Get on the Homepage - Guaranteed.

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Personally I think the price is too high... but I'm sorta interested but not for another couple weeks. How long are you doing this?

Gamma, you remind me of the little nerdy guy in high school who is always trying to fit in. It isn't working. You fail.

Lol Thanks for the kind replies, guys.

You want to know why I don't do this for myself?
Its a valid question, so I'll answer it. Getting dugg probably won't ever bring you more than $100-$300. I still don't have a car of my own, so I'm doing anything for that fast money. I've sold all my old shit, sold websites, and am now whoring myself out.

I've already had 3 clients, and even the one I failed on asked me to try again for another one of his sites. Everyone here knows his other site ;), you'd all laugh.

Scott - If you want, contact me one of these days and we can discuss the price, depending on your niche, I can go lower, its just that a lot of my more recent clients had niches like "bank rates" and "scholarships" that were really hard to write content for.
Since you seem to be strugling to get customers I recommend cutting the price for the first few sales to only $100 or maybe even $50 just to see if it works and build people's trust. Once you can demonstate that it works you can probably raise the price to 500, but no one will pay full price for something unproven.
Since you seem to be strugling to get customers I recommend cutting the price for the first few sales to only $100 or maybe even $50 just to see if it works and build people's trust. Once you can demonstate that it works you can probably raise the price to 500, but no one will pay full price for something unproven.

If you actually read the whole thread you would know that he has already been successful with two sites.
Just offering imput as to how he could get sales. No one seems to think it is worth it which isn't surprising.

Thanks for the suggestions bro, I know you meant well.

I actually have 3 other people in line (two of my clients wanted it again for other sites), but their niches were really hard, and I'd rather see if I can pickup some easier niches to make some money while I motivated myself to do theirs.

Still, you also have to remember that theirs two types of people. The ones that comment on the post and the ones that send PMs. Sure, I haven't had anyone PM me from WF, but I've had over 10 PM's on DP and a few at AF.
This is too cheap to be true

I paid $5000US to link baiting service 2 months ago for the same thing.

I thought it was a great deal. I got over 100 inbound links (now a PR5) and lots of brand exposure. It didn't even make it to front page! Didn't need to

Is your $500 deal still going? If so, I'm in mate.
This is a great deal. Getting to the front page of Digg can easily generate 500 backlinks... quality backlinks.

Anyone launching a new web site should consider this. It's a great way to jump past 'supplemental' status with Google.

Just don't expect to earn 500+ bucks from the day's hits. Digg users are a different breed. I don't think there's a chance they'll buy or click anything that earns you a profit.
you guys are a bunch of idiots... mostly. most people seem to think you're only cool here if you act like jon, but you guys don't get him. Jon's attitude is a filter, not an asshole wall, but you guys go out of your way to bash people.

I for one will be using "andy"'s service.
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