Google making millions from the weak Dollar!

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Fuckin bastards!

They won't let me open an adwords account in Dollars and don't think I can have an Adsense account in Pounds (though just applied for another one to see if that's changed).

So I'm paying for ads with a strong £ and getting paid in piss-weak $$$s

They must be making millions if everyone has to have Adwords in their local currency and Adsense in Dollars!

To make matters worse, my CJ account is in Dollars too and I can't change it without opening another one, which is a lot of hassle.


Doesn't it all kinda work its self out?
I mean aren't you paying the same amount but converted into pounds?
Yeah, I've wondered, what's the conversion rate they are using for currencies? Do they use some official one?
You're prob right - but I make so much that my adsense cash has been in the system for ages... slowly worth less and less....

I guess it's when it £3 to the Dollar that there'll be real probs!

Although there's no way to prove it I'm sure Google don't give £2.01 to the Dollar when I buy ads.

I'm new to the game, but my lowest Adwords CPC is 2p... seems like the guys in the states get half that.

Please, someone in the UK tell me they get it lower and I just need to test, learn, test more, etc..
Actually... ignore that!

Just seen a 1p CPC... can't get much lower than that...

Though if they let you get clicks for 1 cent.... then maybe they are ripping me off!

Or can guys in India get clicks for 1 Paisa?? (1/100 Rupee... 0.02cents)

I'm in the UK and have an Adwords a/c but can pay in dollars (they charge you sterling at their own conversion rate, but it's favourable enough).

Adwords > Tools > Billing Preferences > Primary Payment Details (edit)

Now, when the page comes up saying "post-pay billing, creditcard etc", DON'T click next. Click the "additional forms of payment" link just above all that. From there I think you can change your currency (although I did this during the sign-up process, so it may differ for you).

Recap: I'm in the UK, have a UK adwords a/c but pay in dollars. :D

Oh and yes, it does feel that they are ripping us off. You know the minimum bids? They use the same digits but in your currency. Eg, minimum bid of 30cents becomes min bid of 30p which is more like 60c!

Lowest you can pay is 1c or 1p, but that's 2p, and as Tesco say mate, every bit helps ;)
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I'm in the UK and have an Adwords a/c but can pay in dollars (they charge you sterling at their own conversion rate, but it's favourable enough).

Adwords > Tools > Billing Preferences > Primary Payment Details (edit)

Now, when the page comes up saying "post-pay billing, creditcard etc", DON'T click next. Click the "additional forms of payment" link just above all that. From there I think you can change your currency (although I did this during the sign-up process, so it may differ for you).

Recap: I'm in the UK, have a UK adwords a/c but pay in dollars. :D

Oh and yes, it does feel that they are ripping us off. You know the minimum bids? They use the same digits but in your currency. Eg, minimum bid of 30cents becomes min bid of 30p which is more like 60c!

Lowest you can pay is 1c or 1p, but that's 2p, and as Tesco say mate, every bit helps ;)
I can't believe it. Ive sign up with adwords again, paying in USD, and not only are my minimum bids much lower, quality score has actually gone up on many keywords!
Google is just getting more and more unreliable.

I can't believe it. Ive sign up with adwords again, paying in USD, and not only are my minimum bids much lower, quality score has actually gone up on many keywords!
Google is just getting more and more unreliable.


Shhhh... keep it quiet. You are only meant to have one adwords account!! Though the editor saying you can use another account while it's uploading sort of suggests they know people have more than one!

Cheers for the advise Polyphonic - gonna try to change over, see if I can get clicks for 1c instead of 1p!
I am also in the UK and have a fully US Adwords account, I just entered a US address and then used my UK credit card info, no problem. You can also avoid paying the UK VAT this way too, and the bid increments are smaller at 1 US cent, rather than 1 UK p, so effectively you can outbid someone by bidding helf a pence more, which adds up over the thousands of clicks.
Oh and yes, it does feel that they are ripping us off. You know the minimum bids? They use the same digits but in your currency. Eg, minimum bid of 30cents becomes min bid of 30p which is more like 60c!

If that is true, then dollars isn't the best one to co for - maybe Rupees or Yen? Something worth a fraction of a dollar....

I'll play around later and report back!
I just went to change my payment options, - no go. Google won't let you change currency for an existing account.They suggest closing your account and opening another one, but has to be with a different email address. Here's their tip how to do this:

  • Use a different email address to create this new account. Or, if you would like to use the same email address, change it in your existing AdWords account before closing it out.
  • Keep a record of your campaign information - such as keyword lists and statistics. This is because you cannot transfer information from one account to another at this time. '
I have only a couple of old campaigns sitting paused in my account at present so it's no great hassle for me to move things over so I think I will give it a try.

I think as far as rupees or Yen are concerned, Google will be wise to that and you'll be paying pretty much the same as USD. However, it's the USD/Sterling comparison that really makes the difference.

As for multiple accounts, as far as I'm aware, you can have as many accounts as you like providing you either:

1) use different company names (or sole-trader names ;) )
2) tie them together as one super account (contact them, I think, to do this)

Something like that anyway - I'm still looking into it as I need a few accounts but I'm busy with studies so haven't had time.

Oh and dsm, thanks for the rep :D
You've more experience than me, so fair enough. The thing that did bother me though is the fact that, if you don't let them know about the multiple accounts, they could accuse you of having the potential for ad fraud as you could advertise the same keywords on each account.

Because adwords traffic makes up a large proportion of my income, I'd rather do it "by the book" and tell them. I'll have to read the terms though when I've time because, if it's pointless as you say, then I'll be wasting my time :)
I vote we keep the currencies the way they are, I'm from canada so when dealing with almost all of my Affiliate Networks and Google Adsense, I'm actually making more then they are paying me, well its fucked up but basically put the lower my canadian dollar is the more I'll get on the exchange rate because all funds are being paid to me in US dollars right now so thats pretty sweet.
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