Google unveils search overhaul

Yall are freaking out over something that shouldn't come close to affecting your niches.

Oh no, I've been monetizing "honey badger" for years, what on earth am I going to do now that Google puts a snippet about honey badger's in the right hand corner (where ads would go, but there's no ads because who the fuck would monetize this shit).

Oh shit, now I guess building that Justin Bieber fan site was such a bad idea.

In all seriousness bro's, this is populating results that the vast majority of you aren't monetizing for. And even if you are, for some crazy ass reason, trying to monetize people/locations/things, you still are ranking. The difference is there's wikipedia-like info where ads would be (but once again there's no ads because who the fuck is trying to monetize this shitty traffic).

Yall are freaking out over something that shouldn't come close to affecting your niches.

Oh no, I've been monetizing "honey badger" for years, what on earth am I going to do now that Google puts a snippet about honey badger's in the right hand corner (where ads would go, but there's no ads because who the fuck would monetize this shit).

Oh shit, now I guess building that Justin Bieber fan site was such a bad idea.

In all seriousness bro's, this is populating results that the vast majority of you aren't monetizing for. And even if you are, for some crazy ass reason, trying to monetize people/locations/things, you still are ranking. The difference is there's wikipedia-like info where ads would be (but once again there's no ads because who the fuck is trying to monetize this shitty traffic).

Actually, you can make pretty good money on Justin Bieber terms ~$12-15/RPM + crazy volume ...bad example :)
To address the 2 main derps ITT:

First, they're not scraping jack shit. They're using wikia's free-with-attribution databases and content they've been licensing forever (sports scores for example.) The outrage should be over the unholy alliance between Jimbo and Google, wiki* properties aren't just on the front page, now they are the front page, but I guess I'm the only guy pissed off that the web's highest profile beggar is being buttressed by the largest for-profit entity in the online space.

Second, they're not fucking up their revenue stream because the 500k keywords they're k-graphing at the moment don't have any advertisers. Who the fuck do you think's buying ads on searches like "inclined plane" and "marie curie?"

Just to see what it's like some of you should try taking your brains out of free-wheel for 5 minutes, and/or stop waiting for shoemoney, finch or god knows to tell you what everything that happens online means.