Google Ban - New Reason

slapped hard all my cpa campaigns were just halted due to low quality score of the landing page. Me thinks it's going around. Lots of affiliates talking about this. And the things is, I don't think we can do anything about it. They wrote me and told me to read an article which in essence said we don't want affiliates.

this will come back to bite Google in the ass at some point... I understand their position in wanting to keep results non-spammy. However at the same time you have to think that they are still making a killing off affiliates. Why, is such a harsh stance needed from them recently. There must be some further motivations.
"At this time, your website does not qualify for re-review. Google does
allow affiliates to advertise with AdWords. However, to provide the best
possible experience for our users and advertisers, Google does not permit
ads for bridge pages that are solely intended to direct the user to the
parent company's website. We've found that pages with multiple ads leading
to the same site provide less relevant results and a lower quality
experience for our users."
"At this time, your website does not qualify for re-review. Google does
allow affiliates to advertise with AdWords. However, to provide the best
possible experience for our users and advertisers, Google does not permit
ads for bridge pages that are solely intended to direct the user to the
parent company's website. We've found that pages with multiple ads leading
to the same site provide less relevant results and a lower quality
experience for our users."

Oh along with this, they said later in the email that they allow direct linking instead of LPs like this. Apparently LPs are banned.
was wondering if they are as slap-happy on shitty quality sites running Google affiliate network ads? Or maybe they pre-screen the hell out of affiliates?

I assure you they're not pre-screening their affiliates that well ;)
After years of using GA, I recently had one of my campaigns reduced due to "poor quality score". The reason? Because I put the price of the product in the ad. My contention is, if they know the price and they still click it, they'll be a better lead than someone who just clicks to find out the price. I was right, but after a while, Google dropped my ad because of it. I had a rockin conversion ratio and saved all kinds of money, which explains why they flagged it.

The bottom line: it's capitalism. If you don't want to patronize them, you don't have to. Sucks, but it's the way it goes.
Anybody noticing delays in ad approvals? Or is it just me? Text ads used to go live within 10-15 minutes now they're taking a day or two. Old accounts. Anybody?
Anybody noticing delays in ad approvals? Or is it just me? Text ads used to go live within 10-15 minutes now they're taking a day or two. Old accounts. Anybody?

Yeah. I'm waiting a day now on some new text ads. 4+ year old account.
i just launched a diet campaign and its on the second day of waiting for review

launched a make money offer yesterday and within 1 hour was getting traffic
well, may be they don't want affiliate anymore... you can use adcenter and yahoo sponsored search I suppose.. sounds crazy to me though.
I got the same problem days ago.

1. Got campaign slapped (as usual)
2. I created new domain (ads pending for few days)

Then I contacted my rep to ask WTF and it appeared that my account is suspended.

"As we have notified you in our earlier emails, we consider that your
websites merit low landing page quality scores, and the landing page
quality score is one of the factors considered by the system when
calculating the Quality Score that allows your bids to participate

scuccessfully into the online auction and triggering your ads to be shown.

Your website type is particularly susceptible to violating our landing
page quality guidelines that I want to ask you to re-read by visiting
It does not provide a good and unique quality user experience, and this
site may still be automatically penalized by our algorithm for landing
page quality unless substantial changes are made. I would not submit this
site for evaluation for landing page quality.

There are certain models that simply translate into website types that the
system considers they deserve a low quality score. Please check this link
for these types of models:

"due to the repeated editorial and content violations, your account
will not start running automatically. Once you make substantial
improvements to your site and would like it submitted for reassessment,
please reply to this email to let me know."

And there are a lot of similar LPs still running. Fuckin Google
Well I got one up on all of you today. I opened a new Google account. Loaded up my campaign. Not rebill, not bizopp, not diet, not health, not anywhere on any fucking network. It's a review lander, 4 product reviews, 15 pages of unique content tightly related, virtually no call to action.

I enter my ad text, enter my prosper URL in the destination box and I get this:
"Google does not permit the advertisement of websites selling counterfeit goods"

Remove the prosper info from URL and go straight to the domain and it works... You guys figure this one out. ;)

Well I got one up on all of you today. I opened a new Google account. Loaded up my campaign. Not rebill, not bizopp, not diet, not health, not anywhere on any fucking network. It's a review lander, 4 product reviews, 15 pages of unique content tightly related, virtually no call to action.

I enter my ad text, enter my prosper URL in the destination box and I get this:
"Google does not permit the advertisement of websites selling counterfeit goods"

Remove the prosper info from URL and go straight to the domain and it works... You guys figure this one out. ;)


I got the same problem days ago.

1. Got campaign slapped (as usual)
2. I created new domain (ads pending for few days)

Then I contacted my rep to ask WTF and it appeared that my account is suspended.

"As we have notified you in our earlier emails, we consider that your
websites merit low landing page quality scores, and the landing page
quality score is one of the factors considered by the system when
calculating the Quality Score that allows your bids to participate

scuccessfully into the online auction and triggering your ads to be shown.

Your website type is particularly susceptible to violating our landing
page quality guidelines that I want to ask you to re-read by visiting
It does not provide a good and unique quality user experience, and this
site may still be automatically penalized by our algorithm for landing
page quality unless substantial changes are made. I would not submit this
site for evaluation for landing page quality.

There are certain models that simply translate into website types that the
system considers they deserve a low quality score. Please check this link
for these types of models:
Are there any types of websites that merit low landing page quality scores? - AdWords Help

"due to the repeated editorial and content violations, your account
will not start running automatically. Once you make substantial
improvements to your site and would like it submitted for reassessment,
please reply to this email to let me know."

And there are a lot of similar LPs still running. Fuckin Google

What are/were you running? If it was a flog and/or rebills please just admit it.
Well I got one up on all of you today. I opened a new Google account. Loaded up my campaign. Not rebill, not bizopp, not diet, not health, not anywhere on any fucking network. It's a review lander, 4 product reviews, 15 pages of unique content tightly related, virtually no call to action.

I enter my ad text, enter my prosper URL in the destination box and I get this:
"Google does not permit the advertisement of websites selling counterfeit goods"

Remove the prosper info from URL and go straight to the domain and it works... You guys figure this one out. ;)


Was your domain an expired domain (previously registered by someone else)? Maybe the person who owned it before ran it on Adwords (or was a known counterfeit-selling site) and got it banned for that.
No trace?
1) Use a new pc?
2) new isp?
3) new ip?
4) new domain?
5) cloak links?
6) new aff id?

In other words, did you repeat ANYTHING from the last time? hope you are cloaking your shit....

I am sorry to tell you my friend, but that's not enough with big G. I started an account in a completely different city (promoting a non-affiliate site never before promoted on google) on a computer I had never touched before... AND WITH A DIFFERENT CREDIT CARD... but the sons of bitches still caught me...

They ban YOU!!! not your aff id or anything like that. They ban YOU!!!

How do they do that? They are google. They are bigger than the FBI dude. They know the color of the fucking underwear you are wearing.
Bet you are Indian.

P.S. - not being racist.. Your writing style is familier..
I am sorry to tell you my friend, but that's not enough with big G. I started an account in a completely different city (promoting a non-affiliate site never before promoted on google) on a computer I had never touched before... AND WITH A DIFFERENT CREDIT CARD... but the sons of bitches still caught me...

They ban YOU!!! not your aff id or anything like that. They ban YOU!!!

How do they do that? They are google. They are bigger than the FBI dude. They know the color of the fucking underwear you are wearing.