Fuck Zombies - Just got my bath salt head poppa' in the mail =P

Here is a silly Glock 19 Suppressed


ok, now im starting to wonder why you have suppressed a mack 10 rofl????
man that guy totally missed the toilet

p.s. take down those pictures of ur illegal gunz, no need to put your face and ur illegals all on teh same thread

Lol those guns aren't illegal, you have to get 2 separate licenses for them. And you have to have a license for each suppressor. I done hear talking about guns with you kiddo's.
No joke, Andrew is like 14 or 15.

I believe it. I came here to talk to some men about some men things :ak: and fuck around, and I bumped into a bunch of kids and vegans.:uhoh2: No worries, I'll go talk man shit else where and come back here when I feel like reading about how important it is to stop masturbating. :love-smiley-086:
ly2 is fucking idiot bro. Ignore him. We all know that's a .22 regardless of his trolling efforts. A motherfucking beast of a .22 at that.
I believe it. I came here to talk to some men about some men things :ak: and fuck around, and I bumped into a bunch of kids and vegans.:uhoh2: No worries, I'll go talk man shit else where and come back here when I feel like reading about how important it is to stop masturbating. :love-smiley-086:

Enjoy your heart disease and junk/scrap metal/piece of shit "gear", don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out :smilie_weihn_winki:
Are zombies effected by laser light, and flashing lights then?

A true gun for protection is a 45, stopping power. you do not want a zombie bite, take them down fast.

But of course any gun is better then nothing, when under zombie attack.

Special ops weapons