Free Review Copies and affordable rates for Top Manual Social Bookmarking Service

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Great service as usual, everything in order. I am just about to place another order that would have been my 4th or 5th now!


Glad that you like our service.

We got your assignment and we will let you know - Assignment Number and Expected date of delivery as well.

Regards ...
- Lalit
(We are always here to serve)

Ordered 20 bookmarks just to test out the service.
Here's what I've got: 23 bookmarks, 1 not found, 12 nofollow, 10 dofollow: 1xPR0, 9xPR3-8. So basically ~50% dofollow, which I think is a standard ratio for all social bookmarking services out there.
Nearly all urls in the report are actual bookmark urls, not profile urs. That's a HUGE plus for me!
Going strong. Just signed up for 100 SB

Transaction ID: 90A668968P647190P

Filled out web form with details.

Looking forward to it, thanks!
Ordered 100SBs and received 132! that's awesome, thanks Lalit!

Ranking improvement: target page was on bottom of page 3 before -- now it jumped to the bottom of page 1!

got my go to guy for Social Bookmarking now :)
Lalit, I'm waiting for an update on my order and confirmation of the new order I made.
please reply, here or by email...


Yes we got the details and payment of 2 assignments.

We will send you report of 1st assignment within 12 Hours and second assignment report within 24 Hours.

Been waiting for 60 bookmarks since last Saturday no response from thread,pm, or email...

What gives?

Apologies for not confirming you payment.

Within 12 Hours we will send you report.

For the compensation you will get extra 10 social bookmarking for each URL.

Regards ...
- Lalit
(We are always here to serve)

Got the report for 100 SB, all links are in place with new accounts (I requested new accounts, not votes), report is clean and clear as usual.
One Thing though, I know you guys are busy but you need to check the thread at least once a day and reply and sent updates, especially when the delivery stretches.

Besides that, I'm totally happy with the service and with the results I'm seeing !!!!

Thanks Lalit. Waiting for my 2 new orders :-)
ordered up another 3 pack: paypal ID#: 7M199531CK9205419
sent you an email with the details.
thank you.
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