Get Wikipedia Links Now - Replacement Guarantee! Wikipedia Walrus

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Gotta say he is a great provider. We hit a snag and he refunded me right away, top notch! +1 on the rep

Yeah sorry about that, but I appreciate you being good natured about it.

There are a few points of clarification I want to make:
  • The content you will be asked to use may already appear on other sites. However, this content, and the link to that content on your site will be a direct reference from Wikipedia, which is very good.
  • I will not at this time accept SEO related terms in order to protect the Wikipedia accounts that are making these edits.

I've put all orders received so far into the queue.

It has become apparent that we were not prepared to scale. I am refunding money at the moment.

We are going to make changes to the process to prevent this from happening in the future. I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused.

I believe that I have refunded everyone. If you were missed, please PM me and I'll straighten it out.
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