God is so good. Please, someone find this biatch and kill her.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UmotTE-VlY]YouTube - GOD IS SO GOOD!!![/ame]

Seriously. This fevered fuck-stick needs beat up so bad.

Agree with OP. This chick is a truly delusional, sad, pathetic human being.

Yeah, bitch, God shook Japan. Fucking moron.
Proof-Positive that RELIGION IS EVIL.

OMG, that bitch needs to be OUTED, and die soon thereafter by the hands of the Japanese!

What can we dig up on this little Biatch? Anything that those in pain about their Japanese loved ones dying lately can find her and kill her for?
HAHA - Someone already did it on YouTube!

Name: Pamela M Foreman

Address: 15828 Hampton Village Dr

Location: Tampa, FL 33618-1654

Phone: 813-908-2330

Hee hee!!!
HAHA - Someone already did it on YouTube!

Name: Pamela M Foreman

Address: 15828 Hampton Village Dr

Location: Tampa, FL 33618-1654

Phone: 813-908-2330

Hee hee!!!

hahaha, beautiful.

Looks like she'll meet her maker soon. Pray now bitch!
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vrTWJo7a9l0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hic. Eat this...
I don't think she's a troll. But then again after seeing this I'm not so sure anymore..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHXziHOo_wQ]YouTube - Another Question for Atheists[/ame]
The funny thing about hardcore bible thumpers is you can never tell when they're serious vs when they're trolling. The chick in the video strikes me as somebody trolling.

Edit: Jokerr beat me to it.
I nearly laughed up my pancreas. Is she for real?

"Here's a question for Athiests. If God doesn't exist, who wrote the Bible. I want you to think about that one?"

Uh, okay, thought about it and I'm still laughing.