FREE! 500 Social Bookmarking Profile Links!

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sry for the failtits above... here is tha promised tits






hi, bompa.

thanks for the 3-day trial... i like it so far... can you extend me for 7 more days.

(no hypen in my account name)

hi, bompa.

thanks for the 3-day trial... i like it so far... can you extend me for 7 more days.

(no hypen in my account name)


Hi jim, your account was extended a couple days ago, everything ok?

Oh this looks so cool. Can I please have a peak at the demo too??

Hi Mia, I PM'd the demo link to you, did you get it?



Social Bookmarking Profiles and Forum Profiles

Automated Drip Feed System!

250 Links per Day!

Notice in this Example Profile
how I get my keywords
'drip feed links'
'xrumer service'
perfectly anchored!!!

The Perfect Drip Feed!

Quality Links!
Verified Links!
One way Links!
Publically Visible!
Loved By Google!
Reliable Stick Rate!
Safest Links Possible
Slow Daily Drip Feed!
Perfect For New Sites!
User Driven Social Sites!
URLs used for anchored text.
More Link Juice with Aged Accounts!
Ten Times Better Than A Forum Profile!
The List Just Goes On and On and On and On![/INDENT][/INDENT]



"Google Loves These Web2.0 Social Sites!!!"

Drip Feed!
Many experienced SEO consultants believe "too many links too fast",
raises a red flag with Google and can hurt your rankings or get your site
sandboxed. In order that you can feel secure and safe, we have developed
the first social bookmarking profile drip feed technology that will slowly,
drip-feed your links to randomly selected Social Bookmarking Site profiles.

Anti-Footprint Protection!
The last thing you need would be to leave a pattern of links that
Google can detect! That's why with our system, everyday your
URLs are placed on bookmarking site profiles that are drawn randomly
from our database of over 2,000 domains. This technique yields
over a million possible lists.

Anchored Text:
All our Social Bookmarking sites use the URLs as the anchored text.
If your URLs do not already contain your most important keywords,
that might be why you're having trouble moving up the SERPs! Google
gives extra weight to relevant URLs! By having your relevant URLs
in the anchored text, you get double extra weight.

Our propriety software runs once per day. After each run is complete,
your results will be immediately viewable in your account.

* Daily Report shows exactly where your URLs are bookmarked.
* Daily Report via email: .XLS
* Daily Report Contains Uernames and Passwords.
* Everyday your bookmark profiles are selected randomly.
* You are never stuck with an old list!
* Unique Domains! Our database contains over 2,000 sites!
* Super Stick Rate with aged profiles.
* More Link Juice with aged profiles.
* Most webmasters agree:: "Ten Times Better Than A Forum Profile!"

How It Works!

Easy as 1,2,3

1. Subscribe! (Instantly, your account is ready! No waiting!)
2. Login! (Paste your URLs into your account.)
3. You're Done!

and then...?

Our drip feed technology
will drip your URLs
to different Bookmarking profiles
and Forum Profiles everyday!

The Perfect Drip Feed!

Instant Approval!
Instant Setup!
Instant Access!
No Waiting!
even at 3am!!!

Only $57.00/mo

How to get 1,200 FREE links!

Free demo accounts are half-size. Two URLs, 25 SB profiles per day = 50
links per day plus 125 forum profile links everyday!!!

Your first three demo days are just to let you see how easy our web
interface is to use and to experience how super convenient it is to
receive your Daily Reports right in your Inbox.

If after those first three days you don't like the service, your demo account
will expire, you keep the free links, you pay nothing, and we thank you
for trying our service.

However, if after those first three days, you like our service, but need
a bit more time to decide, just say 'thank you' in this thread and ask
for the 7 Day Trial extension. In total, that will give you 125 links
per day times 10 days which is 1250 FREE links.

Just ask for the free demo in this thread!

Great service!
I am very interested in bulk ping service

Hi linj, I emailed you about our Bulk Ping Service. If you still
have questions, let me know.

Hi, any price-locking discounts remaining?

Hi Miaho, I have been saving one just for you. ;)

Great going so far.
The account rocks
Cheers Bompa


What's the value of


Social Bookmark Submissions!?

Check our WF colleague's rates for yourself...

mohsinmajestic's thread

river's thread

ANSWER: about $25.00

...add the value of daily
drip feed technology!

...add the value of the
extra power
of the synergy-ZAP!
resulting from simultaneously
dripping with other mixed links!

Imagine if this were available as a free bonus!?

Now it is, when you order our full package!

details below...


Backlinking System

Social Bookmarking Profiles
Forum Profiles
New! Beta* Social Bookmarking Submissions



"Google Loves These Web2.0 Social Sites!!!"

Drip Feed!
Many experienced SEO consultants believe "too many links too fast",
raises a red flag with Google and can hurt your rankings or get your site
sandboxed. In order that you can feel secure and safe, we have
developed drip feed links technology that will slowly, drip-feed your
links to a mixture of randomly selected websites!.

Our propriety software runs once per day. After each run is complete,
your results will be immediately emailed right to your Inbox and also
available in your account.

* Daily Report shows exactly where your URLs are located.
* Daily Report via email; .XLS formated.
* Everyday your backlinks are selected randomly.
* You are never stuck with an old list!
* Unique Domains! Our database contains over 2,000 sites!
* Super Stick Rate with aged profiles.
* More Link Juice with aged profiles.

How It Works!

As Easy as 1,2,3

1. Signup Instantly, your account is ready! No waiting!
2. Login and paste your URLs into your account.
3. You're Done!

and then...?

SB PROFILES: 3,000 backlinks per month!
Our drip feed technology will place two of your URLs on 50 different
bookmarking PROFILES on random bookmarking sites everyday!
Example SB Profile
Although this CMS uses the URL as the anchor, notice how I
got my keywords anchored perfectly!

Two URLs x 50 bookmarking profiles = 100 Quality Links per Day!

Forum Profiles: 4,500 backlinks per month!
Our drip feed technology will place three of your URLs on 50
different FORUM profiles on random forums everyday!
Example Forum Profile

New! Beta* Module-3
Social Bookmarks: 2,700 backlinks per month!
Our drip feed technology will place your URL, your Title, your Description,
and your Tags on 30 random Bookmarking sites per day!

Each Bookmarking Submission actually yields three links:

Example of one bookmark submission:
Account's History
Account's Recent (shaken)
The Story Page
One submission, THREE LINKS! This module, in itself, is worth over $25.00/mo.

Module-4 (coming in a week or two)
Our next module to be developed is expected be blog comments.

Lock in today's price!

Daily Mixed Links Can't be Beat!!!

Signup now Only $57.00/mo

Instant Approval!
Instant Setup!
Instant Access!
No Waiting!
even at 3am!!!

How to get 600 FREE links!

We are offering Free demo accounts which are half-size and run for five days.
There are no extensions to these demos because of the higher value of our package
and we have learned that five days is plently of time to make a decision.

Just ask for the free demo in this thread!

signed up.

looks like I'm testing 3 drip feed services this month. Backlinks Genie, Dripable, and now Dripfeedbookmarks. Looking forward to seeing which one comes out on top.
I got it... Ta very much :)

Received your signup. Setup and access is instant of course.
Welcome aboard!


I would like to try your service, please give me 3 days trial

Hi BeJohny, you are in dude!

sounds lovely, demo please

Hi saratmas, PM'd the link to you, let me know if you have questions.

signed up.

looks like I'm testing 3 drip feed services this month. Backlinks Genie, Dripable, and now Dripfeedbookmarks. Looking forward to seeing which one comes out on top.

Welcome aboard RockDiesel!

What's the value of


Social Bookmark Submissions!?

Check our WF colleague's rates for yourself...

mohsinmajestic's thread

river's thread

ANSWER: about $25.00

...add the value of daily
drip feed technology!

...add the value of the
extra power
of the synergy-ZAP!
resulting from simultaneously
dripping with other mixed links!

Imagine if this were available as a free bonus!?

Now it is, when you order our full package!

details below...


Backlinking System

Social Bookmarking Profiles
Forum Profiles
New! Beta* Social Bookmarking Submissions



"Google Loves These Web2.0 Social Sites!!!"

Drip Feed!
Many experienced SEO consultants believe "too many links too fast",
raises a red flag with Google and can hurt your rankings or get your site
sandboxed. In order that you can feel secure and safe, we have
developed drip feed links technology that will slowly, drip-feed your
links to a mixture of randomly selected websites!.

Our propriety software runs once per day. After each run is complete,
your results will be immediately emailed right to your Inbox and also
available in your account.

* Daily Report shows exactly where your URLs are located.
* Daily Report via email; .XLS formated.
* Everyday your backlinks are selected randomly.
* You are never stuck with an old list!
* Unique Domains! Our database contains over 2,000 sites!
* Super Stick Rate with aged profiles.
* More Link Juice with aged profiles.

How It Works!

As Easy as 1,2,3

1. Signup Instantly, your account is ready! No waiting!
2. Login and paste your URLs into your account.
3. You're Done!

and then...?

SB PROFILES: 3,000 backlinks per month!
Our drip feed technology will place two of your URLs on 50 different
bookmarking PROFILES on random bookmarking sites everyday!
Example SB Profile
Although this CMS uses the URL as the anchor, notice how I
got my keywords anchored perfectly!

Two URLs x 50 bookmarking profiles = 100 Quality Links per Day!

Forum Profiles: 4,500 backlinks per month!
Our drip feed technology will place three of your URLs on 50
different FORUM profiles on random forums everyday!
Example Forum Profile

New! Beta* Module-3
Social Bookmarks: 2,700 backlinks per month!
Our drip feed technology will place your URL, your Title, your Description,
and your Tags on 30 random Bookmarking sites per day!

Each Bookmarking Submission actually yields three links:

Example of one bookmark submission:
Account's History
Account's Recent (shaken)
The Story Page
One submission, THREE LINKS! This module, in itself, is worth over $25.00/mo.

Module-4 (coming in a week or two)
Our next module to be developed is expected be blog comments.

Lock in today's price!

Daily Mixed Links Can't be Beat!!!

Signup now Only $57.00/mo

Instant Approval!
Instant Setup!
Instant Access!
No Waiting!
even at 3am!!!

How to get 600 FREE links!

We are offering Free demo accounts which are half-size and run for five days.
There are no extensions to these demos because of the higher value of our package
and we have learned that five days is plently of time to make a decision.

Just ask for the free demo in this thread!

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