Google updates landing page guidlines, Zip/Email/Arbitrage players, get in here

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Love the dog
Oct 3, 2006
Business Models to Avoid
The following website types will be penalized with low landing page quality scores. If we receive complaints about ads for websites of this kind, they will not be allowed to continue running.
  • Data collection sites that offer free items, etc., in order to collect private information
  • Arbitrage sites that are designed for the purpose of showing ads
  • Malware sites that knowingly or unknowingly install software on a visitor's computer
Google AdWords Help Center: Are there any business models that merit low landing page quality scores?

Looks like the "vote for news" zip/email submit model is void.

Why does google have to make everything so fuckin difficult, fuckin net nazis
The real questions are:
If they aren't manually checking these then there has to be a way to make Google think our page is of more value than a mere zip submit. Especially with all this "trustrank" talk.

I think if you set it up in a NETWORK... like my most recent blog post alludes to (near the end)... you should be okay.

Usually, analysis in these things can only be done using a combination of automatic and manual work.
Normally, an automatic analysis flags certain campaigns / sites which will be lookad at by people in a second step.

One way to do the autoamtic part of this (as Google will be heavy on that) would be to search for keywords and combinations in the ad campaigns, and / or the site. Examples:

vote and win
vote free
submit your mail
submit email win

I have experienced:
--Get rich quick sites that...were entertaining and provided me with some value.
--Travel aggregator sites that...gave me real travel information.
--Collection sites where...I actually got free stuff.
--Comparison shopping sites where...I was able to compare different products and get information.

It's totally wrong for Google to discriminate on the basis of the subject matter of these so-called "evil" sites. Subject matter does not make evil. It's how you treat the subject. I have seen plenty of these "favored" non-commercial sites that Google loves so much give me real crappy information.
Thanks nacho, for posting that. Good find.

Trigatch is the voice of reason here. Let's think about this...

IF I ran PPC campaigns and IF I wanted to game the G to get some trust and a decent QS, here's how I MIGHT approach this.

The G still likes blogs, right? What if we make a post to one of our blogs (you DO have a blog with some whiskers, at least a little PR and some trust, don't you?) that looks like a commentary on whatever the story of the day happens to be... say for instance, like Trigatch mentions, his post about banking off OJ.

This "post" ought to be just a snippet, with a "read more" link. Run your PPC ads and point them to the psudeo-post where the "read more" link actually goes to your zip/email submit page.

Will it work? Will it convert? I don't know, but it's the first thing that slithered into my feeble old mind. Anyone else have any better ideas?
Wonder when the Gov is gonna start to notice the tactics Google is using to control how marketing and commerce is done online (at least through their engine, and since it is the most used, it will be noticed) and their practice of web apartheid.

Then again, who cares. Plenty of other places and methods to do offers, leads, etc. Tho, it should only be a matter of time before their usage of 'vague' and 'unclear' terminology comes back to bite them in the a**.

This could possibly lead into a slippery slope effect: if they are starting to regulate individuals' landing pages, then how far away are we from them regulating 1) which tool(s) are used to create pages, 2) which languages ARE/AREN'T you used to code pages in, and 3) what layout, format, and colors ARE/AREN'T you allowed to use.
I dunno, I look at things like this as good news eventually. Alot of competition will just go away. Figure out a way around it but still staying within googles guidelines. Then DON'T TELL EVERYONE how to do it.
You're fine as long as they don't receive complaints...they said it themselves "If we receive complaints about ads for websites of this kind, they will not be allowed to continue running."

Just register a whole bunch of cheap throw away domains and see how many you can get banned before they ban you completely. :)
I won't be taking my campaigns down anytime soon. If google wants to take them down for me, I guess they will. This news doesn't really surprise me much. I'm not worried about it.
yeah, this is news how really? Like ALL the sites that were experimenting with polls were getting shitty quality scores right away. I guess the difference here is that they are saying if they get complaints they'll ban you.

I think it is kind of stupid by them tho - if I want to pay .50 a click for a crap site (not saying I do) what do they care?
Yahoo still doesn't give a shit what you do as long as your credit card goes through.

This is not true at all. I would say of any PPC engine I use Yahoo has the most messed up Editorial policies of anyone by a mile.

If you have not suffered at their hand, consider yourself lucky. At least there is a rhyme or reason for what others, including Google do. Trust me that Yahoo! can and will shut off campaigns, ad groups, keywords and entire accounts for no discernible reason.

I would much rather have the rules be clear and upfront, then made up on the fly and changing from literally 1 minute to the next.

I have seen keyword pulled for reason X. Okay Yahoo! complying with reason X. Okay well it is no good because of reason Y. Hmm that is weird.. okay Reason Y taken care of.. Yeah but now you need to look at Reason Z. But that doesn't even make sense Yahoo. I am not violating reason Z. Also if I look at the keyword other advertisers are doing the same thing. Sorry, you cant bid on that word.

Considering that I am extremely straightforward and only go for relevant and targeted keywords and such... my experiences with them at time are mind-boggling.
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