Fuck the Ferrari I want a fleet of these.

That HooverBike looks awesome but judging from the test video it still needs some time.
So until then I'll just stick to the Ferrari.
You have any idea how much time and money it takes to get a helicopter flying license? Fuck all that, I've wanted one of these things for years:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq4WZK98YC4]Ultralight trike flight in Northern California - YouTube[/ame]

Much cheaper, and since its an 'ultralight' aircraft you dont need any kind of pilots license to operate it.
Nice update on the HoverBike, but the roll is still the problem. It rolls back and forth to find the center way to violently. One tiny problem with the sensor or gyro and your fuxors...

The cost of your Helicopters license in Costa Rica is $1500 for the written / practice stuff. Then you have to work on your flight time. I believe it's 100 hrs for non-commercial. It will cost a pretty penny to get those hours. I think it's $400 /hr here. So $40K just for your hours. Granted that includes an instructor to ensure that you don't kill yourself.

Add an extra $10K for gear, other odds and ends. In the US it's about $100K for the same thing (the license obviously has more credibility).
I'd prefer an inflatable boat plane.


They cost like $15-$20k and have a wheel attachment so you can take off from land, then pull them inside when you're airborne.

[caption] BITCHES!

My friends dad when we were kids had a homemade gyrocopter and cut his legs off when it flipped over. He didn't even leave the ground he was driving it down his driveway and hit a bump and flipped over.

The other problem with helicopters (my uncle owns several) is the mandatory maintenance, so many moving parts that require replacement before they wear out, much more expensive than a regular plane.