Give me some mutherfuarking advice


Brb, gym.
Aug 20, 2010
South Australia

So I know that asking career advice here is like asking for advice from a bunch of kindergartners, but I need some advice at the moment.

Alright, so here's basically where I'm at at the moment:
  • 18 years old
  • self-employed freelance web designer
  • was homeschooled distance ed
  • average marks in school yrs 10 and 11 was about 99.5% in all my exams.
  • dropped out of school about 9 months before the end of year 12, then got kicked out of home
  • lived out of home for 12 months
  • moved back home 7 weeks ago to save cash, then got kicked out 2 weeks ago

I enjoy freelancing, and am probably making more than a first year web designer if I got a real job.

Here's what I'm thinking of doing:
  • study to become a certified personal trainer in the next 10 months
  • keep freelancing to support myself (bills + gym + supplements are costing me $460/wk
  • go to university, I can do a 16 month diploma of business to gain entry to university, this counts as yr 12 and my first year of uni
  • after that, I'll probably do a bachelor of business marketing and commerce or something similar

Fitness is a hobby of mine, so it's something that I might as well gain certification in, amirite?

Any older guys out there, who've been where I am want to give me some decent advice? Oh yeah, and if you want to help me out, I'm offering a free logo design or two free banners for the best two responses.

I'm pretty amped on preworkout at the moment, so this probably reads like I have adhd.

Continue with your web development to make money and build a portfolio, perhaps register for an ABN and start a company (if you haven't already done so).

Then study to be a personal trainer and work your web development around those hours. Once you become certified the hours can work around your freelance work as required (as many or as little PT sessions you want to do).
I think lots of people are going to advise you to learn useful skills and not waste time on getting a degree, particularly if you are going to run your own business(es) and not try to get a 9-5 job working for someone else.
Address the reasons why your lame ass got kicked out of your parents house twice. Essentially grow the fuck up. That's my advice.
Address the reasons why your lame ass got kicked out of your parents house twice. Essentially grow the fuck up. That's my advice.

Maybe it has something to do with the same reason that my dad has walked out 4 times, and my parents are about to separate. Or maybe it's because my mum is a judgemental, conservative, fundamentalist Christian?

Hmmm, I'm not really sure.
I'm 29 with a degree in Computer Science that I sorta use for my 'real job'.

At 18 it's pretty hard to know what the hell you want to do. As you're experiencing.

At that age I would eliminate things that you feel are holding you back.

Do you think that not going to University is holding you back?
Do you think not having a certified personal training cert is holding you back?

If you could do anything what would you do?

Do you enjoy PT or graphic design more?
Which one would you want to still be doing at 40?

A BS in marketing or commerce is only worth something to get you that first job 'in the real world working for the man' if you intend to stay self employed it is a waste of time if you're reading and learning on your own.

Don't worry about mistakes though. I had to work a couple shit jobs for a couple years before I knew that I didn't want to do that.

If you feel convicted to do something. Do it. Only then will you know if it is right for you.

Oh... and stop living with your parents. If you can afford $400/week - live on your own in your own shitty apartment. Those surrounding are great motivator for hard work and success.

Edit: here is what most people regret when they have a family and dependents and shit... the freedom to be a broke motherfucker working on shit you really want to work on because you've got BILLS and people to support.

Enjoy being a broke motherfucker that gets to do what you want rather than what you need to do.
College is an awesome experience... I wouldnt change anything about my 5 years there... However, from a purely educational view point, I would do a 2 year vo-tech school and focus on what you want to learn and do.

Since it looks like you're fitting the bill as well, this will save you a lot of money.

You also need to ask yourself, why do you need a degree? If you plan on working for yourself, you don't. If you have a specialized skill, you don't. If you are really good at something and are in demand, you don't.

Now, if you wont to go get a corporate job where people care about your credentials, then you do.

It all depends on what YOU want to do with your life.
I'll probably do a bachelor of business marketing and commerce or something similar

Why? What do you think it will help you do?

Degrees are for two purposes:

1. General academic education, to enrich your life (philosophy, english lit, etc fall in this category)
2. Vocational training to give you the skills for a specific career (medicine, law, engineering, some comp sci degree)

(Good science degrees can cover both bases)

Either of these outcomes is fine to shoot for (although 1 is rather an expensive luxury these days). However there are a lot of degrees that don't do either particularly well.

Which of 1 or 2 (or both) are you hoping to achieve with that degree, and what other alternative to achieve the same objective have you explored?
I'm 29 with a degree in Computer Science that I sorta use for my 'real job'.

At 18 it's pretty hard to know what the hell you want to do. As you're experiencing.

At that age I would eliminate things that you feel are holding you back.

Do you think that not going to University is holding you back?
Do you think not having a certified personal training cert is holding you back?

If you could do anything what would you do?

Do you enjoy PT or graphic design more?
Which one would you want to still be doing at 40?

A BS in marketing or commerce is only worth something to get you that first job 'in the real world working for the man' if you intend to stay self employed it is a waste of time if you're reading and learning on your own.

Don't worry about mistakes though. I had to work a couple shit jobs for a couple years before I knew that I didn't want to do that.

If you feel convicted to do something. Do it. Only then will you know if it is right for you.

Oh... and stop living with your parents. If you can afford $400/week - live on your own in your own shitty apartment. Those surrounding are great motivator for hard work and success.

Edit: here is what most people regret when they have a family and dependents and shit... the freedom to be a broke motherfucker working on shit you really want to work on because you've got BILLS and people to support.

Enjoy being a broke motherfucker that gets to do what you want rather than what you need to do.

Great response.

To be honest, I want to have more than one career option. I enjoy web design, but I also enjoy fitness. I guess fitness is going to be a more stable career than web design to some extent (there's always going to be fat people, but the web is changing so much day to day).

I don't want to work for a boss or a corporation. I have been told multiple times that my web design skills are enough to take me anywhere I want to go.

I'm not living with my parents anymore, I've got a place with a housemate who works a regular job at Woolworths, and then comes home and sleeps, then watches TV for like 6 hours. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT.

I don't want to be a broke mutherfucker. I want to have the freedom to do shit, volunteer stuff and charity work. I guess this can only come if I start my own business, even if I have to work for a boss for a couple of years to save startup capital.

I started my web design business when I was 16, so I'm motivated, and I have advantage over all those fuckers out there working 50 hour weeks at Maccas.

Why? What do you think it will help you do?

Degrees are for two purposes:

1. General academic education, to enrich your life (philosophy, english lit, etc fall in this category)
2. Vocational training to give you the skills for a specific career (medicine, law, engineering, some comp sci degree)

(Good science degrees can cover both bases)

Either of these outcomes is fine to shoot for (although 1 is rather an expensive luxury these days). However there are a lot of degrees that don't do either particularly well.

Which of 1 or 2 (or both) are you hoping to achieve with that degree, and what other alternative to achieve the same objective have you explored?

Now that you've put it like that, I don't need Uni. I'm 18, supporting myself as a web designer already, I've gone from like $200 a month, to $500/wk in a little over a year. I just need to focus on my business, put in the time and I'll see results. Thanks for the advice man, everything is much clearer now.
I would completely skip the college degree, which is mostly useful for getting your foot in the door of a large corporation.

How much do you care about money? If one of your deepest desires is to be rich one day, forget about becoming a personal trainer.

I'm guessing money is appealing to you, so that leaves web design as your best option. I highly recommend expanding your knowledge base to include all aspects of Internet marketing ASAP. This includes web design, SEO, PPC, effective copy writing, etc.

As soon as you have a little money to play with, build an eCommerce site and start selling something. You can find drop shippers for almost anything. It will be hard work, but I believe this is your best play given the hand you've been delt.

FYI, I was fired from my family's company 2 years ago. Although I have a college degree, I couldn't find any company willing to hire me. I started an eCommerce site with zero experience, and KILLED myself to make it work.

I made (not revenue, profit) $30,000 dollars last month and I'm not very smart. I know you can do this if you try.
my tip is... if you are getting a degree... dont get a worthless business degree.

edit: or any worthless degree such as art theory, philosophy, and so on
Go to college, be a fitness trainer on the side, slay pussy, get drunk, drop out of college, work hard get rich, retire at 35.

There, I solved everything for you.
Maybe it has something to do with the same reason that my dad has walked out 4 times, and my parents are about to separate. Or maybe it's because my mum is a judgemental, conservative, fundamentalist Christian?

Hmmm, I'm not really sure.

get away from your parents man. that's one of the main reasons I moved down to San Diego, my parents are volatile people and it was a toxic relationship.

You have monetizable skill if you're a web designer. You sound similar to me at 18. You can easily get enough freelance gigs to pay for your life expenses right now I bet. Do some cheap work for friends in exchange for them referring you to their friends. Then you'll be fine. Maybe get an agency job once you have a bit of a portfolio.

Hit me up on skype, I've been through a lot of similar shit as you so maybe I can help: iamdchuk
go to university, I can do a 16 month diploma of business to gain entry to university, this counts as yr 12 and my first year of uni

Although I disapprove of uni, hear me out (since you're Aussie and all).

Consider going through this Distance Education and Online Courses - Open Universities Australia

You can do four university units (that actually count as uni units, none of this 16 month bullshit) then apply for a university directly - no year 12 grad required. Being Australian, you can even use AUSTUDY to pay for it, and tell Centrelink you are a fulltime student. You can do web design units as a minor for your first year, before you decide on what you really want to do.

Also consider getting the fuck out of SA, it's a shithole. Go to Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, or somewhere with a real economy.
6 months ago I was in a similar situation in terms of school and uncertainty. Add my Skype if you want to talk.
I think $460/week is way too much for somebody in your position. I would try to cut your expenses down to like $500/mo. Get a roommate and live frugal.

Once you do that focus on freelancing and get yourself comfortable. Become really good at what you do and work your ass off for a few years. Forget the fitness thing, personal trainers don't make shit and are a dime a dozen. Web designers are a dime a dozen too, but you can differentiate yourself with quality, so become the best at it. After a few years and you're all caught up and comfy work on networking and forming businesses with people who compliment your skillset.

Whatever you do, don't work for anyone else and don't get a degree. Keep figuring out how to build your own business and your own brand. Solve hard problems and think creatively. Constantly be on the lookout for new business models and always evolve. Don't take shortcuts. Work hard and smart now so you can be well taken care of later.
Sell your body to the night, no matter how cheap and worthless it may be. Make up for its worthlessness in customer volume.

It is the only way.