Google making millions from the weak Dollar!

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I am also in the UK and have a fully US Adwords account, I just entered a US address and then used my UK credit card info, no problem. You can also avoid paying the UK VAT this way too, and the bid increments are smaller at 1 US cent, rather than 1 UK p, so effectively you can outbid someone by bidding helf a pence more, which adds up over the thousands of clicks.

Even though im in the UK, i use the dollar to set up my account...

I vote we keep the currencies the way they are, I'm from canada so when dealing with almost all of my Affiliate Networks and Google Adsense, I'm actually making more then they are paying me, well its fucked up but basically put the lower my canadian dollar is the more I'll get on the exchange rate because all funds are being paid to me in US dollars right now so thats pretty sweet.

Can you pay for Adwords in Canadian Dollars and get it as low as 1 cent? If that's the case then I'll try that instead of US Dollars.
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