Game of Thrones ***NO SPOILERS PERMITTED***

I'm already hooked. Gonna watch all ten episodes straight through. It's amazing how the "big 3" networks always flop time period series' like these and HBO gets fans foaming at the mouth, then cancels them way too early.
As someone who's neither read the books nor seen the series, which should I do first?

I happy with the way I've done it. I'm currently reading the series (book 3) and started the 1st season(which = 1st book) about 2 weeks ago when I was either at the end of book 2 or begging of book 3. Anways, my point was, I enjoyed watching the characters I already knew on the tv. And for some reason it's not like normal book to screen where it's a disappointment. Probably because while the books are awesome for a lot of reasons, they can also be ALOT to maintain in your head with all the damn characters, history, lands...etc and seeing the mental images on screen really help solidify some things.

Also, and this just might be me, I can't stand and really never do read a book after I've seen the movie. It feels as awkward as shoving a square through a round peg.

(BTW, has anyone had the daunting thought that it's going to take us 6-??? years to get through the shows?)
They are shooting the series like 5 miles from my house in Sunny Northern Ireland :)
They also shot part of it here in Dubrovnik. Funny story says they couldn't find a single girl (as extra in a role of a whore) to show her tits so they had to hire exotic dancers from Zagreb (300 miles away) :D

(BTW, has anyone had the daunting thought that it's going to take us 6-??? years to get through the shows?)
I wanted to wait for the tv version but now I'm seriously considering hitting up books. It's too intense for me and if they cancel far in I will kill myself :(
As someone who's neither read the books nor seen the series, which should I do first?

If you read book 1, you won't be able to stop.

The sad thing is, the author is only up to book 5 - and book 6 is not really expected for years I am on book 3 and already worried about withdrawal. I guess I will go back and watch the series then.

Turbo makes a good point - it is hard to keep all of the minor characters/lands straight in your head - and sometimes a minor character becoems important later - so watching the series may help that.
I haven't read the books yet either. I've got them queued up on my kindle, but I sort of want to wait until this season of the show runs until I start reading them.

I think John Snow has the potential to be my favorite character. I'm hoping for big things from him this season. But I know for sure that Joffrey is my least favorite character. God I hate that little shit.

Also looking forward to The Borgias starting back up on April 8.

Enough WF for the day. Have a nice evening all.
I happy with the way I've done it. I'm currently reading the series (book 3) and started the 1st season(which = 1st book) about 2 weeks ago when I was either at the end of book 2 or begging of book 3. Anways, my point was, I enjoyed watching the characters I already knew on the tv. And for some reason it's not like normal book to screen where it's a disappointment. Probably because while the books are awesome for a lot of reasons, they can also be ALOT to maintain in your head with all the damn characters, history, lands...etc and seeing the mental images on screen really help solidify some things.

Also, and this just might be me, I can't stand and really never do read a book after I've seen the movie. It feels as awkward as shoving a square through a round peg.

(BTW, has anyone had the daunting thought that it's going to take us 6-??? years to get through the shows?)
Nice, thanks, I'll give the books a read :) Thanks for that :D
If you read book 1, you won't be able to stop.

The sad thing is, the author is only up to book 5 - and book 6 is not really expected for years I am on book 3 and already worried about withdrawal. I guess I will go back and watch the series then.

Turbo makes a good point - it is hard to keep all of the minor characters/lands straight in your head - and sometimes a minor character becoems important later - so watching the series may help that.
Haha, kk. And thanks :)

Also looking forward to The Borgias starting back up on April 8.
I'd recommend playing Assassin's creed 1, 2, and brotherhood. It's actually really educational on Italian history around that time (although obviously, they throw in a couple of extra things to spice it up - it's worth doing some reading after playing the games)
No spoiler tag = dangerous thread

I'm almost finished with the 4th book myself. While generally I like fiction that appeals more to your emotions, this series is extremely addictive. I think GRRM's strength lies in the fact that he can write in the view of so many different characters. Whenever you read a new chapter, you honestly feel like you've transferred bodies. GRRM writes each character's chapters a little differently (Arya has shorter sentences and easier words) and the characters THINK differently. Almost as how actors might get into a role, it seems he does this with every single character.

Some people will complain that it's too much of a soap opera. Compared to something like LotR you can't really argue against that, but I think that's why the series is so popular. It's fun to talk with your friends about all the characters and their ethics, different theories, and predictions.

The books are probably 60-70% as good as The Wheel of Time. It feels like the author doesn't know how to write epic scenes, big battles, dramatic deaths of characters so he just doesn't and has it all happen in the background.

He introduces characters, declares them to be supremely infinite at certain things, then one book later they get obliterated in the night by retards. That being said some of those characters are fucking annoying/useless and boring and THANK GOD they get killed.

I got up to the start of 4th book where that chick is wondering around looking for that other chick and saying the same line every two seconds I started thinking to myself WHY THE FUCK AM I READING THIS GARBAGE and put it down.

You'll get more entertainment out of your local newspaper.

Plus the whole way they handle the Gods is really annoying. There are 7 gods, no 1 god, no wait 2 gods. Let me tell you if I lived on that planet I'd be praying to the God that goes around resurrecting people every two seconds cause he's bored.
Wheel of Time got so fucking redundant after like 8 books I just up and quit reading it. Not a huge Sanderson fan either, can't imagine he finished it like a boss.

If you're reading this thread and haven't started reading GoT, don't. Huge fucking time suck, so addictive.
I love the Game of Thrones series and I can't wait for season 2, either! :) I bet the producers would want to make the second installment as interesting as the first one, if not grander.
Plus the whole way they handle the Gods is really annoying. There are 7 gods, no 1 god, no wait 2 gods. Let me tell you if I lived on that planet I'd be praying to the God that goes around resurrecting people every two seconds cause he's bored.

Don't you already live on this planet?
Costs is high for sure, but they will be re-using the same sets / costumes in the upcoming seasons. Also a certain actor won't be returning. They'll be hitting 4 million viewers per episode for next season...they're not gonna cancel a show that gets viewers AND wins emmys. Boardwalk Empire + Game of Thrones + True Blood...this could be another golden age for HBO.

I think it's possible for him to finish the books. He's 63 years old now. The reason why book 4 / 5 took forever was because he wanted to do a 5 year flash forward for book 4. He spent a few years writing that, then decided fuck it and split the next book into 4 / 5.

Heres the season one recap and the season 2 preview.
Game of Thrones 2x00 You Win or You Die (2012) DivX -

They don't use CGI for the epic landscapes and locations. They travel there for authenticity and so the actors don't have to act cold they actually ARE cold. I really hope they don't cancel GOT but their budget definitely isn't light...
Wheel of Time got so fucking redundant after like 8 books I just up and quit reading it. Not a huge Sanderson fan either, can't imagine he finished it like a boss.

If you're reading this thread and haven't started reading GoT, don't. Huge fucking time suck, so addictive.

All 5 books $18 on amazon. Welcome to the timesink.
I actually found the books quite easy to read and I consider myself borderline retarded. I hardly have the patience to read fiction these days because of motion picture and TV shows. But I actually picked these ones up. Never got around to reading past book 3 since my reading time has been taken up by the awesome books recommended by the good peeps here on WF.

Good thing the TV show does the narrative justice and then some. I prefer movies / TV than reading books for fiction all the way. Choosing between spending 10's of hours reading a book imagining titties & gore, or watching 1 hour of glorious HD titties & gore is a no brainer.

If HBO never made this show or if they cancel it prematurely, I'd probably continue reading the books.
I happy with the way I've done it. I'm currently reading the series (book 3) and started the 1st season(which = 1st book) about 2 weeks ago when I was either at the end of book 2 or begging of book 3. Anways, my point was, I enjoyed watching the characters I already knew on the tv. And for some reason it's not like normal book to screen where it's a disappointment. Probably because while the books are awesome for a lot of reasons, they can also be ALOT to maintain in your head with all the damn characters, history, lands...etc and seeing the mental images on screen really help solidify some things.

Also, and this just might be me, I can't stand and really never do read a book after I've seen the movie. It feels as awkward as shoving a square through a round peg.

(BTW, has anyone had the daunting thought that it's going to take us 6-??? years to get through the shows?)

STOP MAKING ME DO THINGS. :love-smiley-013:

I just got the DVD to watch with the kids. ...on a lovely Sun. afternoon when we should be outside or something.