Google Glasses

Frankly you ppl should just accept it. Augmented reality WILL happen; it's the natural evolution of the monitor.
This. No sense in being a Luddite.

People embrace technology until they consider the ramifications, then they get uber conservative. Dangerously so.

Society is highly dependent on technological progress.

I'm a Luddite, but I celebrate this. New tech moves us forward in ways that make life better. Kinda like OnStar.

The good thing is that you can choose to adopt it (like OnStar). It's voluntary. What would be nice is for a thousand other companies racing to make better stuff cheaper (competition). That's hard to do in a regulation-heavy environment.

Besides, it was just a matter of time. :)

Agreed this is awesome.

The implications go far beyond sharing things with your circle.

Translating any language in real time, allowing you to effectively to have a conversation in any language...

Overlaying notes/chords/scales on a guitar or any instrument and fast-tracking the learning curve.

A medic with a trauma patient with instant access to medical info, being able to diagnose injuries, having surgeon's remotely walk them through saving a life.

Plastering diet offers on the side of McDonald's via Adsense.

There' are a TON of ways I can see this being amazing technology.
Agreed this is awesome.

The implications go far beyond sharing things with your circle.

Translating any language in real time, allowing you to effectively to have a conversation in any language...

Overlaying notes/chords/scales on a guitar or any instrument and fast-tracking the learning curve.

A medic with a trauma patient with instant access to medical info, being able to diagnose injuries, having surgeon's remotely walk them through saving a life.

Plastering diet offers on the side of McDonald's via Adsense.

There' are a TON of ways I can see this being amazing technology.

LOL wallstreet or corporate america and their kind wont give away anything that actually helps people, without first a CC transaction to cover "processing".

Do any of you think the future will be like this:

My brother fell and a pencil went into his neck

Hold on, let me uplink you to a trauma team

Ok, I got you live, let me see the pencil.....ok I got it, you need to get this, that and the other thing.

Yawn.....the internet is for big companies to be more predatory than they already are, and that has nothing to do with helping anyone.

BTW the dow took a hit today and still closed over 13k, fuck that.
Yawn.....the internet is for big companies to be more predatory than they already are, and that has nothing to do with helping anyone.

Yeah, the internet never helped anyone.
Scott gets it. The point it, it's impossible to know how folks will use this technology, and the stuff that builds on it, in the future. No one can predict it, and that's exciting.

I remember when cell phones debuted (yeah, the ones that looked like a briefcase). Once a novelty, most folks now consider them a necessity. Same with camera phones. Heck, I wonder if cops ever thought they'd be caught beating/killing folks on the phones. lol

LOL wallstreet or corporate america and their kind wont give away anything that actually helps people, without first a CC transaction to cover "processing".

You pay (hopefully) for food, water, and toilet paper. Arguably, each makes your life better.
This. No sense in being a Luddite.

People embrace technology until they consider the ramifications, then they get uber conservative. Dangerously so.

Society is highly dependent on technological progress.

This is the reason I get upset when people bitch and moan about 3D.

"It's a fad"

"It makes me dizzy"

"It hurts my eyes"

"It's just a way to charge more"

These people are going to be those old fuck's that refused to adapt so they complain about everything new.
Ah, so let's do the math here, genius:

200,000,000 users (1 half of the USA when these come out)
~5 Terrabytes of video & audio recorded daily...

10 Exobytes of data EVERY DAY just for storing that boring shit.

Their algorhtyms for saving just what is important and throwing the rest away would have to be god-like in sophistication to make this attempt less than laughable.

Frankly you ppl should just accept it. Augmented reality WILL happen; it's the natural evolution of the monitor.

Until you realize that quantum computing will make storing and accessing all that data easy as fuck. Then you read about Palantir and can't sleep at night. Finally you accept that 1984 is indeed a reality and make the most of your life as property of The State.
I have it from my inside source at Google that if you can prove you're a full-fledged Anonymous member you'll be able to order your Google X-Glasses built into a bulletproof Guy Fawkes mask.
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Until you realize that quantum computing will make storing and accessing all that data easy as fuck. Then you read about Palantir and can't sleep at night. Finally you accept that 1984 is indeed a reality and make the most of your life as property of The State.

Yeah in 35 years (assuming Moore's Law), a 10 exobyte drive will cost about $500. With quantum computing it'll probably happen even quicker.

But the increase in quality of life these things provide will far outweigh the privacy concerns. Plus, as another poster mentioned, worrying about Google tracking everything you're doing is akin to worrying that HP is tracking everything you're doing with the webcam they have on your laptop, or worrying that Microsoft is keylogging everything you're doing. Stuff like that will not happen because it is not in the best interest of Microsoft to have public outrage over people finding out that everything they do on their computer is being keylogged by them.

I'll take the increase in quality of life over the potential problems that'll come with them (which have come with pretty much every new technology up until this point).
Until you realize that quantum computing will make storing and accessing all that data easy as fuck. Then you read about Palantir and can't sleep at night. Finally you accept that 1984 is indeed a reality and make the most of your life as property of The State.
Palantir is just pattern recognition software.

Quantum Computing is hardware that processes data faster/through fatter pipes.

Hard drives, however, have an atomic limit to how much data they can store. Exobytes of data storage will always be an investment.
Palantir is just pattern recognition software.

Quantum Computing is hardware that processes data faster/through fatter pipes.

Hard drives, however, have an atomic limit to how much data they can store. Exobytes of data storage will always be an investment.

I don't agree with "ALWAYS". Based on the technology today yes your right.

If you would have asked someone 30 years ago if they could Video Conference with someone on the other side of the world for free, they would have checked you into a mental institution.

It's just a matter of time before new technology comes down the pipeline (if google or the government don't already have it). Also I don't really think any of us can GUESS what the current server farm capacity of Government or Google is. The investment for the ability to store that data is well worth it.

Remember what we don't have to read that data today might exist tomorrow. The data as long as it exists will be there for all the analyzing they want.

Like I said this will have advantages beyond even our current imagination. Monitor vital signs, changes in blood pressures, education, driving, etc. It 'IS' the direction things are moving.
Then you read about Palantir and can't sleep at night. Finally you accept that 1984 is indeed a reality and make the most of your life as property of The State.
I live fairly off grid and I am leaving the west in a couple years. You're only a slave if you insist upon staying within the reservation.
All good but they need to drop that fucking plus and integrate with FB/Foursquare

They won't, but still..
Google is worse case upselling ever..
wait...these aren't already out? I thought that's why people started thinking these were cool?

What a great spam tool. Walk around pin. twitter, facebook. all back to pages with optin forms, ppc, cpa..

cant wait. take photos by the 1000's, have it watermark every pic with urls to your sites.

What about glasses for a dog, put them on a dog.. have the glasses take a pic every 3-5 seconds for upload to the dogs twitter, facebook... oh i love this.....
I'm just looking forward to facial-recognition so I can remember the names of people I meet when I'm drunk

Also a Beer Goggles app that let's your really process how ugly the girl is you are contemplating slobbering on.


[ame=""]Google Glasses: A New Way to Hurt Yourself (parody of Google's Project Glass) - YouTube[/ame]