just got my report,,
look nice..
just ordered 3 x 20 bookmarks, paypal and pm sent
Want to order 6 x Top 60 Social Bookmarks, let me know the price and I can arrange payment and send you all the details
i have placed the order and have sent you the website details at your paypal address... plz confirm me if you received the details...
Lalit, clear your PM inbox. I cant send you a pm.
Another order for Lalit. details sent.
Grab this promo while you can
Tried this service out for the first time and all I have to say is great work. This is the best bookmarking service I have ever tried. The report was well organized and I saw all the places where my article was bookmarked. You got yourself a long term customer. Will order more soon.
just paypal'd you two 5 star packages and emailed details. I can send you volume.
Sent you money and mail with my order details... Looking forward to your service.
Lalit, excellent work again! Lalit, please warn your team that in the next few weeks there may be a big order coming from me. I may need you and your team to work on anywhere from 15 to 30 websites in one order. Can you handle this type of big order?
Thanks for your continued excellent work
I sent payment and an email for the Wickedfire Triple Star Package - Top 60 SB package