Google Content Retargeting is Annoying the Shit out of Me

The average consumer simply doesnt notice them as much as we do. I practically drive around town noticing pretty much all big ads out there (and facepalming to them) because I am a marketer. Normal people don't do that. We notice that stuff way more than the average crowd. Thats probably making us all go insane.

You do have a point there...

Yep I can relate. I see this bald doofus about 500 times a week.

You should try it out as your avatar. Embrace the demon.

just sayin
for all of the companies in the data aggregation space & the millions spent on ad serving technology, remarketing has a long way to go...
Apparently Google got complaints from people who started getting random dildo ads whilst they were surfing the net.

Imagine my personal embarrassment when these ads show up at work as a result of me logging into my gmail account there - it carries the retarget data with your login. Now everyone knows I buy anal-eaze by the gallon.
ccleaner: its free, safe to use on bright colors, and will even get rid of those stubborn, hard to get-rid of flash cookies.
Had to resurrect this old thread as Liquid Web is still annoying the shit outta me. Can't they figure out that I'm a fucking customer of theirs and that the ads are a waste of money on me??

Does anyone here use Ghostery? I thought there was a way with that to block just a single advertiser but all I see on the control panel is how to block an entire platform like Adsense or 24/7.
I just delete all Google cookies once a week, stops search results being targeted to you too.

In Firefox: Options>Privacy>Remove Individual Cookies>Search for "goog">hold down delete key (I think delete all works too, but I haven't tested, cause there's plenty of cookies I want to keep, and don't want to lose them all).
Seems like I've been seeing a lot of ads from places that I already bought from...
Doesn't really makes any sense...
i just do my general browsing incog
I havent seen a banner ad, a youtube ad or a lot of other ads in a while. Not even googlehammer lol the power of adblock ^^