Game of Thrones ***NO SPOILERS PERMITTED***

Seems legit to me, and it would make him a winner in the end. But he's already heading that way, and GRRM loves unexpected turns too much!

Haven't read the books, but he certainly has some dark hair and eyes to be born from those blond hair, blue eyed pretty people!

Haven't read the books, but he certainly has some dark hair and eyes to be born from those blond hair, blue eyed pretty people!

Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister and Jon's potential mother) is described in the books as looking very similar to Arya and Arya is described in the books as looking very similar to Jon.

Fuck Game of Thrones. It is dope as fuck, but gay as hell. Here's my two reasons for hating on the show:

-Reason 1-
The constant stretching of fag moments was a huge turn off in some episodes.
Honestly, that shit should have a warning before those gay scenes.

-Reason 2-
They could shrink the entire show down to a 3 seasons. Instead they make it like 7 seasons. What the fuck? I don't even remember what happened in the first one..
You expect me to watch all of the seasons again each year a new one comes out so I know the whole story? Go fuck yourself Game of Thrones.

Still I watch this show because I want to see what happens to some of the fucktards still alive..
Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister and Jon's potential mother) is described in the books as looking very similar to Arya and Arya is described in the books as looking very similar to Jon.

Yeah and the Targaryens have recessive genes, so they keep their trademark fair hair and purple eyes through inbreeding... When they marry outside their bloodline, there have been cases of dark-haired targaryens.
camm'd from an IMAX :

^^ nice

Here's the same trailer in HQ, it was uploaded after your post.


Hopefully season 5 has more of what everyone wants: moar Khaleesi


^^ nice

Here's the same trailer in HQ, it was uploaded after your post.

Hopefully season 5 has more of what everyone wants: moar Khaleesi



I wouldn't mind an entire episode of her and Margaery Tyrell going down on each other.
Spoilers for season 5:

so for it sucks. I didn't bother finishing the 4th episode - but it seems like every season they move a little more from action/shit leading up to action/action/shit leading up to action towards shit leading up to action all season/final 3 episodes resolve stuff
so for it sucks.

I couldn't disagree more.


The chemistry between Tyrion and Varys has been very fun to watch. Arya's story is finally playing out, and that's exciting to see happen. And we're starting to see how lethal things are becoming in Meereen, not to mention the personalities of the dragons.

This is shaping up to be one of the best seasons yet.

it seems like every season they move a little more from action/shit leading up to action/action/shit leading up to action towards shit leading up to action all season/final 3 episodes resolve stuff

Congratulations. You've learned about narrative structure!
The first 1 or 2 is a lot of catching up on everything from last year. By #4 people are making power moves again.

Seriously though, I would hate to be one of the people who put this story together.

"Ayy, guys, what are we going to do this week?"
"Let's chop a mothafuckas nuts off"
"we did that last year"
"Let's light some fuck on fire"
"already been done"
"fuck it, just chop this asshole's head off"
"I guess we could do that, but if we go there, we need to find a scene to show some tittays later"
They have killed off all the good hateable characters.

Everyone hated Joffrey and couldn't wait for the little psychotic little shit to die, but he was fun to watch.

Now they have... erm...

Anything, Movie, TV, Book, etc needs conflict to be entertaining but now all the characters left are either boring or just flat out stupid.

Sansa Stark is both boring and retarded. Every time she is on the screen I just wish Little Finger would snap from his pent up sexual frustration, stab her in the eye and rape her corpse. She is like watching fucking paint dry.

4 episodes into season 5, I'm bored and I have a sinking feeling this is the season where they run out of ideas and fuck everything up with pointless bullshit*.

The plot line with Arya Stark is interesting but is like TV 101, she has to learn to be faceless by abandoning her identity and past but oh no she didn't throw away needle, I wonder how that will come into play later?

How about the fact that the sole reason she is there is fueled by the need to revenge for people who responsible for the death of her family.

Which if she was really was to become faceless wouldn't matter anymore since she would no longer be Arya Stark.

But lets not think about that because they've fallen into the trap that some many TV shows and movies fall into where the writers assumed the viewers all fucking retards.

* And before anyone points it out, yes I know its based on a book, but the writers still have to adapt that to TV and they have admitted they have been skipping, merging and changing parts to make it work in a TV format. Up to season 4 they have been doing it quite well, but now it just seems like they have got lazy and its time to milk GoT, people will still watch it if it's shit, it's fucking GoT.
How about the fact that the sole reason she is there is fueled by the need to revenge for people who responsible for the death of her family.

Which if she was really was to become faceless wouldn't matter anymore since she would no longer be Arya Stark.

But lets not think about that because they've fallen into the trap that some many TV shows and movies fall into where the writers assumed the viewers all fucking retards.

They actually cover that fact pretty well in the books. I'm not sure if they'll cover it in the show.
But why the fuck are you whining so much over something that hasn't yet even had a chance to play out - not even in the books fully.
Sounds like you're hatin the show pretty hard.. it's easy to turn off bro.

My fear for the show honestly doesn't stem from the show, it stems from GRRM's lameness in deciding he wanted to write 7 books instead of 3 books around book 3 (season 3 or so). And where this really shows IMO is the whole Dany bullshit.. prob cause I hate that character more than most. But Dany decides to take a fucking detour and rule some slave cities instead of going straight to Westeros.. every time i read those parts in the books i got bored to shit. The books really start going on massive tangents around book 3.

Btw, they are changing tons of important stuff from the books so far this season, which i don't mind, but purists are prob shitting blood right now.
I couldn't disagree more.


The chemistry between Tyrion and Varys has been very fun to watch. Arya's story is finally playing out, and that's exciting to see happen. And we're starting to see how lethal things are becoming in Meereen, not to mention the personalities of the dragons.

This is shaping up to be one of the best seasons yet.

Congratulations. You've learned about narrative structure!

I'm glad someone taught you to use Google - I was writing narrative structure for peasant change in the form of salescopy for the SEO "ballers" around here when you were still buying get rich clickbank products lul.

The episodes were boring. Hope it gets better next month - crying like a little girl at my opinion won't change the fact that you're a little girl. Go watch some Vikings and grow some chest hair.

Game of Talks sucks now, sorry, deal with it and cut off some heads.

In fact - this thread is now about vikings


They have more than one battle every half a season.
I am still trying to work out the logistics of shoving turds out of that crate when there is barely enough room to roll over.
My fear for the show honestly doesn't stem from the show, it stems from GRRM's lameness in deciding he wanted to write 7 books instead of 3 books around book 3 (season 3 or so).

Ok I misspoke, it's GRRM fucking it up and not the writers of the show.

Sounds like you're hatin the show pretty hard.. it's easy to turn off bro.

It's not because I hate the show, its because I love the show that I'm "whining".

It's a great show that I not only enjoy watching for the story but I enjoy because of the care, skill and effort it takes to make something like GoT.

I'm not saying they owe me anything, they don't, I'm just one guy watching something they produce but seeing something so good turn so bad is painful especially knowing how great it can be. And I'm not saying it's turned bad, GoT just seems to be walking a fine line at the moment*.

It's like season 1 of Walking Dead, I never loved the show, but it was good, then season 2 turned in to farming simulator.

And the last episode of season 2 was basically a big "fuck you" to the audience. See this cool looking chick, she has swords and walkers on chains, yer we could have reduced the farm to 2 episodes and got to her sooner but we didn't. Remember to watch season 3 though, ya fucking rube!

* And yes we are only 4 episodes in to season 5, but it's not a great start when I'm already so bored my mind starts to wander and I end up thinking about how fucking dumb everyone is acting.

Edit: +1 for Vikings, good show worth a watch.
Well at least we all agree Vikings is great. If i did sigs I'd use Vadyms quote
"Go watch some Vikings and grow some chest hair."

GRRM fucked up his books, and is likely still fucking them up. We'll be lucky if he even finishes them before he croaks. And HBO fucks up the shows some by inserting extraneous faggotry scenes that are nowhere in the books. Fuckin really HBO?

But the show's still epic enough for me to watch it. But I'm not sure I'll read any more of the books because GRRM didn't give a shit enough about them to finish them in time so the books will be very different than the show - it already is starting to be.
Ok I misspoke, it's GRRM fucking it up and not the writers of the show.

It's not because I hate the show, its because I love the show that I'm "whining".

It's a great show that I not only enjoy watching for the story but I enjoy because of the care, skill and effort it takes to make something like GoT.

I'm not saying they owe me anything, they don't, I'm just one guy watching something they produce but seeing something so good turn so bad is painful especially knowing how great it can be. And I'm not saying it's turned bad, GoT just seems to be walking a fine line at the moment*.

It's like season 1 of Walking Dead, I never loved the show, but it was good, then season 2 turned in to farming simulator.

And the last episode of season 2 was basically a big "fuck you" to the audience. See this cool looking chick, she has swords and walkers on chains, yer we could have reduced the farm to 2 episodes and got to her sooner but we didn't. Remember to watch season 3 though, ya fucking rube!

* And yes we are only 4 episodes in to season 5, but it's not a great start when I'm already so bored my mind starts to wander and I end up thinking about how fucking dumb everyone is acting.

Edit: +1 for Vikings, good show worth a watch.
couldn't have said it better.
I also felt that it was missing the kind of care the writers & directors used to show with certain elements. it felt rushed in. ex: no real story/narrative development of the 'sparrows', like they came into power overnight due to Cersi's help and having free reign and very little resistance to act like the spanish inquisition, etc. Just one of the elements that I feel was rushed in. Ends up looking like a cheap plot device.