Girl expecting proposal on live radio gets dumped (and pwned for cheating)

It may have seemed funny and brutal, but was completely inappropriate on the part of all of the guys involved. Exploited the situation for humor and ratings. If he was a half-way decent human being he would know that crap like that is private. You don't do shit like that. And if she was smart she would have said "I am not going to discuss anything about our relationship in public" - CLICK.

If it were a normal break up, then yes - making it public would be kind of inappropriate and douchey. But since she cheated she deserved the public pwnage and hopefully all her friends heard the entire thing.

If it were a normal break up, then yes - making it public would be kind of inappropriate and douchey. But since she cheated she deserved the public pwnage and hopefully all her friends heard the entire thing.

humans are not monogamous. if you're in a relationship for a long time, expect to cheat or to be cheaten on. period.

the clip is pretty funny but I think that they went on with the whole shit far too long... but ya, just hang up and refuse to play this shit would've done the job for the chick.
Really? You really think because she cheated she deserved the public ownage? I have no idea where your logic is coming from. It is a personal issue and private. Anybody that had an ounce of civility and class would know that. Cheating is far for from right, but it does give you the right to be a class-less asshole. So what you had was two less than class people, in a broken relationship, in a city with a couple of radio DJs that are just as big assholes. Mix all that together and you get this fucked up recorded which results in her public humiliation. Nobody deserves that. Period. I wouldn't want it, and I hope it never happens to you. I know if it did your opinion would change so fast.

(Before I use those words civility and class I should have done a WF search. I may have been the first one to use them here :) )
OH MAN - they pushed hard on her, but she shouldn't be doing stuff like that. Funny thing is though, she kept talking on the phone and answered all questions - WTF!?!

She shoulda been like GTFO <CLICK>.

humans are not monogamous. if you're in a relationship for a long time, expect to cheat or to be cheaten on. period.

I basically agree with you here and when I have a girlfriend she has the freedom to get some discreet side action. But I think this girl did the wrong thing by doing that shit in public. Because that embarrasses her boyfriend and doesn't allow him to save face. He's going to have to justify to all his friends why he's still in the relationship, etc. Not fair to him at all. The guy kind of says that, he says "You could at least have gone to his apartment".

But still, I don't think public humiliation is the right response. If she violates your standards, just get rid of her. That's a fair consequence. Humiliating her publicly is not. I think what he did is worse than what she did.
All you pussies saying they took it too far are uh, pussies. I say he has every right to do anything to the bitch as long as it doesn't physically harm anyone. She cheated on him when she knew she was going to marry him, that's the ultimate bitch right there. I loved every second of this.
Really? You really think because she cheated she deserved the public ownage?
Nobody deserves that. Period. I wouldn't want it, and I hope it never happens to you. I know if it did your opinion would change so fast.

So she was humiliated publically.. boo hoo. It's funny how you seem to only consider her side here and it's weird how you think she didn't deserve this.

Besides (and you even said this)
And if she was smart she would have said "I am not going to discuss anything about our relationship in public" - CLICK.

But she wasn't very smart, was she? Doing what she did to her boyfriend taken into consideration.

It's obvious you speak like someone who has actually never been cheated on themselves. Wait till it happens to you and see if you'd post the same opinion again about this. I highly doubt it.
I'll explain why I personally feel she deserved this entire situation she's now in.

First off, in my eyes, cheating is easily the worst thing you can do in a relationship. You humiliate and pretty much bitch-slap your partner by doing this. I think it's great that some people can forgive their partners for cheating, but I never could and if I ever cheated on my girl I couldn't expect her to forgive me.

She's the one who ended the relationship when she chose to start being a tramp, and a little humiliation on her part is EXACTLY what she deserved. Getting dumped and being exposed as the tramp she is on radio is not over the top IMO, and most people are going to forget the entire incident within a few days.

It is definitely not classy to dump someone in public, but how does cheating deserve a classy response?

Really? You really think because she cheated she deserved the public ownage? I have no idea where your logic is coming from. It is a personal issue and private. Anybody that had an ounce of civility and class would know that. Cheating is far for from right, but it does give you the right to be a class-less asshole. So what you had was two less than class people, in a broken relationship, in a city with a couple of radio DJs that are just as big assholes. Mix all that together and you get this fucked up recorded which results in her public humiliation. Nobody deserves that. Period. I wouldn't want it, and I hope it never happens to you. I know if it did your opinion would change so fast.

(Before I use those words civility and class I should have done a WF search. I may have been the first one to use them here :) )
I'll explain why I personally feel she deserved this entire situation she's now in.

First off, in my eyes, cheating is easily the worst thing you can do in a relationship. You humiliate and pretty much bitch-slap your partner by doing this. I think it's great that some people can forgive their partners for cheating, but I never could and if I ever cheated on my girl I couldn't expect her to forgive me.

She's the one who ended the relationship when she chose to start being a tramp, and a little humiliation on her part is EXACTLY what she deserved. Getting dumped and being exposed as the tramp she is on radio is not over the top IMO, and most people are going to forget the entire incident within a few days.

It is definitely not classy to dump someone in public, but how does cheating deserve a classy response?

QFT. You summed up my thoughts on the matter perfectly.
Personally, I think breaking up with her in person would have crushed her more than over the air. She now has another reason to justify her cheating.
Fuck that. That girl deserved it. Sometimes those are the consequences of cheating.

Together for 5 years, living together for 3 years? Fuck thattt...
But I think this girl did the wrong thing by doing that shit in public.

In Public?? WTF, is the difference between public and private here??

The guy kind of says that, he says "You could at least have gone to his apartment".
I think he was sarcastic or else it is another WTF moment for me here, or else it should be some super rich country peoples' psychology thing.

Humiliating her publicly is not. I think what he did is worse than what she did.
As much as I feel sad for her, To all those who are saying she didn't deserve that public humiliation, Just think of the humiliation the dude had to experience (whether public or mental) if she acted to him as if he was everything to her in this whole world and a couple of days later started flirting with some other guy in a bar, still faking the you-are-my-whole-world feeling all the time, provided the dude had a clean record himself and didn't vote the last option here
Ahhh. So we are in the she-did-something-wrong-so-it-is-allowed to do that mindset? I get it now. The old eye-for-an-eye philosophy. How well has that worked out for the world so far?

ImagesAndWords: I guarantee you if it ever were happen to me my opinion would not change. 110%.

I almost wish she would have come back and dropped a bomb on him and said "Thanks for the public breakup. BTW you fucknut I gave you AIDS. Good luck getting a date." or "BTW... the 'friend' that told you - I'm doing him too" or even better some shit like this Cheating Husband Prank Call - Video
Patrick, How would you react if a girl like that cheated on you before you both got married and kept on cheating on you even after the wedlock?? ... just want to know how you feel in that kind of situation.
JonamKos: Well it depends on when I found out. Did I know before, and give her a 2nd chance? Did I find out both after a I put a ring on it ?

Either way - Confront her, if it is confirmed say bye tell her to start packing (or I start packing) and walk away. Period. Nobody gains anything from the BS this asshole pulled. Nobody.
Do you have nothing better to do than create accounts on a webmaster forum only to get banned over and over again? Nobody falls for your trolling, and you just continually prove that you have no life. It's kinda sad, really.