Google Ban - New Reason


Dec 12, 2007
All of my accounts at Google got banned for the following reason:

It has come to our attention that your Google AdWords accounts do not
comply with our terms of service and advertising policies. You have
repeatedly submitted ads that lead to very poor quality landing pages. As a result, your accounts have been suspended and your ads will no longer
run on Google.

It really is a crock of shit because for the most part all of my accounts are completely legitimate offers with 100 of pages of content and they still consider them "poor quality landing pages". They are essentially targeting all affiliates - they definitely don't want us around.

To be honest, I was so exhausted by Google and I am doing well with my business on other advertising platforms. I almost feel relieved I don't have to put up with their bull shit anymore.

Yup, I think this is more of a congrats thread as I've been done with Google for months now and I don't think I'll ever go back.
All of my accounts at Google got banned for the following reason:

It has come to our attention that your Google AdWords accounts do not
comply with our terms of service and advertising policies. You have
repeatedly submitted ads that lead to very poor quality landing pages. As a result, your accounts have been suspended and your ads will no longer
run on Google.

It really is a crock of shit because for the most part all of my accounts are completely legitimate offers with 100 of pages of content and they still consider them "poor quality landing pages". They are essentially targeting all affiliates - they definitely don't want us around.

To be honest, I was so exhausted by Google and I am doing well with my business on other advertising platforms. I almost feel relieved I don't have to put up with their bull shit anymore.

What seems to be interesting about this is that they mention specifically "the ads" that you have run.

I recently got officially banned for the first time, so I created a new account, but this time the new account had absolutely no trace to me. It was slapped a few days later and the reason I got was that I was banned and all subsequent accounts would be banned.

This perplexed me as my new account had no trace to me. Except the "ad" I used was a familiar one. Now, I don't think they could know the ad was mine per say, but it made me wonder if "you've been banned" isn't a catchall excuse they are using when they now see certain ads...
I've been avoiding Google myself, but was wondering if they are as slap-happy on shitty quality sites running Google affiliate network ads? Or maybe they pre-screen the hell out of affiliates? They could kick everyone else out and give all traffic to their affiliates...
FUCK EM - pubs running adsense are moving over to traditional CPM networks anyway as eCPM's go up.

I have a feeling we'll look back on these moves and laugh laugh laugh in about 18 months when Google under performs.
Google is starting to get so large that they are abandoning what made them. When this happens you will see a company slowly become irrelevant and not very innovative.
What kind of offers were you promoting? I'm curious if they are targeting the rebill model, affiliates, or both.

Thats crazy with so much content, I wonder if you're still ranking in organic lol.
Google is starting to get so large that they are abandoning what made them. When this happens you will see a company slowly become irrelevant and not very innovative.

YEP, I'm pretty sure google will miss you! Then again... :moon:
Got the same email, except the final paragraph wasn't a ban but a final warning. Have never run CPA offers with this account. But do cloak the shite out of arb sites :)

"This email serves as a final warning. Any additional discovery of ads in
violation of these guidelines will immediately disqualify you from
participating in the AdWords program."
no trace...

What seems to be interesting about this is that they mention specifically "the ads" that you have run.

I recently got officially banned for the first time, so I created a new account, but this time the new account had absolutely no trace to me. It was slapped a few days later and the reason I got was that I was banned and all subsequent accounts would be banned.

This perplexed me as my new account had no trace to me. Except the "ad" I used was a familiar one. Now, I don't think they could know the ad was mine per say, but it made me wonder if "you've been banned" isn't a catchall excuse they are using when they now see certain ads...

No trace?
1) Use a new pc?
2) new isp?
3) new ip?
4) new domain?
5) cloak links?
6) new aff id?

In other words, did you repeat ANYTHING from the last time? hope you are cloaking your shit....
Google advertiser union-

What if? I know, dream the dream,..........but what if everyone stopped running ads just one day. $60m a day to shit would get there attention. The power to have an effect on G isnt competition..I dont believe Bing or YSM or anyone will rival G anytime soon...
What if? I know, dream the dream,..........but what if everyone stopped running ads just one day. $60m a day to shit would get there attention.

IF all ppl on WickedFire dropped adwords (and mostly did that already) GOOGLE won't ever eveer eveeeer notice or care.
^ really? Where did I say WF adwords advertisers ...DOH.

ALL G advertisers. Total UNION. We could EASILY get all WF G adv together, and yeah, we prob amount to MAYBE $500k on a GREAT DAY...

God knows Id flame you a shitload more if it wasnt for your great video-sig...
^ really? Where did I say WF adwords advertisers ...DOH.

ALL G advertisers. Total UNION. We could EASILY get all WF G adv together, and yeah, we prob amount to MAYBE $500k on a GREAT DAY...

God knows Id flame you a shitload more if it wasnt for your great video-sig...

Google advetisers don't have coherent aims.

Also the vast majority of people who advertise with google will never face a ban, and have no problem.
^ really? Where did I say WF adwords advertisers ...DOH.

ALL G advertisers. Total UNION. We could EASILY get all WF G adv together, and yeah, we prob amount to MAYBE $500k on a GREAT DAY...

God knows Id flame you a shitload more if it wasnt for your great video-sig...

Im sure its more than 500k.....
Let me know what day youre all not advertising so I can scoop up all the traffic on the cheap. k thnx.

Im sure its more than 500k.....

Your so sure because...?

We could do a poll..assuming there would be truth and all would participate (g luck)..

I have a that...rough idea who the players are here (who post that is, not the lurkers) and the biggest one I know of does around 100k daily...the other biggies around $xx,xxx daily
Figure if ALL WF' ers did $1M out of G's $60M daily, then yeah, WF WOULD have some power, wouldnt they...

but those arent the #'s.....