Fuck the Ferrari I want a fleet of these.

Max speed 115 MPH in Bursts?
Cruising speed 100 MPH?
2 hours of fuel?
That's only a range of 200 miles.

No freaking DOORS? Arggh...

This is a backyard ultralight. It's for fun, not for transportation, really. CERTAINLY not for a commute.

For those needs I'll take one of these anyday:


The Hoverbike

And for something the size & speed of your cute little chopper, but is also roadworthy with 35 MPG on the highway:


The Transition

It costs $280k though, but drives like a car (yes, with a wheel, not a stick!) and has... Doors. Always good in flying machines.
Hey guys I just got my package with my Boeing 747 today but I noticed they forgot to include the manual and DVD on how to put it together. Does anyone have/know where I can get it? Thank you.
Anyone know what the regulations are with having your own aircraft?

Can you just up and fly to another city, or does it have to be 'pre-booked'? I imagine you'd also need insurance and 'air tax'. Is there much more to it after you have a licence? What about landing? I imagine you can't just randomly land in a field or something?
I actually made 756.00 dollars on Mollers skycar trading stock. It was always real volatile (obviously) But sold right after they successfully tested their rotary engines.
Max speed 115 MPH in Bursts?
Cruising speed 100 MPH?
2 hours of fuel?
That's only a range of 200 miles.

No freaking DOORS? Arggh...

This is a backyard ultralight. It's for fun, not for transportation, really. CERTAINLY not for a commute.

For those needs I'll take one of these anyday:


The Hoverbike

And for something the size & speed of your cute little chopper, but is also roadworthy with 35 MPG on the highway:


The Transition

It costs $280k though, but drives like a car (yes, with a wheel, not a stick!) and has... Doors. Always good in flying machines.

Yeah the transition is nice if you want a plane but the problem with a plane is the take off and landing. You need space (not much with the Transition but still)... Helicopters can take off and land in the same spot. Now I love that 'hoverbike' but fuck that noise, if your hand slipped off the handle bar you'd be chopped.

Yeah moller has been around for a while. I see more talk about the transition though.

Not sure on the regulations, pretty sure you need to provide a flight plan to air traffic control at the nearest airport. It would also depend on your location.
Or you get one of these. Think they're 45k assembled with turbine.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwoOo4QT45E&feature=fvst]Mosquito XET Turbine Helicopter - YouTube[/ame]
The bike looks sick. I would take that over anything...seems like you could use that locally. Fly over houses to the store real quick.
Could you imagine having this in the back yard at some party when you were younger....cops bust in and you hop on this thing and fly up over the house and take off..lol...

That's just an RC prototype which works. In essence most things are the same with RC and scale but you don't have human error, balance, other things of such to consider. For example if that hover bike will bank right / left like a real bike, now your talking about roll. Imagine slipping off that thing at 100 mph 100 ft off the ground.. fuck...
Yeah, it's dangerous as hell but there would be one heck of a market for it anyway.

Honestly I believe that there is pressure on them to delay/stop the hoverbike project from the Government. All small, simple-to-use VTOL aircraft would be a security nightmare for many situations like bank robberies, ransom drops, and assassinations that the police and feds simply couldn't anymore give proper chase to.

Overnight, such a tool would be adopted for use by all kinds of criminals to escape ground-based chases....

Once the po po can afford to buy a fleet of these too it will be allowed. But why allow it at all then? They'd rather just save all that money.
You silly people have no freakin idea how hard it is to fly a helicopter, nor how dangerous these little "build it yourself" POS copters are. Thank god you can't afford it because you'd be dead in no time. By the time you learn how to actually fly a helicopter though, you'll change your mind on buying one of these little toys, trust me.
Yeah, it's dangerous as hell but there would be one heck of a market for it anyway.

Honestly I believe that there is pressure on them to delay/stop the hoverbike project from the Government. All small, simple-to-use VTOL aircraft would be a security nightmare for many situations like bank robberies, ransom drops, and assassinations that the police and feds simply couldn't anymore give proper chase to.

Overnight, such a tool would be adopted for use by all kinds of criminals to escape ground-based chases....

Once the po po can afford to buy a fleet of these too it will be allowed. But why allow it at all then? They'd rather just save all that money.

Yeah cool shit like that is always adopted by military and emergency services before the general public ever gets to think about having one. Sux for us :(

You silly people have no freakin idea how hard it is to fly a helicopter, nor how dangerous these little "build it yourself" POS copters are. Thank god you can't afford it because you'd be dead in no time. By the time you learn how to actually fly a helicopter though, you'll change your mind on buying one of these little toys, trust me.

Actually I do know a thing or two about helicopters. The general population would not buy one because they are too expensive and too intimidating. I also don't agree that all are a POS. But if you know your shit and you can do auto rotations (meaning you spin the blades with the force of the helicopter falling by inverting the pitch) then you can pull out of most problems in a chopper, alive and without a scratch. Not saying I would taxi people around but for my own purposes, based on my experience and location I would be able to have one to fly from the city to any beach in the country.

If you don't like that one they you can get a Robinson R22 or a Hughes 500.
Max speed 115 MPH in Bursts?
Cruising speed 100 MPH?
2 hours of fuel?
That's only a range of 200 miles.

No freaking DOORS? Arggh...

This is a backyard ultralight. It's for fun, not for transportation, really. CERTAINLY not for a commute.

For those needs I'll take one of these anyday:


The Hoverbike

And for something the size & speed of your cute little chopper, but is also roadworthy with 35 MPG on the highway:


The Transition

It costs $280k though, but drives like a car (yes, with a wheel, not a stick!) and has... Doors. Always good in flying machines.

where i can buy this :D