Google Filing Suits Over Bissops!!

That lander doesn't just insinuate Google support, it fraudulently misrepresents it.

No wonder they're getting sued.
Lol in the comments:

"The irony of course is that as I was reading this article you were literally running an ad for one of that guy's websites under the "Don't let the dentist fool you" which goes through Zedo and eventually lands on this page:"
who ever made this lander is a dumb fucken idiot.

People like this will kill shady rebills for everyone. Networks are fucken stupid for not disallowing fake articles. A fake blog is one thing... but a fake article is 100% fraud.

This article isn't just any article tho.... its the most insane shit i have ever seen... just read it...
That lander isn't just deceptive advertising, it's out right fraud. Fraud means jailtime.
Geez, whoever's lander that is will get some Google smack down for sure, not clever unless you live in Somalia or something.
"Also named in the suit are 50 "John Does" that Google alleges are complicit in the schemes. Those individuals will be named later in the suit as their identities are discovered."

Guessing those are the affiliates who owned the blog/news landing page once they force the whois to be made public.
that guy whose screenshot is featured on cnet must be shittin bricks

What kind of fucking idiot throws up pictures of one of the richest men in the country and figures that won't backfire?

I mean c'mon- the company is one thing, but I'll tell you right now, if I had the wealth Brin/Paige/Schmidt do I'd easily drop $500k (what- 1 day's worth of interest income?) to crucify someone who thought they could use my image for financial gain.

I'd even enjoy it and probably do a banana dance. :banana_sml:
u guys talk like "that guy is so in the wrong". bottom line every single lander out there google can go after. they were all shady and full of lies. same with acai, teeth etc etc. just because one guy was reeeeeaaaal shady doesnt mean the people who are less shady are any better or any safer. IMO