since :D I haven't touched it since it got sandboxed really.

Anyone else experienced this?
MY quality website which has been on Top 1 of Google US for over year went to bottom of Page 1 after Panda update, not happy with google at-all.