Free Review Copies and affordable rates for Top Manual Social Bookmarking Service

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(Health, Medicine, Dating, Porn, Casino have different rates)

What is the rate for health? 100 SB links?

(Health, Medicine, Dating, Porn, Casino have different rates)

What is the rate for health? 100 SB links?


Rates and details PMd you, kindly check.

2 more order sent to your email.

Thanks again for your repeated orders.

Return clients always bring smile on our face and satisfaction.
Thanks for the AWESOME JOB performed! Overdelivered and Quickly! I will be buying again, Itrader is on the way!

For a seller nothing is better than a satisfactory smile of his/her customer.

Glad that you like the quality of our service.

Is it possible to see the 100 list in advance of ordering?

Yes we are sending you details in PM

Many thanks for my multiple orders, great service as always.

You are always welcome John.

Just keep coming again and again. Its always nice to see you around.

Are your bookmarking accounts created on different IP's?
If so, how many accounts per IP

If I ask you to bookmark 3 pages on my site can you use different bookmarking accounts/IP for each page?
ie: You will use 3 different digg accounts to bookmark the 3 pages on my site and they all use 3 different IP's.
ordering again, pm sent

Its nice to have your order once again.

Thanks Mark.

Are your bookmarking accounts created on different IP's?
If so, how many accounts per IP

If I ask you to bookmark 3 pages on my site can you use different bookmarking accounts/IP for each page?
ie: You will use 3 different digg accounts to bookmark the 3 pages on my site and they all use 3 different IP's.

Yes our accounts created on different IPs

Yes we will use 3 different accounts under different IPs.
Order 80 SBs for 6 sites and the order was delivered in 2 days.

Lalits turnaround is getting faster and faster!

Perfect product and service
I need 10x of the single star pack.
I need 3x of the double star pack.
I need 2x of the triple star pack
I need 2x of the five star pack

Can you PM me?

Wickedfire Single Star Package
Only $1.00 for Top 20 Social Bookmarking

Wickedfire Double Star Package
Only $2.00 for Top 40 Social Bookmarking

Wickedfire Triple Star Package
Only $3.00 for Top 60 Social Bookmarking
Wickedfire Four Star Package
Only $4.00 for Top 80 Social Bookmarking

Wickedfire Five Star Package
Only $5.00 for Top 100 Social Bookmarking
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