Google Ban - New Reason

I am sorry to tell you my friend, but that's not enough with big G. I started an account in a completely different city (promoting a non-affiliate site never before promoted on google) on a computer I had never touched before... AND WITH A DIFFERENT CREDIT CARD... but the sons of bitches still caught me...

They ban YOU!!! not your aff id or anything like that. They ban YOU!!!

How do they do that? They are google. They are bigger than the FBI dude. They know the color of the fucking underwear you are wearing.

Think harder. They can't ban you as they don't know who the fuck you are. They are linking your accounts so somewhere you are blowing it and letting them find you... Think harder and don't let them find out it's you next time.
Think harder. They can't ban you as they don't know who the fuck you are. They are linking your accounts so somewhere you are blowing it and letting them find you... Think harder and don't let them find out it's you next time.

I know they can't actually ban a person... But they can connect an account to the person who registered it on a deeper level than you'd think.

I didn't fuck up. I am sure. As I told you - a non-affiliate site never before promoted on google, a computer never before logged into adwords.

I seriously think they might connect the accounts through my bank account, because the credit card was a different one, but it was the same bank account. I just didn't think they would go that far. obsessive sons of bitches.
I know they can't actually ban a person... But they can connect an account to the person who registered it on a deeper level than you'd think.

I didn't fuck up. I am sure. As I told you - a non-affiliate site never before promoted on google, a computer never before logged into adwords.

I seriously think they might connect the accounts through my bank account, because the credit card was a different one, but it was the same bank account. I just didn't think they would go that far. obsessive sons of bitches.

so you used your name on both accounts? brilliant.
Was your domain an expired domain (previously registered by someone else)? Maybe the person who owned it before ran it on Adwords (or was a known counterfeit-selling site) and got it banned for that.

That doesn't make sense. I entered the url:

it gave me that error...

So I removed the ?t202=9393 so it just showed

it accepted it. If they had banned the whole domain why does removing the t202 make it acceptable?

Owning a network, I hear about Google bans every single day. These big publishers are looking for new outlets now... I'm assisting some of them to move over to media buys (one of my main sources of traffic since 07).

Anyways, I also know people that somehow make hundreds of accounts to burn though - and they're making so much god damn money it's sickening. Google really doesn't like money, do they?

I was always too stupid to promote on Google anyways. I like keeping it simple with buys.
I seriously think they might connect the accounts through my bank account, because the credit card was a different one, but it was the same bank account..

You tool! How could you with a straight face brag that you used a new computer BUT used a new credit card under your name/same bank. You arent the brightest bulb in the set are ya.
9 days to have a CN campaign finally approved. The same campaign, on the SN, submitted at the same time went live in less then 1hr.
This may sound very newbie of me but I was not aware Google banned adwords accounts as well. I thought it was only adsense publishers they go after.

Yep, they're all over AW accounts like ants on a pork chop at the moment. They'll ban you for shittly LP's, resubmitting disapproved ads over & over, redirection and anything else they deem to break their TOS or pisses them off.
Yep, they're all over AW accounts like ants on a pork chop at the moment. They'll ban you for shittly LP's, resubmitting disapproved ads over & over, redirection and anything else they deem to break their TOS or pisses them off.

Or if they feel bored at the moment they will also ban you for the sake of their own amusement.
Google has been doing this for a long time. Usually they don't even give the real reason. They don't publish the full rules of the game so it's tough to know when you're violating them or how. It did force me to be more creative in my advertising though. I was getting a bit complacent. It was a dangerous thing to rely on that traffic so much and be at risk of being shut down for some unknown reason at any time.