Girl eats nothing but chicken nuggets for 15 years...


Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
Recently, I started eating a lot healthier. I've been on kind of a health food kick I guess you can say, so when I saw this news story today it really hit close to home.

Basically, this 17 year old girl has eaten barely anything besides chicken nuggets since she was 2.

Sounds kind of OCD to me and that the whole story isn't really being presented as far as her mental health is concerned, but check out what it did to her health...

Girl eats nothing but chicken nuggets for 15 years | The Sun |News

Every picky child's parent's worst fear. My first one ate only 3 things for the first 3 years (chicken nuggets, mac and cheese and pizza) I was so worried that he would grow up to be one of those guys in that diabetes ad in the other thread. But we have a rule that you always have to try one bite of everything we eat. Today he eats pretty much everything we do (although still prefers above listed crap)

Now we're back to square one with the youngest :/
she has a healthy "will-be-dead-in-a-year" glow.
parents that allow kids to eat the same thing every day for 15 years...
you know.
I expected seeing a fat ass with a pizza face when I clicked the link, but actually she doesn't look half bad for someone being on such a diet for so long. Although I wouldn't tap that ass though, cuz her juices probably smell like chicken nuggets.
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I expected seeing a fat ass with a pizza face when I clicked the link, but actually she doesn't look half bad for someone being on such a diet for so long.

People need to stop thinking this way. What you eat doesn't matter, for the most part, in terms of being thin. Calories in. Calories out. That's it.
Those brats...

At least when she dies, which hopefully won't be soon, she would have lived a full life, in terms of free toys and stuff
i have always eaten poorly. Processed garbage, but since meeting my wife i have been mostly healthy.
Our oldest eats well, and im thankful for that. Loves fruit and veggies, meat. We just dont keep bad stuff in the house.

although funny enough i bought a box of chicken fingers on the
People need to stop thinking this way. What you eat doesn't matter, for the most part, in terms of being thin. Calories in. Calories out. That's it.

lolwut? What you eat does matter.

It's 80% genetics anyways. Obesity obviously doesn't run in her family so she's lucky in that sense.

If she stays on this diet for another 17 years her genes won't save her though.
People need to stop thinking this way. What you eat doesn't matter, for the most part, in terms of being thin. Calories in. Calories out. That's it.

Lack of nutrients, toxicity etc. aside, the issue is a bit more complicated than that. In the sense that, if you eat crappy food, you're eating super condensed calories that never really make you feel full (and are composed of 50%+ fat and slow down your metabolism) and that's why people get fat. Even if they try counting their calories they have a super hard time not eating more because they feel hungry since their stomach is not full.

Just as an example.

1 Big Mac + Super size Fries + Medium coke = 1300 calories
+ a shitload of fat to slow down the metabolism.

vs. some fruits that would equal to about 1300 calories

1 Large long watermelon
or 13 bananas
or 10 mangos
or 8 medium baked potatoes (different from above fries because they are not drenched in oil)

What do you think will keep you fuller longer and digest better?
soon to be a poster child for diabetes and cancer... enjoy your short, shitty life full of hospital visits and medications