Game of Thrones ***NO SPOILERS PERMITTED***


New member
Aug 10, 2007
Season 2 -April 1st (no fooling)

Better catch up on season 1 now.


There was a thread about Game Of Thrones In February - so I went and got the first book because I usually like this sort of thing. I am almost done with book 3 and have book 4 sitting ont he table.

You guys have ruined my life. Addictive.
There was a thread about Game Of Thrones In February - so I went and got the first book because I usually like this sort of thing. I am almost done with book 3 and have book 4 sitting ont he table.

You guys have ruined my life. Addictive.

Yep I'm on book 3 because of that thread. Extremely addictive. Just caught up on season 1 too. Both are worth it.
Time to rewatch Season 1 for the 2847th time to prep for Season 2.
Watched season one few times.. But haven't read the book... Is it more addictive than the Millenium trilogy? lol
I know they are different categories altogether, but just on the addiction level..
Watched season one few times.. But haven't read the book... Is it more addictive than the Millenium trilogy? lol
I know they are different categories altogether, but just on the addiction level..

I liked the girl with dragon tatoo, sure. But this is in a completely different genre and writing style. You really can't compare the two at all. But that said, I like GoT better.

BTW I meant to put in OP: Any real spoilers will be deleted.
Arya and Tyrion are my favorite characters. At least in season one. To go further risks spoilers ;)

Me too...but I think I can say - without it being a spoiler - that the magic of the book is that most of the characters are not totally good or totally bad. I might make a couple of exceptions for a couple of crazies (bad) and the innocent children (good).

Mostly, they all just have their own perspectives. I guess that's what makes it so engrossing and gives it the feel of a real world.
Been reading the books for 10 years. Storm of Swords is definitely the best in the series.

For me I thought

Book 3>1>2>5>4

This show has the potential to be the greatest TV show ever. If HBO cancels it early like they did Deadwood / Canivale, there will be riots.
Been reading the books for 10 years. Storm of Swords is definitely the best in the series.

For me I thought

Book 3>1>2>5>4

This show has the potential to be the greatest TV show ever. If HBO cancels it early like they did Deadwood / Canivale, there will be riots.

Ditto. My concern is the cost, as I believe was the reason deadwood and rome were cancelled. Dudes never going to finish the books though, unless he hits the gym and juicier.
Ditto. My concern is the cost, as I believe was the reason deadwood and rome were cancelled. Dudes never going to finish the books though, unless he hits the gym and juicier.

Costs is high for sure, but they will be re-using the same sets / costumes in the upcoming seasons. Also a certain actor won't be returning. They'll be hitting 4 million viewers per episode for next season...they're not gonna cancel a show that gets viewers AND wins emmys. Boardwalk Empire + Game of Thrones + True Blood...this could be another golden age for HBO.

I think it's possible for him to finish the books. He's 63 years old now. The reason why book 4 / 5 took forever was because he wanted to do a 5 year flash forward for book 4. He spent a few years writing that, then decided fuck it and split the next book into 4 / 5.