Fuck Zombies - Just got my bath salt head poppa' in the mail =P

Still running on the off chance you aren't trolling and are being sincere:

Was she related to you by blood or marriage?

Totally immaterial. So it's only ok to help people if they are related to you? Some shared dna or the co-incidence of an ancestor in common makes a person suddenly more valuable and worth helping?

Do you know what would have happened if you hadn't intervened?
I know she would have continued to be dragged along by her hair, after that I can make a reasonably educated guess, but you are right, no I don't know for sure.

Do you know the events that transpired before you intervened?

Yes, because I watched them. The guy walked up to her (she was dancing on the beach, lost in her own world, appeared reasonably drunk) and he said something to her, she shook her head, he then made gestures indicating she should come with him. She shook her head and moved away from him, kept on dancing. He started getting more insistent, she tried to ignore him. Then he grabbed her arm and started dragging her up the beach - after a few meters she struggled free and moved back down the beach as far as she could get away from him while still being in front of the bar and around people. He then walked up behind her, grabbed her hair with one hand and kicked her legs out from under her and started dragging her up the beach. Maybe you'd sit back and enjoy the show but I've been brought up a little better than that.

You wanted to be a tough guy, and you seized on the first opportunity to do so.

Actually no I didn't, I was scared as shit as he was a Cambodian, it was midnight and when in Cambodia you tend to get outnumbered by Cambodians and they can be ruthless little bastards. But to be honest I'd rather be killed helping someone in a situation that than live a life knowing I'm a chicken shit coward. Death comes to us all and once it's upon you you aren't going to be sitting around feeling shit about it - you'll be dead. But if I had to walk around knowing I'm the type of person that can watch something like that happen and not do anything I'd loose whatever self respect I may have and feel shit all the time. Rather than just now and then.

Don't defend your meatheaded position, just admit you are a meathead.
Call me you what you will, if you truly believe this and you aren't just trolling then I'd have a few names to call you in retort and would suggest that the reason for your depression is becoming clearer - hard to have self respect if your self is a wothless piece of crap that's happy to sit around and watch shit like that go down.

The sad part is that a bar full of guys apparently shared your view. Not surprising then that we end up in a society with so much crime, shit, corruption etc

hard to have self respect if your self is a wothless piece of crap that's happy to sit around and watch shit like that go down
I'm responsible for the welfare of multiple people beyond myself, and this responsibility extends to their physical, emotional, and financial well-being.

My responsibility is to them, and it far supersedes any sort of "hero justice" idea you might have gotten from comic books and movies.

I do not place myself in situations that could jeopardize my ability to provide for and protect the people I care about without serious consideration.

So no, I don't feel badly when I see three guys kicking the shit out of someone else on a street corner at 3am, because the fact is, he probably deserved it one way or the other, and even if he didn't, I've got more important things on my agenda then the welfare of some anonymous stranger.

Let them come to my house if they'd like to see how much of a "chicken shit coward" I am, until then, I'm content to spend my time and energy working on ways to insulate myself and the people I care about from the bulk of humanity and to focus on attaining the sort of privileges that act as a bulwark against the violence of the unwashed masses.

I think you and I just have different priorities.
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and I wouldn't trust you to provide a truthful account of the situation, so please don't try to.
Well my care factor for what you'd trust is about as high right now as my care factor for your favourite cereal. But if I was going to make up a story to make myself seem like some sort of badass or whatever I doubt I'd fashion it with an ending that has me on the ground getting the shit kicked out of me.

There have been plenty of other times I've had people try to pick fights with me and I walked away. In two separate instances I've been head butted (once even had a cap knocked off one of my front teeth, but it was old and they tend to fall off after a few years with little provocation) and I just turned and walked away. A couple months ago I had a guy start yelling at me to hit him, I could see the downward spiral in his eyes as most bullies (the ones that aren't cold calculating REALLY malicious types) tend to work themselves up to the hitting stage - they'll say something, then something stronger, start picking you, then a shove or two and then the hit - it's a build up. I could see it happening so I just asked him if he was going to hit me...the question seemed to defuse the situation and bring him back around and the insane gleam faded, we ended up sitting down and talking about the issue (which was a girl - actually my current girlfriend).

Make all the assumptions you want about my honesty or my willingness to fight, but I have no reason to lie and less reason to care what a coward like you thinks of me. But I really don't like fighting, never have. When you train a fair bit in martial arts you see how deceptive come people can be and learn not to judge a book by it's cover. Besides which I've always despised bullies and so not wanted to be the guy that fights with anyone smaller/weaker than me while fear takes care of not wanting to fight with guys bigger or stronger than me. Fighting when there's another option that doesn't involve someone getting raped is just stupid.
Ok, this is going to get tough....lets see how my multi quote skillz be workin...

No need, Trolls like water, it's why they live under bridges, it's fire we have an aversion to.
Hmmm..good to know, I thought they lived under bridges because they were all fags and vegans who needed a rendezvous? Ok..good to know ;P

So that's the way you're playing it? Well I'm at least glad that you've finally lightened (and wised) up.
I think your missing that boat again....I've been lightened. I've been liking post's and throwing jabs back, since the beginning. Are you telling me I can't fuck with people back, when they are fucking with me? I was having fun man...relax. Do you really think I believed ly2 GENUINELY was convinced it was a .22? lol

But just out of curiosity, post #9 was sarcastic eh?and seeing as you were joking with the trolls all along post #81 was actually sincere, not sarcastic? good to know.

I don't know how your looking up "post 9 or #81" you'll have to quote....but let me explain to you my train of thought since you seemed concerned with it and my attitude towards my own thread I created.

Dwight Schrute made a "Disaster Preparedness" thread where he asked what weapons and survival things we had in our house "IF" something went down. So I posted stuff there I had. It was a long, fun, back and forth thread and I kept adding stuff as I found or bought it.

Now recently, my Laser came in....and so I titled the thread what I did playing around. Now at first, Ly2 made a joke about it being a .22 I thought he literally thought it was a .22 (in fact, I don't know if he originally did or not...I never said what gun I had)

After I corrected him and then he continued with the .22 bit, it was obvious he was trolling. So I jokingly flipped it and start trolling him back calling him a NEWB about guns; i.e.

Don't try to pretend your just "trolling" because you don't know shit about guns. Beretta Px4 Storms don't come in .22's

Find me this "magical .22" that your talking about on beretta's home page.


Right here...is where it was obvious what he was doing...and I stop being serious about convincing him of anything I was trolling the troll. Thats why I started using "smiley faces ducking behind the couches", saying things like "You're gayer than two penises touching" and playing going tit for tat with him.

I thought that was obvious. I was liking funny pictures and responding jokingly like "Blue lasers give you aids." Did you assume I really thought blue lasers gave you aids? Or that I was steaming mad? lol If you did I'm sorry brother. I haven't been mad once on this thread. I've been having fun and fucking around. I've answered some stuff seriously, like my video response showing the advantage of a tactical light. But everything has been in good fun.

Not if I'd just dropped him and got the hell out of there, which is what I should have done
. Well you can drop someone and just run with jiu-jitsu too...why do you get to automatically superman punch him and BJJ guys can't? If this guy is so easy to punch, why are you making me roll around with him in your fake scenario?

However I really don't like fighting, I didn't want to hurt him, just stop him hurting her. Yeah, I'm a faggot vegan martial artist, that's ok. And so I pussied out...did't even put pressure on the hold until he refused to let go of the girl's hair. He actually went down to the ground still clutching it - stubborn bastard. Then he kept a hold of it while asking me who I was, and yelling that he owned the bar (it happened outside the front of) and could do whatever he wanted. The second my forearm started crushing his carotid & windpipe though he changed his tune and the girl bolted

Good man, I don't know all the details...but he sounds like a douche and if that is how it happened and you were helping a girl then that is stand up of you IMO that you stood up for the girl. I would of done the same. There are a lot of "mind your own business guys" walking around... and that why that guy in the pizza store out in New York got beat so bad. Everyone just minded their business and let the guy get pounded.

You dont always gotta poke your nose in people business..but if something looks fucked up..there is nothing wrong with asking whats going on. If everything is fine, then a person should have no problem explaining why they are dragging a girl by the head. "She just stole my fucking wallet and tried to stab me!" Ahhh ok...drag away, sir. But "This bitch was dancing with that other guy" or something stupid...that is no reason to assault her. Just my .2

Thing that really pissed me off was after I ended up on the ground with glass shards in my hair and 5 guys kicking into me and a group of backpackers broke it up one of them said to me "I saw what he did, I saw everything and you did the right thing dude" meanwhile that prick had just been sitting back enjoying his beer while a girl was being hauled off up the beach at midnight by her hair...doesn't take much imagination to figure out what was going to happen from there - gutless wonder.

Where were your friends? Thats what I never get about these "the lone grappler gets beat jumped by the other guys friends" Maybe its just me, I don't know...but I don't really go to bars unless I'm meeting some other guy friends. And I don't really hang out with too many pussies. Most of my friends are other Jiu-Jitsu guys, cops, military or they are scrappers.

I've been in quite a few fights, and even a few at a bar...and my friends have never just let a bunch of guys jump on me. And anytime a group even started to start shit with more than one guy, my friends would be right there evening shit out.

Either way, I agree..the floor is not the first option...I would punch and sprawl maybe hit a few hip tosses on someone before I would go down on the floor with them at a bar....but if I did go to the floor, I'm happy I know Jiu-Jitsu to make sure I can sweep his ass off me and stand back up...or if there is no other choice...submit him from my back.

But yeah, lesson learned. Next time that bottle over the head could be a knife in the kidneys, which is why I don't like fighting.

Very true, I'm happy that it wasn't anything serious and glad you made it out of that all the wiser.

The other time I came to the defence of a girl (actually it was my g/f's fucking psycho methed up mother - who picked a fight with a big methed up dude) I ended up with the wrong end of a rifle pointed point blank at my chest...which is part of why I don't like guns. Luckily it wasn't being wielded by someone out to do me harm, it was the boyfriend of the mother "coming to her aid" (a bit late to the party) but it was a tense situation and he'd just been knocked to the ground, rifle and all so I almost ended up with friendly fire in the chest all because some retard had to reach for a gun instead of fight like a man.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, carrying a pistol around is a huge responsibility...I definitely have to be more mature than the other person. The last thing I want to do is getin in a fight with some one while I'm armed with a pistol OR have to pull it out and shoot them and deal with the consequences. Its better to de-escalate things and handle things verbally.

And its easier to do that with the confidence that I know if things DO go sour, I know how to handle myself. A lot of these big mouthed guys with there chests puffed out are just insecure and need to prove something to themselves because they are afraid inside.
That type of view, the "I only care for the people immediately around me, everyone else can go get stuffed" is exactly why we end up with corrupt politicians that justify stealing from the populace, CEO's that take the bail out money intended for their company's stock holders and give it to themselves as "performance bonuses". It's why pretty much ALL crime happens, why those people you care about so much might well get raped or worse walking home from work one day. It's why Cambodia has a Prime minister that's on the world's list of the wealthiest men (I think he was like 30 or 50, something like that a while back) while his country starves and 8% of children there die before the age of 5 deprived of medical care and any real chance to live decent lives. It's why we have sex slaves and human traffickers.

Well done mate...you are holding up as an ideal the very reason our race has so much evil and corruption in it. And then you wonder why you are having an "existential crisis"

I really do wonder though how you would feel if as I said it was one of these people around you that you say you care so much for that was being raped when a bar full of people just sat and watched with the power to stop it but not the will. Would you really feel that they had done the right thing? I very much doubt it.

But then as Alan Watts would say...it's all just a game, we each play our own game and they all end sooner or later. I just can't help but think there are ways we could all chip in to make the game so much more fun for everyone.

You are right, we have very different priorities.
Well my care factor for what you'd trust is about as high right now as my care factor for your favourite cereal. But if I was going to make up a story to make myself seem like some sort of badass or whatever I doubt I'd fashion it with an ending that has me on the ground getting the shit kicked out of me.

There have been plenty of other times I've had people try to pick fights with me and I walked away. In two separate instances I've been head butted (once even had a cap knocked off one of my front teeth, but it was old and they tend to fall off after a few years with little provocation) and I just turned and walked away. A couple months ago I had a guy start yelling at me to hit him, I could see the downward spiral in his eyes as most bullies (the ones that aren't cold calculating REALLY malicious types) tend to work themselves up to the hitting stage - they'll say something, then something stronger, start picking you, then a shove or two and then the hit - it's a build up. I could see it happening so I just asked him if he was going to hit me...the question seemed to defuse the situation and bring him back around and the insane gleam faded, we ended up sitting down and talking about the issue (which was a girl - actually my current girlfriend).

Make all the assumptions you want about my honesty or my willingness to fight, but I have no reason to lie and less reason to care what a coward like you thinks of me. But I really don't like fighting, never have. When you train a fair bit in martial arts you see how deceptive come people can be and learn not to judge a book by it's cover. Besides which I've always despised bullies and so not wanted to be the guy that fights with anyone smaller/weaker than me while fear takes care of not wanting to fight with guys bigger or stronger than me. Fighting when there's another option that doesn't involve someone getting raped is just stupid.

I'm perfectly content to have you believe that I am a coward.
Oh, I also trained at a BJJ school. It was lloyd irvin school.

BJJ is awesome.

Also, I got front row tickets to the UFC 150 in denver Aug 11

Lloyd Irvin is a good instructor, probably the most annoying email spammer in the history of email spammers though and really gets...on...peoples...nervers. HMMM...it all makes sense now.

How long did you train with him again? I don't know what belt you got in BJJ, but you're definitely a Llyod Irving black belt at being annoying on the internet...thats for sure =D
Still running on the off chance you aren't trolling and are being sincere:

LMFAO you know how hilarious this statement is, in a thread where you've made multiple post talking about my ability to sniff out and handle trolls, lol.

You're sound like a troll crack head, scratching and paranoid about who the trolls are =D

Well you can drop someone and just run with jiu-jitsu too...why do you get to automatically superman punch him and BJJ guys can't? If this guy is so easy to punch, why are you making me roll around with him in your fake scenario?

Look, I think you are latching on too hard to my "anti-BJJ stance". I already admitted it is the most effective martial art one on one. The fact that I'm not really a fan of it well, that's just a personal preference, I've trained in Muai Thai, Ninjitsu, Wing Chun & (a very little) BJJ, as well as bits and pieces of others, Karate, Escrima, Sambo etc but I just didn't enjoy the BJJ as much as the others. I'm not saying it's not effective but you have to admit that it is PREDOMINATELY a grappling art and yes, grappling is VERY effective one on one but it has an associated short coming of being much less useful in a one v many altercation. Just like my "core" art, Wing Chun has nothing in it for when you hit the ground. If I trained in nothing but pure WC then a grappler would take me out in seconds if he got me on the ground (actually he would anyway as I avoid grappling training). It's just the way it is and personal preference is just that - personal preference.

When I posted the initial comments & video I was fully in troll mode, which to reflect your own comments should have been blatently obvious.

The truth is I respect all martial artists that don't treat their training as an excuse to be a thug.

Good man, I don't know all the details...but he sounds like a douche and ift that is how it happened and you were helping a girl then that is stand up of you IMO that you stood up for the girl. I would of done the same.

Thank you, I do appreciate those comments and yeah, I get the feeling from your posts that you definitely would have done the same.

Where were your friends?

Actually it's funny you say that as I'd been hanging out all night with a good mate of mine who's an ex-SAS. He's a bit older and retired now but I for one wouldn't be fucking with him, and for sure if he'd been around then it wouldn't have ended the way it did. He himself has gotten into fights with THE SAME GUYS - three of them decided to come at him one night for whatever reason, he broke one of their arms and left the other two on the ground. Another one of my mates, a real hippy got saved by the police one night when Yaya (yeah, that's actually the asshole's name) started beating on him for no apparent reason that anyone there could tell. However, that night I was on my way home (back then I used to live ON the beach in Cambodia) and this was the last bar before my guesthouse (it was also before I learned of the other two situations). I actually never went there normally, I think this was about the second time I'd ever been there in my life (and as Yaya was the owner I've never been back). But it was just one of those things. I'd had a good night, home was 100 meters away and I just felt like one last drink before hitting the hay. In the end I didn't sleep that night, not from pain but from sheer fucking adrenaline. All I could do was pace up and down my balcony, internally yelling at myself for being such an idiot and a pussy and choosing such terrible tactics.

And its easier to do that with the confidence that I know if things DO go sour, I know how to handle myself. A lot of these big mouthed guys with there chests puffed out are just insecure and need to prove something to themselves because they are afraid inside.

Agreed 100%

For me one of the best things about learning a martial art and the confidence it builds is NOT having to fight to prove anything. When you can spar with a guy that knows his shit then fighting some drunk retard in a bar is as unnecessary as it can be potentially dangerous if you happen to line up against the wrong guy (and/or with the wrong friends). Fighting is one of those things that is best avoided in absolutely any circumstance you can, but there are some that you just can't turn away from...and remain a decent human being.
there are some that you just can't turn away from...and remain a decent human being.

I see what you did there, but I'd like to ask you how much consolation "being a decent human being" is when you get slapped with a civil suit, charged with assault, seriously injured, or killed as a result of your need to "do the right thing"?

I don't think for a minute that the people who sit at my table, eat my food, and sleep under my roof doubt my human decency.

I think they'd be horrified if they knew I was prone to taking unnecessary risks in order to defend questionable assumptions.

Maybe you eat alone, but I don't.
I'm not saying it's not effective but you have to admit that it is PREDOMINATELY a grappling art and yes, grappling is VERY effective one on one but it has an associated short coming of being much less useful in a one v many altercation.

Well, yes BJJ is predominately a Grappling art, but first and foremost..it is predominately a Self Defense Martial art. I guess where we differ is you consider the fact that it is not useful in a one v many altercation...this implies that you think others are useful for one v many and thats were we difference in opinion.

There is no such thing as movie bruce lee. No martial art TEACHES you how to fight off multiple attackers. The best self defense for multiple attackers....is track-n field. The only think you can train for is one on one attacks, because that is the only thing you can get good at on any practical level.

You should have common sense and situational awareness and you should definitely have some basic understanding on how to keep attackers at a distance as you make an escape but you can't expect to train anything so that you can successfully take on multiple attackers sufficiently.

(I'm not saying you can't TAKE on multiple attackers, it happens, but choosing a martial art and training for it based on that is nonsensical IMO)

Just like my "core" art, Wing Chun has nothing in it for when you hit the ground. If I trained in nothing but pure WC then a grappler would take me out in seconds if he got me on the ground (actually he would anyway as I avoid grappling training). It's just the way it is and personal preference is just that - personal preference.

When I posted the initial comments & video I was fully in troll mode, which to reflect your own comments should have been blatently obvious.

No worries, you see some people get their feelings hurt by trolls...others accidentally feed the trolls....I on the other hand, like to feed the trolls poison. =D

I like debating and arguing just for the sake of it sometimes. So troll up as often as you like, I'm just going to be a mirror.

The truth is I respect all martial artists that don't treat their training as an excuse to be a thug.

BJJ kind of weeds out the douchebags, its kind of hard to be a "thug" or "douchebag" when you spend the first year getting your ass kicked by people half your sized. When you got 135 lb nerdy doctors and dentist who are brown belts twisting you in and choking you out every 30 seconds...its hard to keep a "i'm a bad ass" ego going in your head =)

Thank you, I do appreciate those comments and yeah, I get the feeling from your posts that you definitely would have done the same

no problem. Its good to know there are good people out there still =)

In the end I didn't sleep that night, not from pain but from sheer fucking adrenaline. All I could do was pace up and down my balcony, internally yelling at myself for being such an idiot and a pussy and choosing such terrible tactics.

lol Man, I can't watch any youtube vidoes of fights or matches, or mma or anything for like 1 hour before I go to bed. I start vicariously living through it and I get to pumped up to go to sleep.

Agreed 100%

For me one of the best things about learning a martial art and the confidence it builds is NOT having to fight to prove anything. When you can spar with a guy that knows his shit then fighting some drunk retard in a bar is as unnecessary as it can be potentially dangerous if you happen to line up against the wrong guy (and/or with the wrong friends). Fighting is one of those things that is best avoided in absolutely any circumstance you can, but there are some that you just can't turn away from...and remain a decent human being.

Well said...
LMFAO you know how hilarious this statement is, in a thread where you've made multiple post talking about my ability to sniff out and handle trolls, lol.

Hah! Yeah I hear you. After giving you so much shit for not spotting trolls though truth is I AM a bit paranoid about falling for the same shit from Ice. Sad part is...I really don't think he is.

It appears he really would sit back and watch a girl get dragged off to be raped and do nothing but relax and order another vodka and tonic, then go home and sleep like a baby...(hey she probably deserved it right?)
I think if we all chip in and help OP learn to troll and deal with trolls, we may have the next Chuck Norris on our hands. He has all the tools and skills but lacks at the internet fight game.

I say a 2 week crash course with pewep and dwight and he'll be on his way to glory. A online and offline version of Chuck Norris, something the world has never seen.

Take a part in creating history!

I am...the one...I am, Chuck Neo!
It appears he really would sit back and watch a girl get dragged off to be raped and do nothing but relax and order another vodka and tonic, then go home and sleep like a baby...(hey she probably deserved it right?)

but what if she was an alcoholic and he was trying to prevent her from doing more harm to herself by staying at the bar and drinking more?

now you've intervened and prevented someone else from trying to "do the right thing", and gotten your head smashed because of it.

I guess you are able to discern all of the details by looking at a situation for a minute or two, though, huh?
Hah! Yeah I hear you. After giving you so much shit for not spotting trolls though truth is I AM a bit paranoid about falling for the same shit from Ice. Sad part is...I really don't think he is.

It appears he really would sit back and watch a girl get dragged off to be raped and do nothing but relax and order another vodka and tonic, then go home and sleep like a baby...(hey she probably deserved it right?)

See thats my point, you are worried about falling for trolls to much. Who cares, the moment I suspected I was being trolled, I didn't care. I had fun with it and used it as an excuse to show off more guns, make fun of people and make videos where I ran around with my laster and strobe light lol It was fun.

I still got to talk about what I wanted to with the people I wanted to, and I laughed and talked shit with the goobers who only came here for that.

Trolling is only successful if it makes you mad, I dont mind trolls because I have fun arguing and talking shit and I don't care how far down the rabbit hole we tumble. =D
but what if she was an alcoholic and he was trying to prevent her from doing more harm to herself by staying at the bar and drinking more?

now you've intervened and prevented someone else from trying to "do the right thing", and gotten your head smashed because of it.

I guess you are able to discern all of the details by looking at a situation for a minute or two, though, huh?

Yeah, what if she was an alcoholic and so he grabbed the bitch by the hair and told her to quit drinking, like any self respecting gentlemen would do.

Fuck that shit Neo! Go Batman on 'em! :batman:
The best self defense for multiple attackers....is track-n field. The only think you can train for is one on one attacks, because that is the only thing you can get good at on any practical level.

Agreed, movie Bruce Lees don't exist, but in a very rough fashion Jackie Chan is "closer" to reality (I say that sentence very loosely). Being as he often uses the tactic of running the fuck away, using the environment, weeding out the pursuers until there is just the fastest one on him, taking that guy down then turning and piss bolting again. Get surrounded by five dudes out to seriously hurt you and there is very little you can do.

But, and here's my point. It's much harder to do that if you are laying on the ground with your arms around a guy's neck and your legs wrapped around his body. Where as if you stay standing, manage to take one guy out then you are in a much better position to get the hell out of dodge and reposition yourself according to your environment (a door way for instance) where you can more practically deal with the others. There may very well be stand up strikes in BJJ (I never learned any in the limited training I did in it) but as it's predominantly a ground art you aren't going to have the same tools and options at your disposal for taking out that first guy as you are with something like (for instance) Muai Thai while staying upright.

BJJ kind of weeds out the douchebags, its kind of hard to be a "thug" or "douchebag" when you spend the first year getting your ass kicked by people half your sized. When you got 135 lb nerdy doctors and dentist who are brown belts twisting you in and choking you out every 30 seconds...its hard to keep a "i'm a bad ass" ego going in your head =)

Yeah I get that, one of the most dangerous Wing Chun guys I know was as thin as a rake, with hair that looked like him mum cut it with a bowel, really looked like a total dweeb. Yet practice technique with this guy and he'd be fast as lightning, inside your defences in a split second with your arm in a position that had you frantically tapping out, or he'd flow from one "break" position to another while you frantically back back trying to keep away from him.

We were always encouraged in our school to allow your partner to learn the move but once he had it down really try to avoid/resisit it as much as you could and try to get the hell away from them, or with the more advanced guys actually fight back. Most technique sessions therefore would end up semi-sparing affairs.

Very different to the few belts I did in Karate when I was younger. Everything was static and posed - only useful thing I got out of that school was a bit of fitness and flexibility. My cousin went on to get a black belt but seriously - a common street thug would easily win that battle.

You'd be interested to know that my Wing Chun school also teaches BJJ for the exact reason that there is that ground deficiency in pure WC. To be honest though our strain of WC isn't that pure, it's more a core of WC with a bunch of other stuff mixed in (sometimes from different recurring guest instructors from their own respective schools). Lots of Muai Thai for instance (that's not the MT that I'm talking about training in though - did that in Thailand & Cambodia). But yeah it's basically MMA with a core of Wing Chun...though I haven't trained that much last few years. Very rarely in the country these days.
but what if she was an alcoholic and he was trying to prevent her from doing more harm to herself by staying at the bar and drinking more?

Um yeah, riiight, he grabs her by the hair and kicks her legs out from under her, starts dragging her up the beach because she's an alcoholic and that's a perfectly reasonable way to handle the situation. As the owner of the bar I guess he can't just tell his staff to stop serving her drinks? (though to be fair I didn't know he was the owner at the time).

The ONLY time it's perfectly reasonable to physically accost someone so much weaker than yourself in such a fashion is when they are threatening the life or safety of someone else. Which she was hardly doing by dancing on the beach minding her own business.

An argument could be made for revenge on a past crime perhaps...maybe she'd clawed the eyes out of his 5 year old daughter? Ok, I can see that. But he'd hardly have walked up and talked to her reasonably first, then escalated things by grabbing her arm and hauling her off and then finally the hair grab and feet kick.

What if the same thing happened to a child? What if he'd grabbed a 10 year old girl by the hair, kicked her feet out from under her and dragged her up the beach....please tell me a scenario when THAT would be deserved. Yet if she's not your blood - well better just to watch it happen and nibble the peanuts according to your theory.

Make whatever excuses you want for standing around and watching something like that happen to a girl while feeling good about doing nothing - doesn't change the fact that (in that instance) you are absolute scum.